
摘 要
自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,我国一直推行渐进式的金融体制改革,经过 20 年的努力,我国金融体系逐步完善,在金融业的改革逐步推进的同时,我国也在努力推进金融业的开放,但是我国对资本市场的开放是相当谨慎的。我国在上世纪末的亚洲金融危机中之所以未受较大冲击,其主要因素在于我国资本市场是基本封闭的,人民币资本项目下不能实现自由兑换,因此在一定程度上避免了外国资本对我国金融市场的冲击。随着经济全球化的不断加剧,国际游资给我国资本市场带来了众多的机遇和挑战,冲击我国薄弱的金融体系,国内证券市场的上市公司信息披露、监管机构的监管水平等远远落后于香港、美国等发达的资本市场,资本市场发展也处于改革发展的重要过程中,需要有个契机来改变自己,融入到世界资本市场发展浪潮中。资本市场的开放和资本帐户下人民币的自由兑换是我国经济发展和金融成长的必然趋势。“沪港通”的出现,正是这种要求的产物,是我国走向资本市场完全开放的一种渐进策略。2014年11月17日,沪港通正式开通,标志着我国资本市场开放进入了重要的一个阶段。“沪港通”的开通是上海与国际资本市场互联互通的重要举措。加快改革开放内地金融市场,方便了国际投资者参与国内A股市场的投资以及我国国内投资者参与香港股市,扩大了国内投资的投资渠道,助于推动人民币国际化,并支持香港作为离岸人民币业务中心的发展,增加人民币资金的投资渠道,方便人民币在两地流通,提高中国股票市场在全球市场的整体竞争力。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Since 1980s, China has been promoting the gradual reform of the financial system, after 20 years of efforts, China's financial system has gradually improved, and in the financial industry's reform, while China is also trying to promote the opening of the financial industry, but China's opening up to the capital market is quite cautious. In the last century, China has not been affected by the impact of the Asian financial crisis, the main factor is that China's capital market is basically closed, the RMB capital project can not be achieved freely convertible, so to some extent, to avoid the impact of foreign capital on China's financial market. With the increasing economic globalization, the international hot money has brought many opportunities and challenges to China's capital market, the weak financial system, the domestic securities market information disclosure, regulatory agencies, and so far behind Hongkong, the United States and other developed capital markets, capital market development is also in the important process of reform and development, the need to have an opportunity to change themselves, integrated into the world capital market development tide. Capital market opening and capital account convertibility of the RMB is an inevitable trend of China's economic development and financial growth. Shanghai and Shanghai through the emergence of this requirement is the product of China's capital market is fully open to a gradual strategy. November 17, 2014, Shanghai and Shanghai Tong officially opened, marking the opening of China's capital market has entered an important stage. Shanghai and Shanghai, the opening is an important measure of interoperability and international capital markets. Accelerate the reform and opening up the mainland financial markets, the international investors to participate in the domestic A-share market investment and domestic investors to participate in the Hongkong stock market, expanding domestic investment channels, to promote the internationalization of RMB, and support Hongkong as an offshore RMB business center of development, increase the investment channels of RMB funds, to improve the overall competitiveness of China's stock market in the global market.
Therefore, this paper studies the impact of "Hong Kong stocks through" on the mainland securities market, and discusses the significance of the "Hong Kong stock market" to the mainland securities market, so as to take corresponding reform measures to the adverse effects, in order to promote the development of the mainland capital market to provide a useful reference.
Key words: Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program; Capital market; connectivity mechanism; impact
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 I
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1研究目的 1
1.2研究意义 1
1.2.1理论意义 1
1.2.2现实意义 1
1.3研究方法 2
1.4本文的结构框架 2
1.5主要创新点 3
第2章 文献综述 4 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
2.1国外发展趋势 4
2.2国内研究现状 6
第3章 “港股通”运行分析 9
3.1“港股通”概述 9
3.2推行“港股通”的动因 9
3.2.1“沪港通”将带来增量资金,推动中国金融改革进程 9
3.2.2“沪港通”有助于推动利率市场化以及人民币国际化 10
3.2.3“港股通”促进我国资本市场投资主体以及投资风格的转变 10
3.3港股通的运行过程 13
3.4港股通交易机制与上交所区别 13
3.5论证分析 14
第4章 港股通对内地证券市场的影响分析 23
4.1港股通对内地证券市场的风险及挑战 23
4.1.1内地资本市场发展缓慢,缺乏国际竞争力 23
4.1.2完善强化内地监管水平 24
4.1.3汇率风险不可避免,防范海外热钱涌入 25 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
4.1.4两地不同的交易制度差异的风险 26
4.1.5内地资本市场投资者保护不力 27
4.2港股通对内地证券市场的机遇分析 27
4.2.1促进两地金融交流合作、市场开放与完善 27
4.2.2推动离岸人民币市场的发展,促进人民币国际化发展 29
4.2.3推动中国资本市场的规范改革和发展 30
4.2.4进一步推进上海国际金融中心,建设多层次市场及蓝筹市场 30
第5章 应对港股通制度冲击的措施 32
5.1加强国内资本市场变革,提高两地国际竞争力 32
5.1.1在法律上规范企业现金分红 32
5.1.2建立优先股制度 32
5.1.3设立股市平准基金,平抑股市大起大落 32
5.1.4注册制改革迫在眉睫 32
5.1.5要继续培育中国的蓝筹股以及债券市场 33 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
5.1.6进一步发展证券投资基金市场以及衍生品市场 33
5.2监管部门加大监管力度,促进A股市场发展 33
5.3保持独立的货币政策环境,防范汇率风险 34
5.3.1加强我国汇率体制改革 34
5.3.2缓解中国外汇储备压力,促进人民币国际化进程 35
5.3.3货币政策继续宽松,央行持续降准降息 36
5.4 A股交易制度配套机制亟需制度创新 37
5.4.1改革相关征税制度 37
5.4.2取消涨跌停板限制以及实施T+0制度 37
5.4.3放开投资标的范围以及额度限制 38
5.5加强投资者教育,保护投资者利益 38
第6章 结 论 39
参考文献 40
致 谢 44