
本文运用理论联系实际,深入了解调研企业,普遍性与特殊性相结合的方法分五个章节,这五个章节主要阐述了本文所研究的财务信息化的主要内容。本文绪论主要对财务信息化的研究背景进行简单描述,国内外研究现状,研究目的和意义,研究主要内容和拟解决的主要问题,研究方法与思路,研究创新与特色。 第二章,企业财务信息化概述。介绍相关理论,特别是企业财务信息化管理困境及其对策方面的基本理论和方法。第三章,TY重工财务信息化发展现状。介绍TY重工的总体状况、组织概况、财务状况、信息化建设应遵循的原则以及对企业关键业务流程的分析。第四章,TY重工财务信息化存在的问题分析。找出企业存在的财务信息化问题并分析其原因。第五章,完善TY重工财务信息化的建议。主要是针对TY重工财务信息化过程中的管理困境提出建设性的意见和建议。最终得出企业的发展离不开财务信息化建设的结论。 [资料来源:]
关键词:TY重工 信息化建设 财务信息化 关键业务
How to seek survival and development in a fiercely competitive environment has posed a severe challenge to enterprises. Only by developing and exploiting the information resources closely associated with market competition comprehensively, timely, accurately and efficiently, will enterprises become more competitive in the booming financial market. Meanwhile, not only have the full collection, selection, analysis, sharing and utilization of information resources evolved into the key factor that plays a decisive role in corporate competitiveness, but the active information construction has been turned into the only way to raise the market competitiveness of enterprises.
The financial information of enterprises constitutes not only the significant part of information construction, but also the only way to carry out information reform. In this paper, the research objective is to find out the management difficulties that Chinese enterprises, especially group enterprises, encounter in financial information process, analyze the main reasons for the management difficulties, and propose useful opinions and suggestions through a survey on TY Heavy Industry,
Theory is combined with practice to develop a further understanding of the surveyed enterprise. Besides, by integrating universality with particularity, this paper is decomposed into five chapters to discuss the theories and application of financial information from practical perspective. The first chapter is introduction, which revolves around research background, current research situation at home and abroad, research objective and significance, major research contents and the problems to be solved, research methods and thoughts, and research innovations and characteristics. The second chapter is the introduction to corporate financial information, which focuses on introducing relevant theories, particularly the management difficulties as well as the basic strategic theories and methods of corporate financial information. The third chapter lays emphasis on the development situation of financial information of TY Heavy Industry. It gives an introduction to the overall situation, organization situation, financial situation, and the information construction rules of TY Heavy Industry, as well as analyzes the key business process of the company. The fourth chapter places focus on the analysis about the financial information problems of TY Heavy Industry. This chapter aims to detect the financial information problems of the company and analyze
the reasons for these problems. The fifth chapter puts forward the suggestions on how to improve the financial information of TY Heavy Industry. Attention is paid to presenting the constructive opinions and suggestions on how to address the management difficulties in the financial information of TY Heavy Industry. Finally, a conclusion that corporate development could not be realized without financial information construction is drawn.
The innovation of this paper is to devise a corporate financial information system regarding business operation, management control and decision support by dint of financial information theories from a distinct research perspective. This mode serves corporate strategy closely and analyzes the problems that need to be solved urgently in corporate financial information process in detail from the perspective of key business to come up with constructive strategies.
Keywords: TY Heavy Industry; information construction; financial information; key business [资料来源:]
目 录
学位论文原创性声明 1
学位论文版权使用授权书 1
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 问题的提出与研究目的 1
1.3 文献综述 1
1.3.1 国内文献 2
1.3.2 国外文献综述 3
1.3.3 综合评述 6
1.4 研究方法和研究思路 6
1.5 研究的创新和特色 7
第二章 企业财务信息化理论与实践 8
2.1 财务信息化的科学内涵 8
2.1.1 企业财务信息化的经济学分析 8
2.1.2 企业财务信息化的管理学分析 9
2.2 企业财务信息化的模式 10
2.2.1 企业战略管理信息化全景及其方法 10
2.2.2企业财务信息系统的模式 11
2.3企业财务信息化项目的实施 13 [资料来源:]
2.3.1业务流程改造 13
2.3.2数据准备 13
2.3.3人员培训 14
2.3.4安全防护 14
2.4我国财务信息化实践及其启示 15
第三章 TY重工财务信息化发展现状 18
3.1 TY重工总体状况介绍 18
3.1.1 TY重工企业介绍 18
3.1.2 TY重工财务管理总体模式 19
3.2 TY重工组织概况 20
3.2.1 TY重工组织构架及其主要分工 20
3.2.2 TY重工各公司财务部门与其他相关部门的关联关系 20
3.3 TY重工财务管理关键业务及流程分析 22
3.3.1 集中核算办法及会计政策统一 23
3.3.2 基本账务核算 24
3.3.3 报表编制 25
3.3.4 固定资产管理 26
3.3.5 资金计划编制 27
3.3.6 结算中心业务 28
3.3.7 合同管理 30
3.3.8银企直联(网银) 31
第四章 TY重工财务信息化存在的问题分析 33
4.1 实地调查 33
4.1.1调查目的 33
4.1.2 调查过程 33
4.1.3 调查结果 34
4.2问题发现 34
4.2.1会计政策统一,缺乏有效的手段支撑 34
4.2.2监督不力,很难做到事前、事中监督与财务信息查询 34
4.2.3 财务信息系统不完善造成合同管理困扰 35
4.2.4 企业人才资源有限,财务人员学习热情不高 35
4.2.5 企业之间缺乏沟通,难以充分发挥财务信息化的功效 36
4.2.6 企业重视程度不够,缺乏政策支持和资金支持 36
第五章 完善TY重工财务信息化的建议 38
5.1 会计政策的灵活管理,转变财务数据的管理方式 38
5.2 有效地利用财务管理平台来实现企业事前事中监督 39
5.3 完善企业财务信息系统,发挥财务软件的有效管理作用 40 [资料来源:]
5.4 重视人才管理,激发员工学习热情,提高员工参与度 41
5.5 大力推进企业之间的合作与交流 41
5.6 加大对信息化建设的资金投入和政策支持 42
结论与展望 43
参考文献 45
附录一:企业财务信息化调查问卷 47 [资料来源:]