
摘 要
Financial management is the core of modern enterprise management, which is throughout the entire operating activities among enterprises. In complex international competitive environment, financial management capacity of Chinese enterprises matters with the future development of the overall business, and competitive position in the international market. However, at this stage, Chinese company’s financial management exists a lot of randomness, their overall level of financial management being far behind multinational. Many companies have not effectively imply accounting standards, which exist problems like,financial management is not standardized, internal control is not perfect, state fiscal policy is not observed and so on. Therefore, to enhance the overall financial management of our business is essential to the future development of our nation’s enterprises. Building financial management capacity certification system which can evaluate the whole process of corporate financial management will effectively help enterprises fully understand their own financial management, and find the weak link in order to take early corrective actions to help enterprises to continuously strengthen their financial management capacity. Otherwise, stakeholders can get a clearer and more reliable business information to help them make business-related decisions, and government regulators can also develop and implement more effective supervision and management policies of the enterprise.
At present, the researches on financial management capacity is still not perfect, the study of financial management capacity certification system is very few, while our nation also has not put the appropriate laws and regulations to govern the practices of financial management capacity certification. This paper make a definition of the related concepts related to financial management capacity by summarizing existing research literature, and thus make the scope and object of the study clear. And this paper learn from the successful experience of other mature certification systems (eg: ISO9000 quality certification, AACSB business school accreditation, etc.) to make elaborate the characteristics, methods, processes and applications of financial management capacity certification system. Based on the above analysis, a process-oriented enterprise financial management capacity certification system is built, which has standardized procedures, and as comprehensive coverage, including qualitative and quantitative financial indicator. And then use Delphi and AHP to empower each indicator to differentiate their degree of importance. Then apply this certification system to XM's practice for case examination. By collecting relevant information and site visits, we get the certification information we need, and make a score to the corresponding index. Finally, we calculate the company's current financial management capacity certification level, and propose appropriate recommendations for the company’s improvement. At the end of the paper, by assess and analysis the application effect of the certification system, we point out its advantage and some problems should be further improved. [资料来源:]
Through this study, we constructed a set of comprehensive and reasonable financial management certification system with standardized procedures. It overcome hysteresis of the past corporate financial management assessment based on performance evaluation, and put more emphasis on the entire process of financial management. Thus helping companies find deficiencies from all aspects of financial management, then timely improve. This will continuously urge enterprises to strengthen financial management and improve competitiveness.
Key Words: financial management capacity, certification system, indicator weighting
摘 要 1
Abstract 3
目录 1
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景和研究意义 1
1.1.1 选题背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 国内外研究动态 4
1.2.1 财务管理能力的内涵 4
1.2.2 财务管理能力的构成要素 6
1.2.3 企业财务管理能力的评价 7
1.2.4 总结与述评 8
1.3 研究内容和研究方法 9
1.4 本文的创新点与不足之处 10
第二章 企业财务管理能力认证体系构建的理论基础 11
2.1 财务管理能力的内涵 11
2.2 财务管理能力的构成要素 11
2.3 财务管理能力认证 15
2.3.1 IS09000质量管理认证体系 15
2.3.2 企业资信评级 16
2.3.3 商学院认证体系 17
2.3.4 企业财务管理能力认证体系 17
第三章 企业财务管理能力认证体系的构建 20
3.1 财务管理能力认证体系构建所采用的方法 20
3.1.1 层次分析法 20
3.1.2 专家打分法 20
3.1.3 熵值法 21
3.2 财务管理能力认证指标体系的构建 21
3.3 财务管理能力认证指标的赋权 23
3.3.1 指标赋权方法的选取 23
3.3.2 认证指标权重的确定 24
第四章 财务管理能力认证体系的应用案例 29
4.1 XM公司简介 29
4.2 对XM公司实施财务管理能力认证的程序 29
4.2.1 准备工作 29
4.2.2 实施过程 30
4.2.3 形成财务管理能力认证报告 30
4.2.4 认证结果的说明 31
4.3 财务管理能力认证的评分标准 32
4.4 对XM公司财务管理能力各指标的评分 40
4.5 对XM公司的意见和建议 48
第五章 结论与展望 50
5.1 研究结论 50
5.2 政策建议 51
5.3 研究展望 53
参考文献 54