
摘 要
In order to improve the market competitiveness of the enterprise, centralized financial strength to better achieve development, merger and reorganization of assets has become one of the important methods for many enterprises choose. Through the enterprise merger and reorganization of assets, the rational allocation of social resources optimization combination and can realize enterprise assets, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of optimizing the structure of the whole capital of the enterprise, such enterprise gathering assets for strength and scale development has very important significance. However, in the process of enterprise merger and reorganization of assets, will inevitably encounter the problem of financial risks accordingly, this is because the assets of enterprise merger and reorganization at the same time, relates to the valuation of assets after the merger and reorganization, financing activities, these different business activity in the financial risk will show. Once the financial risk of enterprise merger and reorganization of assets cannot be timely prevention, will affect the quality and efficiency of enterprise merger and reorganization of assets, and then affect the development of enterprises.
In this regard, financial risk taking in the annexation and reorganization of enterprises as the research object, on the base of analyzing the related theory of financial risk of enterprise merger and reorganization of assets, A Corporation as a case, analyzes the financial risk of enterprise merger and reorganization of assets, according to enterprise asset mergers and acquisitions in the financial risk problem is proposed corresponding countermeasures, so as to help the enterprise to reduce financial risk in the process of merger and reorganization of assets, in order to promote the development of enterprises.
Keywords: Mergers and acquisitions, Financial risk, Prevention
目 录
学位论文原创性声明 1
学位论文版权使用授权书 1
摘 要 1
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外文献综述 2
1.2.1 国内研究综述 2
1.2.2 国外研究综述 3
1.3 研究内容与方法 5
1.4 主要工作和创新 6
1.5 论文的基本结构 6
第2章 企业兼并重组中的财务风险相关理论概述 8
2.1 风险相关理论 8
2.1.1 风险理论发展概述 8
2.1.2 风险管理理论概述 9
2.2 企业兼并重组相关理论 10
2.2.1 企业兼并重组的定义及特点 10
2.2.2 企业兼并重组中财务风险的定义及特点 11
2.2.3 企业兼并重组中的财务风险种类 12
2.2.4 企业兼并重组中财务风险管理的具体内容 14
2.2.5 企业兼并重组中财务风险管理的必要性 14
第3章 C公司兼并重组中的财务风险问题分析 17
3.1 兼并过程介绍 17
3.2 C公司兼并重组中的财务分析 18
3.2.1 财务状况分析 18
3.2.2 盈利能力分析 22
3.3 C公司兼并重组中存在的财务风险问题 25
3.3.1 估价风险 25
3.3.2 融资风险 29
3.3.3 支付风险 32
3.3.4 财务整合风险 33
第4章 C公司兼并重组中财务风险问题的防范对策 34
4.1 估价风险的防范 34
4.1.1 利用各种渠道减轻信息不对称性的影响 34
4.1.2 使用调整后的财务报表 35
4.1.3 选择正确的价值评估方法 36
4.2 融资风险的防范 37
4.2.1 制定正确的融资决策 37
4.2.2 拓展融资渠道,保证融资结构合理化 37
4.2.3 合理规划兼并融资的资本成本 38
4.2.4 由杠杆收购融资 38
4.2.5 建立资本积累的约束机制 39
4.3 支付风险的防范 39
4.3.1 采用股权支付,防范支付风险 39
4.3.2 采用可转换债券支付,防范支付风险 39
4.3.3 采用混合支付方式,防范支付风险 40
4.4 财务整合风险的防范 40
4.4.1财务目标的整合统一 40
4.4.2财务管理系统的统一整合 40
4.4.3 会计系统的整合 40
4.4.4 对D公司资产债务的整合 41
4.4.5 及时销售D公司 41
结论与展望 42
1、结论 42
2、展望 43
参考文献 44