
关 键 词:社区安全, 公众参与, 作用
The third Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee pointed out that the innovation of community safety governance must focus on safeguarding the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, maximize the increase of harmonious factors, and enhance the vitality of social development. Improve the level of community safety governance. In the management of community public safety, if the public participate in it, it will help to mobilize people to care about their homes. Based on the analysis of public participation in public security management factors, analysis of the main problems, in-depth exploration of effective ways, the purpose is to improve the efficiency of the development and utilization of social resources. To provide support for the city on the road of healthy and sustainable development.
Community management related theoretical research is the starting point of this paper, the use of normative research and empirical research method, and based on empirical research, and then rise to the normative level of research is the basic research path of this paper. Taking the domestic and foreign urban communities as the target and the use of inductive and deductive methods as the means to achieve the full interdisciplinary study of its current situation the research exists in which the problems and based on a certain value judgment. In view of the public participation in the urban community construction, this paper gives its own opinions and suggestions. Taking a comprehensive view of the existing research results of citizen participation in community safety governance, it is embodied in the participation of a specific thing; Involvement in a given area Analysis of the ubiquitous predicament and path .
This study is a case study of BTS youth community in the form of questionnaires and interviews, through the descriptive analysis and correlation analysis of the results of the survey. It is found that civic participation in urban communities has some problems, such as unclear rights and responsibilities of participating governance subjects, limited access to participation, low social capital of communities, and so on. In order to realize the orderly participation of citizens in urban community governance, we should not only start with the role orientation of the participants and the participation system, but also enhance the citizens' participation consciousness. To strengthen the cultivation of community social capital. Citizen participation in urban community governance is a process of continuous development and continuous improvement. In this process, the government has the responsibility, the community Will have the responsibility, as the citizen also has the responsibility, only then the joint effort can finally realize the citizen's orderly participation. This article in the analysis research related question foundation, analyzes the feasibility path. This is the important purpose of this study, and then take the research status and research dilemma as the object, in the domestic and foreign experience for reference, adhere to the guidance of basic theory. In view of the citizens themselves and social organizations, this paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions, thus promoting the further improvement of the governance mechanism of citizen participation in community safety.
Keywords: community safety, public participation ,role
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 9
1.1 研究的背景与意义 9
1.1.1研究背景 9
1.2.2研究意义 9
1.2国内外研究现状 10
1.2.1国外研究现状 10
1.2.2国内研究现状 11
1.3 研究的方法 12
1.3.1文献法 12
1.3.2系统分析方法 13
1.3.3个案研究法 13
1.4 研究内容与框架 13
1.4.1研究内容 13
1.4.2研究路线 14
第二章 相关的理论基础 16
2.1 相关概念界定 16
2.1.1公共参与概述 16
2.1.2 社区安全概述 17
2.2 相关理论 19
2.2.1 社会团结理论 20
2.2.2 公民参与理论 21
2.2.3 公民社会理论 21
2.2.4 治理理论 22
2.3公众参与社区安全管理的作用与意义 23
2.3.1公众参与是对应社区管理日益复杂化的需要 23
2.3.2公众参与能够满足社区公众的多元化诉求的需要 24
2.3.3满足社区文化与归属感建立的需要 24
第三章 BTS青年社区公众参与社区安全管理的现状分析 24
3.1BTS青年社区基本情况 24
3.2 BTS青年社区安全公众参与管理现状 25
3.2.1 BTS青年社区安全管理的现状分析 25
3.2.2 BTS青年社区安全公众参与调查 26
第四章 BTS青年社区公众参与社区安全管理中存在的问题及影响因素 32
4.1 BTS青年社区公众参与社区安全管理中存在的问题 32
4.1.1参与主体存在的问题 32
4.1.2参与途径存在的问题 33
4.1.3个人利益驱动 34 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.1.4社会资本存在的问题 34
4.2 影响BTS青年社区公众参与社区安全管理的因素分析 35
4.2.1公众的参与环境 35
4.2.2公众的参与能力 36
第五章 扩大BTS青年社区公众参与社区安全管理的措施 38
5.1 健全法律法规保障公民参与 38
5.1.1健全社区公民参与的法律法规 39
5.1.2细化社区公民参与的法律规定 39
5.2构建动力机制鼓励公民参与 40
5.2.1建立公民参与的激励机制 41
5.2.2强化居民和社区间的利益关系 41
5.3 规制政府和社区的权利 42
5.3.1规制政府和社区的权能 42
5.3.2社区居委会真正回归自治地位 44
5.4 规建多元化的社区自组织网络 45
5.4.1大力发展社区非政府组织 45
5.4.2创新社区自组织的形式 46
5.5 构建参与型公民文化 47
5.5.1政府:主动推动公民文化的构建 47
5.5.2社区自组织:发挥公民意识教育的功能 49
5.5.3公民有序参与:历练现代公民精神 50
5.6 培养“积极公民资格”的现代公民 50
5.6.1倡导公民直接参与 50
5.6.2关注公民美德培育 51
6.1 本文结论 52
6.2 展望 53
参考文献 54
致谢 59 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]