
首先,为能对国内外黄金市场波动特征有全面的了解,简介了世界主要黄金市场的基本情况,分析了黄金市场波动的特点,并归纳了黄金价格波动的长期和短期影响因素。其中,长期影响因素决定于黄金自身的供求关系,而短期内黄金价格则多受到外部因素影响,如美元指数、股票指数、CRB指数、原油价格、央行操作、战乱及国际政治、金融局势等因素。 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
第四,为对国际与国内的黄金价格收益率波动性进行实证分析,分别应用 模型、 模型、 模型以及 模型来实证分析伦敦黄金市场和上海黄金市场的波动性问题。并对比给出了 拟合效果和预测精度更好的结论。
关键词:黄金市场 收益率 波动特征 GARCH模型 杠杆效应 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
In recent years, due to the European sovereign debt crisis, the U.S. economic downturn, the impact of the outbreak of the various regions of the world wars and other factors, the global financial markets remain volatile, multi-national central banks have opened the gate of the liquidity of money, such as the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the Bank of Japan, the global quantitative easing competition continues to heat up. Meanwhile, China’s economic growth has slowed and the prices have continued rising due to the impact of factors, such as the uncertainty of the international economic situation, serious inflationary pressures and devaluation the dollar.Mainland stock markets have slumped sharply, domestic residents and businesses are facing the problems of finding a safe investment tool.As international reserve asset, however, gold causes widespread concerns of many investors for investing in the gold market with the irreplaceable function of making up the balance of payments deficit, maintaining the national currency exchange rate stability and being natural anti-inflation.Currently, domestic gold markets are mature in China and various varieties of gold trading are introduced, all that provide an possibility to increase the value of assets and risk aversion for domestic residents and businesses by investing in the gold markets.The risk of price fluctuations must be faced with the investment in markets. Then, it’s necessary to research the volatility characteristics of the gold markets in China.Under this background, this article research the fluctuation characteristics of international and domestic gold markets using the GARCH model from the perspective of qualitative and quantitative. The main research contents are listed as follows:
First, to comprehend the feature of fluctuations in domestic and international gold markets comprehensively, the basic situation of the world's major gold markets are introduced and the characteristics of volatility are analyzed, then, the long-term and short-term factors affecting the gold price fluctuations are summarized.Among above all, the long-term impacting factors are determined by the supply and demand of gold itself, while the short-terms are affected by external factors particularly, such as dollar index, stock index, CRB index, crude oil prices, the central bank operations, war and international political, financial situation and so on.
Secondly, for using the GARCH model preferably, the theory of the GARCH model are introduced systematically. Meanwhile, the GED method processing the thick tail laws of financial time series and parameters likelihood estimation method for the GARCH model are introduced, then the related financial data processing test methods are described briefly.
Third, to understand the statistical characteristics of the gold price series data deeply and verify the adaptability of research models, the standard spot gold in London is selected as a representative of the international gold prices and Shanghai Au9995 is as a domestic representative. A statistical features analysis is conducted and the volatility clustering phenomenon is found between the yield time series. Then the related statistical tests are taken to indicate that the both return time sequences are stationary and auto-correlation. The exhibits heteroskedasticity exists in time sequences indicates that the two sequences of daily logarithmic returns exist autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Fourth, to research the volatility of international and domestic gold price for empirical analysis, the 、 、 and model are be applied to empirical analyze the volatility problems of London and Shanghai gold market. And the conclusion is presented by comparison that the model can achieve the better fitting effect and forecast precision.
Finally, the conclusions that the volatility is with high persistence and "leverage effect" in the gold markets at home and abroad are reached. For sounding China's gold markets, the relevant policy recommendations are proposed with the actual situation.
Key words: gold markets yield fluctuation characteristics GARCH model leverage effect
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 选题的研究背景与意义 1
第二节 国内外相关研究概况 3
一、 波动性特征模型研究概况 3 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
二、 黄金市场波动性研究概况 7
第三节 本文的主要研究内容与结构 13
第二章 黄金市场波动特点及其影响因素 14
第一节 引言 14
第二节 国际黄金市场构成简介 14
一、 世界黄金市场 14
二、 中国黄金市场 16
第三节 黄金价格波动特点 16
一、 短期分时段性波动特点 16
二、 长期周期性波动特点 17
第四节 黄金价格波动的影响因素分析 19
一、 长期影响因素 19
二、 短期影响因素 20
第五节 本章小结 25
第三章 波动性相关理论模型及检验方法 26
第一节 引言 26
第二节 GARCH族模型相关理论 27
一、 ARCH模型 27
二、 GARCH模型 27
三、 EGARCH模型 28
四、 TGARCH模型 29
五、 (G)ARCH-M模型 29
第三节 GARCH族模型的参数估计 30
一、 厚尾分布规律 30
二、 极大似然估计法 31
三、 经验似然估计法 32
第四节 相关检验方法简述 33
一、 正态性检验方法 33
二、 自相关检验方法 33
三、 ADF检验方法 34
四、 ARCH LM检验方法 35
第五节 本章小结 35
第四章 基于GARCH类模型的黄金市场收益率及波动性实证分析 37
第一节 引言 37
第二节 研究样本及收益率的计算 38
一、 研究样本的选取 38 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
二、 收益率的计算 39
三、 统计特征与图形分析 40
第三节 相关统计检验 41
一、 平稳性检验 41
二、 相关性检验 42
三、 ARCH效应检验 43
第四节 基于GARCH族模型的黄金价格收益率序列的实证分析 44
一、 基于GARCH模型的黄金价格收益率实证分析 44
二、 基于GARCH-M模型的黄金价格收益率实证分析 46
三、 基于EGARCH模型的黄金价格收益率实证分析 47
四、 基于EGARCH-M模型的黄金价格收益率实证分析 50
第五节 GARCH族各模型的拟合结果对比分析 52
第六节 主要实证结论及政策、投资建议 53
第七节 本章小结 55
第五章 论文工作总结与展望 56
第一节 论文主要工作总结 56
第二节 尚待进一步研究展望 57
致 谢 58
参考文献 59