
二十一世纪以来,我国已经成为全球最大的新兴医药市场,医药工业总产值保持高速增长,根据南方所统计,在“十一五”期间,我国医药工业总产值增长率是23.31%。受到国家经济结构转型、医疗政策改革等多重因素的影响,我国医药工业总产值增速开始放缓,2015 年同比增长15%,销售收入和利润总额分别增长13%和11%,显示出我国医药行业已告别前期的高速增长阶段,实现了增速探底。
医药行业是受国家政策影响较大的行业,近五年也是加速医疗改革实施的五年,尤其近两年频繁颁发新的政策:政府通过在采购过程中采取药品阳光采购、规定公立医院取消药品加成等诸多举措,加快药品的降价速度;重新修定《药品管理法》和《药品经营管理规范》等法律法规,对药品的研发、生产、审批、储存、运输、销售等各个环节进行有效的控制,确保药品质量。同时,可以增加行业壁垒,使不规范的小的生产企业退出医药行业;控制公立医院医疗费用增长幅度,新环保法的实施、加强合规风险的控制等多项措施,使得制药行业目前面临很大的挑战。与此同时,实施分级诊疗制度,建立医疗联合体,推进医疗资源下沉,实施全民医保等政策,又给医药行业带来很大机会。 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
M 制药公司在1993年4月进入中国市场,是中国最早专业生产麻醉镇痛类药品的中外合资企业,随着不断发展,于2006年10月成为独资公司。2010年投资两千万美元在北京中关村科技园建造工厂,2011年开始投入使用。近5年成为M制药公司发展最快的5年,进入中国市场的前20年仅有美施康定、奥施康定、奇曼丁三个产品,2013年上市了若思本和奥诺美两个镇痛领域重磅产品。极大的完善了M制药公司在镇痛领域的产品线,形成了癌痛、非癌痛和术后痛领域均有涉及的状态。经过20多年在镇痛领域的发展,在疼痛的治疗领域已逐渐形成了自己的品牌优势,拥有良好的镇痛领域市场基础,同时,M制药公司本身也拥有较先进的生产设备、完善的营销队伍及较完善的组织架构,这些都对M公司的发展奠定了基础,在销售额方面每年都有较大增长,在镇痛领域的市场份额达到了49%。尤其癌痛领域的金牛产品奥施康定,占到了61%的市场份额,2017年,同比增长18%,也具有相对较高的市场增长率。并且随着2017年国家医保目录的调整,M制药公司的若思本和奥诺美也成功进入国家医保目录,这对在镇痛领域的推广带来极为有利的条件。这些产品使得M制药公司在市场中取得了一定的竞争优势,成为M制药公司发展不可或缺的部分。 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
The pharmaceutical industry in China is closely related to national life and health. It is a special industry related to national preventive health care and disease treatment, also known as "the eternal sunrise industry".It plays an important role in improving the quality of life, providing national security, promoting national health and promoting the development and progress of social economy. It is an important part of China's national economy.
Sincetwenty-first Century, China has become the biggest emerging pharmaceutical market in the world . The total output value of the pharmaceutical industry keeps growing at a high speed. According to the statistics of the south, the combined growth rate of the total output value of the seven major types of pharmaceutical industries in China was 23.31% during the "11th Five-Year" period. Under the influence of multiple factors such as the transformation of the national economic structure and the reform of the medical policy, the growth of the total output value of China's pharmaceutical industry has begun to slow down. In 2015, it increased 15% over the same period. Sales revenue and total profit increased by 13% and 11%, respectively. This shows that the pharmaceutical industry in China has been growing at a high speed in the early period, and to achieve growth in the bottom. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
The pharmaceutical industry is influenced by national policies of the industry, nearly five years of medical reform is accelerating the implementation, especially in recent years frequently issued new policy : In order to improve the rate of reducing the price of drugs, the government adopts many measures, such as the purchase of drug sunshine in the procurement process, and the regulation of the abolition of drug addition in public hospitals. Revised laws and regulations "Drug Administration Law" and "drug management norms" and others, effective control on the development, production, examination and approval, storage, transportation and sales of drugs to ensure the quality of drugs.At the same time, can increase the trade barriers, the non-standard small production enterprises to exit the industry. Controlling the growth of medical expenses in public hospitals, implementing new environmental protection laws, and strengthening compliance risk control and other measures make the pharmaceutical industry face great challenges. Furthermore,the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, establishment of medical consortium, the promotion of medical resources sinks, the implementation of universal health insurance and other policies, also bring great opportunities to the pharmaceutical industry.
Taking into account the recent China's sustained and steady economic growth, per capita income and consumption levels continue to increase, the fast pace of population aging, disease spectrum changes, to strengthen health concerns, drive industry innovation capability and improve medical insurance system and many other factors, is expected in the future of China's pharmaceutical industry will continue to maintaina rapid growth. It also faces many opportunities for pharmaceutical companies.
M pharmaceutical company entered the Chinese market in April 1993. It is China's first Sino foreign joint venture specializing in the production of narcotic drugs. With its continuous development, it became a sole proprietorship in October 2006. In 2010, the investment of $twenty million was built at the Zhongguancun Science Park in Beijing, and it began to be put into use in 2011.Nearly 5 years to M pharmaceutical company was the fastest growing, The original product is “Morphine Sulfate Sustained-release Tablets”, “Oxycodone Hydrochloride Prolonged-release Tablets”, “Tramadol Hydrochloride Sustained-release Tablets”. In 2013 M pharmaceutical company in the field of treating pain listed "Buprenorphine Transdermal Patches " and "Oxycodone Hydrochloride Injection " two products. It has greatly improved the M pharmaceutical company's product line in the field of pain relief, forming a state involving cancer pain, non cancer pain and postoperative pain.After more than 20 years of development in the field of analgesia, it has gradually formed its own brand advantage in the field of pain treatment, and has a good basis for the market for pain relief.At the same time, M pharmaceutical company itself also has more advanced production equipment, a perfect marketing team and a better organizational structure.All of these have laid the foundation for the development of M,its sales have increased every year, and the market share in the analgesic market has reached 49%.Especially in the field of cancer products like Oxycodone Hydrochloride Prolonged-release Tablets, accounted for 61% of the market share in 2017, an increase of 18%, also has a relatively high market growth rate.With the 2017 national medical insurance catalog adjustment, M pharmaceutical companyBuprenorphine Transdermal Patches and Oxycodone Hydrochloride Injection has successfully entered the national health insurance directory, which brings extremely favorable conditions for promotion in the field of analgesia.These products make M pharmaceutical company gain a certain competitive advantage in the market, and become an indispensable part of the development of M pharmaceutical company.
With the implementation of health care reform policy, the restrictions on the cost of single prescription, the proportion of drugs, the decrease of drug prices, the stricter compliance system and the increasingly fierce competition environment have brought great challenges to M pharmaceutical companies.Meanwhile, with the expansion of the company scale, the number of people from the first hundred people reached the top 2000 in 2015. In the development, some jobs were not necessary. At present, there are 1800 employees in China.In the process of expansion of scale, many of its own problems have emerged, and the most prominent are the following aspects:Firstly, sales volume is increasing, but the annual growth rate is decreasing year by year. In 2017, it has reached the lowest level in recent 5 years. The annual growth rate is only 15.6%, which is lower than the average growth rate of 21.4% in the analgesia market.Secondly, the rapid increase of various costs, including human costs, promotion costs, procurement costs and so on, leading to a decline in corporate profits, even losses.Thirdly, the staff turnover rate is high, and the turnover rate of the national sales staff has reached over 40%. Compared to the pharmaceutical industry, the turnover rate is very high, which is an unfavorable phenomenon for the stability and development of the market.At the same time, the uneven quality of personnel, lack of effective communication across departments, financial reimbursement process slow and so on. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
M pharmaceutical company to reverse the situation, continue to implement the growth strategy. In 2015 introduced the Medifoam, in 2016 introduced the Betadine and in 2017 introduced the Kleenex.But these are all areas that M pharmaceutical companies have never been involved in, and the company has no corresponding functional departments.These products are completely different from the traditional marketing channels and marketing models, and they can not form the advantages of the products.Not with the help of M pharmaceutical companies in the field of pain painstaking efforts of brand image and the existing factories, the channels of distribution.These all raise the cost of the company to a high level and still fail to make a profit.At the same time, the market share in the field of analgesia has not increased significantly because of the dispersion of the company's energy and resources.A series of problems, such as the high turnover of the company, the rapid increase of all the costs and the uneven quality of the staff still exist.Above all, these all indicate that the M pharmaceutical company's current development strategy is in urgent need of a corresponding adjustment in order to better adapt to the current environment。
At the same time, the competitive environment is also increasingly complex, facing many threats. Potter's five force model is also applicable in the pharmaceutical industry. M pharmaceutical companies are facing the threat of industry competitors, which is the biggest threat to M companies. Secondly, the bargaining power of the new entrants, the bargaining power of the buyers, and the threat of the substitute are the threat of new entrants.In the face of more and more competitive market environment, the M company also needs to adjust the concrete and feasible strategic plan to lay the foundation for the promotion of the company's products.
In view of the above problems, combined with the basic principle of strategy, the macro environment and competitive environment of M pharmaceutical company are analyzed, and SWOT analysis method is adopted.According to the characteristics of the M pharmaceutical company itself, analysis of their own strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, that M pharmaceutical companies should take advantage of, seize the opportunity to avoid the threat; use the chance to overcome the disadvantages, reduce the weakness and avoid threats and ultimately make the development strategy of M pharmaceutical company strategy adjustment scheme.The overall strategy of the company is the growth oriented strategy, and the relevant diversification strategy is adopted, and the specific strategic measures have the following aspects:1, focus on the field of pain relief, increase market share; 2,To speed up the pace of new product development; 3, strengthen the marketing system; 4, reduce costs and improve profitability; 5, develop five aspects of the primary health care market.At the same time, we should establish four strategies to ensure effective implementation of the strategy, including organizational structure, modern human resources management system, cohesive corporate culture and strengthening drug quality and safety management.
In a word, the current pharmaceutical industry faces many challenges and has a lot of opportunities.M pharmaceutical company as an early entry into the market China multinational pharmaceutical companies should pay close attention to the current environment, with its own characteristics, adjusted to adapt to their own development strategy and concrete strategy implementation measures to adapt to changes in the external environment, and ultimately win in the future challenges in the competitive position.
Key words: development strategy, pharmaceutical company, Related diversification strategy
第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 研究方法与创新 2
1.2.1 研究方法 2
1.2.2 论文创新点 3
1.3 论文结构和内容 3
第2章企业战略理论综述 5
2.1 企业战略基本理论 5
2.2 战略分析方法 8 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
2.2.1 PEST分析 8
2.2.2 五力模型 8
2.2.3 SWOT分析 9
2.3 国内外相关研究 10
2.3.1 国内相关研究综述 10
2.3.2 在华外资制药企业战略研究文献综述 11
第3章 M制药公司现状及存在的问题 12
3.1 M制药公司基本情况 12
3.1.1战略演变历程 12
3.1.2 M制药公司的核心产品 13
3.2 M制药公司业务情况 14
3.2.1所在领域市场表现 14
3.2.2销售收入 16
3.2.3 主要产品经营情况 16
3.3 M制药公司原有战略情况 19
3.3.1增长型战略 19
3.3.2疼痛领域的集中化战略 19
3.3.3 非相关多元化战略 21
3.4 M制药公司面临的挑战 22
3.4.1药品价格下降 22
3.4.2销售增长率下降 22 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
3.4.3 成本快速增加 23
3.4.4 员工离职率上升 23
3.4.5 人员素质参差不齐 24
3.4.6跨部门缺乏有效沟通 25
3.4.7财务报账缓慢 26
第4章 M公司战略分析 27
4.1 宏观环境分析 27
4.1.1政治法律环境 27
4.1.2经济环境 29
4.1.3社会文化环境 30
4.1.4技术环境 32
4.2 M制药公司竞争环境分析 33
4.2.1新进入者的威胁 34
4.2.2 行业竞争者的威胁 35
4.2.3 供应商的议价能力 36
4.2.4 购买商的议价能力 36
4.2.5 替代品的威胁 37
4.3 SWOT分析 37
4.3.1优势 38
4.3.2劣势 39
4.4.3机会 40
4.4.4威胁 41
第5章 M制药公司战略调整方案 43 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
5.1 M制药公司的战略趋势与定位 43
5.1.1增长型战略 44
5.1.2 相关多元化战略 45
5.1.3愿景和使命 45
5.2主要战略措施 46
5.2.1 集中镇痛领域,提高市场份额 46
5.2.2加快新产品的开发步伐 46
5.2.3加强营销体系建设 46
5.2.4降低成本,提高盈利水平 47
5.2.5 开发基层医疗市场 47
5.3战略实施与保障 47
5.3.1 组织结构与战略相适应 48
5.3.2建立现代人力资源管理系统 48
5.3.3建立有凝聚力的企业文化 49
5.3.4 强化药品质量安全管理 50
5.3.5 建立完善的培训体系 50
第6章研究结论及展望 51
6.1 研究的结论 51
6.2 展望 52
参考文献 53
致谢 56