
Research on internal control of scientific research funds management in Colleges and Universities -- Take subordinate X universities as an example.
Colleges and universities are becoming the backbone of China's scientific and technological innovation. Their scientific research projects, investment of scientific research funds, scientific research manpower and so on maintain a steady growth trend. The variety of scientific research funds and the increase of the scope of expenditure make the internal control management of scientific research funds face great challenges. It is urgent to standardize the management of scientific research funds.
This paper summarizes the project management theory, the internal control theory and the national scientific research fund management system needed by the university research funds, and constructs the internal control system which is suitable for the development of scientific research in our universities. The formation of theoretical system supports the work of scientific researchers in reality, and protects the research creativity and enthusiasm of scientific research workers to the greatest extent. Encouraging more and better results in scientific research. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
Taking the internal control system of scientific research funds as the theoretical basis, based on the policy of national scientific research funds management, this paper uses comparative research, case study, normative research and other methods to carry out a comprehensive study on the internal control of the management of scientific research funds in X universities. This paper analyzes the current situation, existing problems and reasons of X's internal control of scientific research funds management. In addition to the advanced experience of the internal control management of foreign scientific research funds and the new policy of scientific research funds management in China, the countermeasures to further improve the internal control system for the management of scientific research funds in China are put forward.
The study shows that the internal control system of scientific research funds management in X colleges and universities can be seen that the internal control system of scientific research funds management in Colleges and universities needs to be further improved. First, the budget system is not consistent with the subject system part. The budget system should be set up as soon as possible. Secondly, the use and maintenance of assets equipment is not shared and idle, the use of fixed assets should be set up, and resource sharing should be established. Third, scientific research workers' intellectual pay is not paid enough attention in the process of scientific research fund management. We should pay attention to the assessment of scientific research performance, recognize the hard work of scientific research workers and effectively encourage more and better results of scientific research. Fourth, we should adjust the expenditure standards of scientific research funds in time and standardize the management of scientific research funds according to the needs of social and economic development. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words: colleges and universities,research funds,internal control
第一章 绪论……………………………………………………………………1
第一节 研究背景与意义…………………………………………1 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
第二节 国内外研究现状与趋势…………………………………2
第三节 研究方法…………………………………………………8
第四节 研究内容…………………………………………………8
第五节 研究框架…………………………………………………9
第六节 研究创新点与不足………………………………………9
第二章 理论分析
第一节 项目管理理论
第二节 内部控制基本理论
第三节 行政事业单位内部控制基本理论
第三章 以X高校为例研究科研经费内部控制管理的现状
第一节 X高校科研经费管理现状
第二节 X高校科研经费管理内部控制情况
第一节 X高校科研经费管理内部控制存在的问题
第二节 X高校科研经费内部控制出现问题的原因
第五章 X高校科研经费内控系统的构建
第一节 国外科研经费管理模式的借鉴
第二节 遵循国家学校新出台的科研管理政策
第三节 构建X高校科研经费内部控制体系
第六章 研究结论与研究展望