
摘 要
Now, with the increasing demand for leisure and recreation activities, leisure tourism, especially rural leisure tourism has become more and more people's choice. In this process, the rural picking experience tourism has gradually developed, and has been welcomed by people. In the process of development, the integration of rural picking experience and local culture has become an important issue. If the realization of the integration of the two, to better highlight the local rural characteristics, so that people can experience the joy of rural picking at the same time to feel the local culture, has become the core issue. This study focuses on the issues of rural picking experience and cultural integration to explore, to further improve the rural picking cultural connotation, and explore ways of execution, more feasible, and on the basis of building environmental assessment system of science, to better achieve the harmonious development of rural and rural environment picking..
Key words: Rural picking; local culture; tourism industry;
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
1.3国内研究现状 2
1.4国外研究现状 4
1.5研究方法 6
1.6 国内外研究评述 6
2 概念及基本理论 8
2.1乡村采摘体验概念 8
2.2乡村采摘业发展的作用 8
2.3旅游业发展基本理论 9
2.3.1旅游者行为理论 9
2.3.2可持续发展理论 9
2.3.3区域经济发展理论 10
2.3.4旅游开发理论 10
2.3.5供求理论 11
2.3.7增长极理论 11
2.3.8采摘型乡村旅游地季节性的成因 12
2.4地方文化理论基础 14
2.4.1文化价值理论 14
2.4.2人类学理论 15 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
2.4.3文化旅游理论 15
2.4.4休闲体验经济理论 16
2.2.4 体验经济理论 16
3 乡村采摘与地方文化结合存在的问题 17
3.1与文化结合不紧密 17
3.2文化缺乏特色 18
3.2知名度低 18
3.3人才匮乏 19
3.4企业融资难,基础设施差 20
3.5政府扶持力度不足 20
4 对于乡村彩摘与地方文化融合的建议 21
4.1.发展生态农业 21
4.2.拓展产品 21
4.3利用科技将采摘与特色文化结合 22
4.4乡村文化升华 22
4.5加强文化与采摘体验结合 23
4.6开发文化名人、节庆 24
4.7加强融资发展 26
4.8捕捉政策机遇 26
4.9提升居民素质,引进人才 26
结论 28
参考文献……………………………………………………………………………34 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
致 谢……………………………………………………………………………37