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摘  要




Triple play is the trend of the development of economic and social development, by 2010, China put forward must actively promote the development of networks, telecommunications networks and the Internet, and to conduct pilot triple play in the country. Pilot few years, triple play was a great development, but also the emergence of many new problems, these problems are on the one hand from the institutional mechanisms obstacles, on the other hand from the television industry and the telecommunications industry competition intensifies. TV media as an important part of traditional media, must actively seize the triple play opportunity for development, efforts to promote reform and development of television media industry. TV media in promoting China's development and reform process, we must give full play to the advantages of traditional television industry, in the triple play in the background, and actively respond to the problems and challenges arising, actively participate in the market to go through reform and development to achieve Our innovative television media development, thereby enhancing the role and status in the television industry in the three networks integration. [资料来源:]
The first related concepts that were defined, and then analyzes the triple play and television media development path in our country; then analyzes the role of television, telecommunications and Internet triple play in the process, and to co triple play The basic situation of development, put forward the development of television media and promotion strategy, the future development of our country's television media must actively promote the dissemination and reform way of viewing, reasonable respond to the opportunities and challenges. Meanwhile, the paper also analyzes the development process of triple play, triple play mainly experienced three major stages of development. To meet these challenges, we must strive to change the development path of the television media, and actively cultivate new development model, and strive to promote the network television, the development of Internet TV, mobile TV and digital TV, to raise the level and quality of China's TV media development. TV media as the main representative of China's media industry, after years of development, has accumulated a wealth of resources and experience, with a lot of advantages. However, China's TV media in the development of triple play, the television media development also presents a number of problems, including the integration of the insufficient number of institutional mechanisms obstacles, poor information flow and so on, which is unfavorable for the development of television media. [资料来源]
Based on China's TV media development and analysis of the problem, this paper presents the reform and development strategies of television media context of triple play, including continuous improvement television content, to promote brand building, clear market positioning, to promote innovation, improve personnel training system and so on.

Key words: Triple play; TV media; Innovation

目  录
第1章 前言    1
1.1 研究的背景    1
1.1.1 三网融合的概念及发展现状    1
1.1.2 我国电视媒体发展现状    2
1.2 研究意义    3
1.2.1 理论意义    3
1.2.2 现实意义    3
1.3 研究方法    3
1.3.1 文献研究法    3
1.3.2 比较研究法    3
1.3.3 战略分析工具的运用    4
第2章 相关理论及研究综述    4
2.1 企业发展战略理论简介    4 [资料来源:]
2.1.1 企业发展战略的含义    4
2.1.2 企业发展战略的特征    5
2.1.3 企业发展战略制定过程    5
2.2 战略管理环境分析工具    6
2.2.1 PEST分析模型    6
2.2.2 波特五力模型    7
2.2.3波特五力分析    8
2.2.4 SWOT分析    10
2.3 相关研究综述    11
第3章内外部环境评价矩阵    13
3.1内外部环境因素矩阵简述    13
3.2内部环境矩阵简介及建立步骤    14
3.3外部环境因素评价矩阵简介及建立步骤    14
第4章 波士顿矩阵    16
4.1波士顿矩阵简介    16
4.2波士顿矩阵基本原理    16
4.3波士顿矩阵战略对策    16
第3章 SCTV外部环境分析    18
3.1 政策环境分析    18
3.2经济环境分析    19
3.3社会环境分析    20


3.3.1自然、历史文化资源丰富    20
3.3.2四川人口结构特征    21
3.4技术环境分析    22
3.4.1数字、网络、高清技术的发展    22
3.4.2三网融合的发展    22
3.4.3有线电视数字化改造和NGB的发展    23
3.5波特五力竞争模型分析    23
3.5.1 供应商的议价能力分析    23
3.5.2 购买者议价能力分析    23
3.5.3 潜在进入者分析    24
3.5.4代替品分析    24
3.3.5行业竞争对手能力分析    24
第4章 SCTV内部环境分析    26
4.1 SCTV简介    26
4.1.1组织框架    26
4.1.2人力资源分析    27
4.1.3 财务状况分析    28
4.2  SCTV的SWOT分析    29
4.2.1 SCTV的优势分析    29
4.2.2 SCTV的劣势分析    31
4.2.3 SCTV的机遇分析    33 [资料来源:]
4.2.4 SCTV的威胁分析    35
4.3 SWOT矩阵综合分析    37
第5章 SCTV的发展战略策略    39
5.1 SCTV战略愿景与目标    39
5.2 SCTV发展战略策略    39
5.2.1合理运用政策促进融合发展、制播分离、人力资源管理    39
5.2.2  创新节目内容,建立知识产权保护制度    40
5.2.3 以市场需求打造新的盈利模式,开源节流    40
5.3 SCTV的战略实施    40
5.3.1调整组织结构    40
5.3.2 改变经营策略与市场接轨    41
5.3.3 组建大型传媒集团,提升传媒品牌价值    42
5.3.4 积极引进和培育行业高级人才    43
(1)三网融合进程中电视媒体人才的基本要求    43
(2) 构建行业高级人才的培养体系    44
结  论    45
致  谢    46
参考文献    47


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