
Research on junior English teachers’ self-directed learning ability and the solution to improve it
As the development of society, China needs lots of qualified teacher. English teachers finish their pre-service education in normal universities, but there is no official system supporting English teachers’ after-occupation development. Survey shows that the sense of English teachers’ after-occupation development is not well developed. China carried out varieties of teachers’ training programs, which has a certain effect on English teachers. However, teachers are passive receiver in those training programs, which didn’t bring ideal development to English teachers. Therefor, the author puts forward that self-directed learning should be an important way of English teachers’ development. This approach is based on teachers’ real needs and pay attention to teachers’ dominant role in the whole learning process, which plays a role of catalyst in teachers’ development. What’s the current situation of junior English teachers’ ability of self-directed learning? What’s the existing problems of junior English teachers’ self-directed learning ability? What are the influence factors of self-directed learning ability? What’s the way to improve English teachers’ self-directed learning ability? That’s the emphasis this research will be studied.
Self-directed learning ability is divided into five dimensions in this research, they are learning awareness, learning strategies,learning activities, learning education and interpersonal information. The result shows that the self-directed learning ability of English teachers remains to be improved.English teachers’ self-directed learning ability are variant, so the author use single factor difference analysis method to have a further study. The result is that English teachers’ self-directed learning ability are difference in education background,years spend teaching and job title. Finally, the author analyze the existing problems of junior English teachers’ self-directed learning ability and the influence factors, then come up with ways to improve English teachers’ self-directed learning ability.
Key words:Junior English teacher; self-directed learning; teacher’s development
摘要 I
Abstract II [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
第一章 绪论 1
一、 选题理由 1
(一) 初中英语教师专业发展现状 1
(二)对英语教师专业成长的关注 1
(三)教师自我导向学习对教师专业发展具有重要意义 3
(四)个人专业背景 3
二、 研究目的及研究内容 4
(一) 研究目的 4
(二) 研究内容 4
三、 研究意义 4
四、相关概念 5
(一) 自我导向学习 5
(二) 能力与学习能力 5
第二章 文献综述 6
一、国内文献综述 6
(一)国内文献统计 6
(二)国内相关研究 6
二、国外文献综述 8
(一) 关于自我导向学习的理论研究 8
(二) 关于自我导向学习的应用研究 10
第三章 研究方法 10
一、研究思路 10 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
二、研究对象 11
三、 测量工具 11
图1-1 12
四、 数据统计分析 12
第四章 初中英语教师自我导向学习能力现状调查 12
一、 调查对象 12
(一) 调查对象的性别情况 12
(二) 调查对象的学历情况 13
(三) 调查对象的职称情况 14
(四) 教龄分布情况 14
二、 初中英语教师自我导向学习能力总体情况 15
三、不同背景下的相关分析 15
(一)性别上的差异分析 15
(二) 学历上的差异分析 16
(三) 职称上的差异分析 18
(四) 教龄上的差异分析 20
第五章 研究结论 22
一、不同背景下的初中英语教师自我导向学习能力的差异性 22
二、 初中英语教师自我导向学习能力存在的问题 22
三、影响自我导向学习的因素 23 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
第六章 初中英语教师自我导向学习能力提升路径 23
一、灵活使用学习策略 23
二、积极执行学习计划 24
三、善于反思 24
结语 24
一、 中文文献 25
二、 外文文献 27
附录: 29