
Research on Agricultural Microenterprise loan business of Chongqing Bank
摘 要
关键词: 农业微型企业;重庆银行;贷款业务
With the continuous advancement of agricultural modernization in China, traditional agriculture has transformed into modern agriculture, and a large group of agricultural micro-enterprises has emerged. Financing difficulties has been accompanied by the general agricultural microenterprise development problems, and as a social main financing channels of commercial Banks at present in view of the agricultural micro enterprise loan business launched by few, the main focus and scope of business of commercial Banks is still in the city as the center, to the larger scale, profitability, stability of large and medium-sized enterprises loans, and agricultural microenterprise lending proportion accounted for in the commercial bank is extremely low, bank financing for agricultural microenterprises and did not play the corresponding role in the development. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
At present, the academia generally believe that the imperfection of the credit evaluation system and the guarantee system is the key to the financing difficulties of microenterprises. But through the research on the enterprise loan business of Bank of Chongqing in recent years, we could find out that the agricultural microenterprise loan business grew slowly while the microenterprise loan business grew quickly. It suggests that there are other reasons beside those above. In this paper, the author discusses the difficulties and reasons of the Bank of Chongqing to expand the loan business of the agricultural microenterprises.
In this paper, it is pointed out that the enterprise loan business, especially the microenterprise loan business, typically relies on the offline channel of commercial banks. At present, the financial industry represented by commercial banks focus on the city and the industry and commerce, and tends to stay away from the countryside and agriculture. Therefore their offline channel in the countryside have been weakened and become insufficient. And the author proposed that this is the main reason of the difficulty of financing for agricultural microenterprise. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Then the paper proposes, by constructing some new type of business channels, establishing a connection between the agricultural micro enterprise financing market and commercial banks, filling the physical space gap between them, is a certain way to solve the financing problem of agricultural microenterprises.
Keywords: agricultural microenterprise; Bank of Chongqing ; loan business
目 录
1.导 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 文献综述 2
1.4 研究内容 5
1.5研究方法 5
1.6 创新与不足 6
2.概念界定与理论基础 6
2.1概念界定 6
2.1.1微型企业及农业微型企业 6
2.1.3政策性创业扶持贷款 9
2.2理论基础 9
2.2.1 信息不对称理论(Asymmetric Information theory) 10
2.2.2 道德风险(Moral Hazard) 10 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
2.2.3 信号传递模型(Signaling Model) 11
3重庆银行农业微型企业贷款业务发展概况 12
3.1 重庆银行基本情况 12
3.1.1整体规模的发展 12
3.1.2业务发展状况 12
3.1.3涉足农业微型企业贷款业务 13
3.2重庆银行农业微企贷款业务发展情况 15
4.重庆银行农业微型企业贷款业务存在的问题与原因分析 18
4.1政策性扶持贷款业务“微企通”概况 18
4.1.1 微企通业务简介及其特点 18
4.1.2 微企通业务发展情况 19
4.1.3 微企通业务对重庆银行公司贷款业务的影响 21
4.1.4 微企通业务的政策效果 23
4.2专项担保型贷款业务“农保贷” 25
4.2.1 农保贷业务简介及其特点 25
4.2.2 农保贷业务流程 26
4.2.3 农保贷业务发展情况 27
4.3 新型微企贷款业务“好企贷” 29 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
5.结论与建议 33
5.1 结论 33
5.1.1现阶段商业银行业的发展程度与我国农业现代化的程度不匹配 33
5.1.2现阶段我国金融系统向城镇集中而与农村产生巨大鸿沟 33
5.1.3重庆银行农业微型企业贷款产品发挥着积极的作用 34
5.2建议 34
5.2.1加大农业微型企业的贷款渠道,结合互联网模式 34
5.2.2创新银行金融产品,丰富农业微型企业的金融服务 35
参考文献 36