
Design And Implementation Of Campus Examination System
本文结合现实中的实际需求,运用软件工程的思想,采用Browser/Server模式(简称B/S模式),以及微软的visual studio.NET开发环境,运用ASP.NET技术中的数据绑定技术,结合SQL Server2005数据库管理系统开发了一套基于Web的在线考试系统。详细分析网络在线考试系统的研究背景及国内外研究现状;在分析当前在线考试技术和研究背景后,从系统研究的可行性和系统设计的需求分析出发,详细阐述系统的可行性和需求,并绘制主要模块的用例图和活动图;系统充分利用学校现有的计算机软、硬件资源和网络资源实现无纸化考试。做出大胆的创新和系统设计;在系统分析与设计的基础上,采用B/S结构模式,使用ASP.NET开发平台和C#语言开发该系统,实现各个模块的功能,并对系统的主要功能模块进行黑盒测试。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
With the rapid development of society, more and more technology is the creation and utilization, deep changing the development of society, a better society. 21 century, the rapid development and use of innovative technologies, the education sector pushed to a new level, with the development of computer education is also undergoing great changes, teaching methods and means are more abundant and diverse. In the teaching process evaluation of students is an indispensable work, the examination is to test a method for students, but also as a means of teacher evaluation, teachers can be carried out to improve the quality of teaching methods and based on student test scores, but also a means to improve school management system. How to make the school's exam solution can adapt with modern education, it is an important task of computer technology. Through computer technology management in school affairs, to make the exam more just, fair, objective and reasonable, is currently a hot issue of education service system. In order to keep pace with development and social needs of the times, adapt to the characteristics of the current education, we must establish a reasonable system solutions meet the test requirements. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
In this paper, the reality of the actual needs, using the idea of software engineering, using Browser / Server mode (referred to as B / S mode), and Microsoft's visual studio.NET development environment, the use of technology in the ASP.NET data binding technology, combined SQL Server2005 database management system developed a Web-based online examination system of. Detailed analysis of the research status at home and abroad background research network online examination system; the analysis of the current online test technology and research background, the study of the feasibility of the system requirements analysis and system design starting elaborate system feasibility and needs, and The main draw module Fig case diagrams and activity; the school system makes full use of existing computer software, hardware and network resources to achieve paperless examination. Make bold innovations and system design; on the basis of systems analysis and design, using B / S structure mode, use the ASP.NET development platform and C # language development of the system, the function of each module, the main function of the system of black box module. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
In this paper, design and implementation of network online examination system to achieve automatic computer topic, random test paper, online exam, Assessing, backstage marking and automatic statistical analysis and other functions, with advanced technology, full-featured, low-cost, high practical value . The system enables teachers freed from the heavy work on traditional paper-based exam, and greatly improve work efficiency, reduce test costs, optimize the test mode, will help improve the quality of teaching and school efficiency.
KEYWORDS: examination system; ASP.NET; B/S; database; question bank.
摘要 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 课题的研究现状分析 3
1.3 研究方法和技术路线 4
1.3.1 研究方法 4
1.3.2 技术路线 4
1.4 研究内容及目标 4
1.4.1 研究内容 5
1.4.2 研究目标 5
1.5 本章小结 5
2 相关技术及开发工具 2
2.1 系统体系结构 2
2.1.1 C/S模式 2
2.1.2 B/S模式 2
2.1.3 本系统的体系结构 3
2.2 系统所采用的开发工具和主要技术 4
2.2.1 ASP 4
2.2.2 ASP.NET 6
2.2.3 ASP.NET三层架构 7
2.2.4 C#语言 7
2.2.5 ADO.NET技术 9
2.2.6 数据提供程序 9
2.2.7 数据集 10
2.2.8 数据库SQL Server 2005概述 10
2.3 Ajax技术简介 11
2.4 本章小结 12
3 期末考试安排系统需求分析 13
3.1 考试系统必要性分析 13 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
3.2 考试系统可行性分析 15
3.3 系统的需求分析 16
3.4 用户的需求分析 16
3.5 系统的性能需求分析 17
3.6 系统的功能需求分析 18
3.7 本章小结 19
4 期末考试安排系统设计 20
4.1 系统模块设计 20
4.1.1 管理员模块 20
4.1.2 教师功能模块 21
4.1.3 学生功能模块 21
4.2 系统总体架构 22
4.3 数据库的设计 24
4.3.1 后台数据库的选择 24
4.3.2 系统主要数据库表的实现 24
4.4 本章小结 30
5 期末考试安排系统的实现 31
5.1 系统登录页面设计 31
5.1.1 数据库连接 31
5.1.2 验证码技术 31
5.2 管理员界面 33
5.2.1 学院管理模块 33 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
5.2.2 学生管理模块 34
5.3 教师管理界面 35
5.3.1 单选题管理模块 36
5.3.2 试卷管理模块 37
5.3.3 试卷批阅模块 38
5.3.4 成绩管理模块 40
5.3.5 成绩管理模块 41
5.3.6 教师信息模块 41
5.4 学生界面 41
5.4.1 查看个人信息模块 42
5.4.2 查看个人信息模块 42
5.4.3 查看答案模块 45
5.4.4 成绩查询模块 46
5.5 本章小结 47
6 系统测试 48
6.1 测试方法 48
6.2 功能测试方案 49
6.3 性能测试用例 49
6.4 测试结果分析 52
6.5 本章小结 52
7 总结与展望 54
7.1 总结 54
7.2 展望 54 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
参考文献 56 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]