
Research and development of energy evaluating system for railway stations
摘 要:本文以典型铁路客运站为例,对铁路客运站能耗状况、能耗结构、用能特点、能耗设备以及能耗指标进行了全面的分析,找出了其节能潜力。采用DEA方法,构建了铁路客运站能耗评价指标体系,并定量探讨了影响铁路客运站能效的主要因素,客观评价客运站的能耗利用情况和节能对策,分析了影响客运站生产效率的主要因素,并得出客运站的生产效率值与相对排序。此外,开发了铁路能源管理系统,以便在实际工作管理中具有较强的可操作性和实用性。主要结论包括:
(2)应用C R和C GS 的能效模型对我国五个典型客运站进行了实证分析,发现铁路客运站能源效率体现在旅客舒适度与经济效益两个方面,因此,必须在满足旅客舒适度的基础上提高能源的利用效率。首先,对于老式铁路客运站,要完善满足旅客舒适度的候车设施,提高舒适度等级;其次,因为空调设备能耗所占比例最大,老式低效的空调设备制约了客运站能效的提高;第三,运用“智能控制系统”所取得节电效果明显,可以在铁路客运站推广;第四,能源浪费是造成能效低的重要原因。
Research and development of energy evaluating system for railway stations
Abstract:To find out the energy saving potential of the railway station, several typical railway stations were used as samples to analysis the status, structure and the properties of the energy consumption. In addition, the energy-consuming equipment and index were investigated as well. Based on DEA model, the evaluation index system of energy consumption of railway station was proposed and principal factors influencing the efficiency of energy consumption were studied quantitatively. This model could be used to evaluates energy utilization and saving measures and to analysis the main factors influencing the production efficiency of railway station. Furthermore, the production efficiency and their relative sort order were obtained. Finally, energy management system of railway station was developed in order to improve the maneuverability and practicability in practical management. The main conclusions are as follows:
(1) The main energy-consuming departments of modern railway station is similar. Passenger transportation is the largest one and sales department is the next. For the region difference and different equipment used, the ratio and kind of energy consumption exist differences. Although railway stations belongs to various climatic zones, they show the same rule, i.e., the period of the highest energy consumption concentrates on coldest and hottest month.
(2) The model of C R and C GS were employed to analysis the energy efficiency of five typical railway station in our country, finding that it is embodied in the comfort of passengers and economic benefit. Therefore, efficiency of energy utilization should be improved with the passengers’ comfort satisfied. Firstly, for the old railway station, waiting facilities should be modified to improve the degree of comfort. Secondly, since the largest proportion of energy consumption is from air conditioning equipment, the old and inefficient air conditioning equipment limit the improvement of energy efficiency. Thirdly, intelligent control system is favor of power savings and it should be generalized in the system of railway station. The last, the waste of energy is one of the most significant reasons leading the decrease of energy efficiency. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
(3) A software for energy management of railway station was researched and developed for railway departments, which is based on technologies of computer, network and database. Through scientific management practices, complete and universal technical regulation, various resources of information are integrated in the basis of unified information standards. Management platform has been established with properties of safety, reliability, expandability and maintainability, which could realize informatization of different kinds of management work and provide users convenient and efficient information service.
Keywords: Railway station; Energy consumption; Energy efficiency; Evaluation; DEA model
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 我国铁路客运站发展及能耗现状 1
1.2 建筑能耗研究进展 2
1.2.1 详细计算法 2
1.2.2 能耗简化计算法 4 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
1.3 研究的主要内容与思路 7
1.3.1 研究的目标及主要内容 7
1.3.2 技术路线 8
第二章 铁路客运站能耗现状 10
2.1 全国典型铁路客运站能耗结构、特点分析 10
2.1.1 能源类型、比例 10
2.1.2 典型车站能耗结构 16
2.1.3 铁路客运站能源系统图 22
2.1.4 用能特点 22
2.2 能耗设备调查及分析 24
2.2.1 能耗设备调查 24
2.2.2 主要能耗设备 28
2.2.3 能耗设备分析讨论 30
2.3 结论 31
第三章 铁路客运站能评原理 32
3.1 铁道客运站能效的DEA模型 32
3.2 评价指标体系 34
3.2.1 输入指标 34
3.2.2 输出指标 34
3.3 研究实例 36
3.3.1 客运站基础数据 36
3.3.2 计算结果 36
3.3.3 效率分析 38
3.3.4 DMU在生产前沿面上的投影和影子价格分析 38
3.3.5 能源效率的最终排序 39
3.3.6 综合分析 40
3.4 结论 40
第四章 铁路客运站能源评价系统 42
4.1 概述 42
4.2 功能介绍 42
4.2.1 用户登陆 43
4.2.2 用户信息 43
4.2.3 C/S端的主菜单 44
4.2.4 基本设置 45
4.2.5 人事管理 45
4.2.6 设备管理 47
4.2.7 能耗管理 48
4.2.8 旅客信息分析 49
4.2.9 舒适性分析 49 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
4.2.10 能耗分析 50
4.2.11 能效评价 51
4.2.12 节能对策 52
4.2.13 系统维护 62
4.3 系统拟开发功能展望 62
第五章 结论与展望 63
5.1 结论 63
5.2 展望 64
参考文献 65