
Design and Implement of Office Information Management System Based on B/S Architecture
本文给出了榆林神华能源有限公司对办公信息管理系统的设计与实现,首先采用 UML 方法对系统进行系统分析,建立了系统的用例模型和功能模型;在此基础上给出了基于 MVC 设计模式的系统设计方案,并采用 B/S 体系结构,阐述了系统的数据库设计以及相关管理模块的设计方法;最后根据MVC的设计思想,按照公司实际进行系统设计,并对主要功能模块:基础信息管理、档案管理、办公用品管理和库存管理进行了详细设计,同时对系统的数据库进行了设计。最终采用Java语言和PostgreSQL9.2数据平台,实现了基于B/S架构的办公信息管理系统及其功能。为了保证系统平稳运行,还对系统主要功能、系统运行性能进行了测试,测试结果表明,系统各项主要功能均能够正确的运行,且系统最大并发人数200人,能够满足实际运行需要。
Informationization has the important effect for an enterprise to improve work efficiency and accelerate circulation of information, especially for the large enterprise. Yulin shenhua energy co., LTD. is an integrated energy companies whose main business are coal’s production, processing, and marketing. It’s organizations are enormous, and have numerous personnel. Every year different departments need to deal with a large amount of information. And these departments are often scattered in different places, and adopt the traditional management way which has not already met to the requirement of the enterprise development. Therefore, According to the practical management, it is very necessary to develop a set of office information management system which is suitable for its application.
the specific demands of office information management system for the yulin shenhua energy co., LTD. are given in this thesis. Then according to the demands, the system is design based onthe company actual situation, and the main function modules are designed in detail, which are included: basic information management module, file management module, office supplies management and inventory management. At the meantime, the design for the system's database is also given. At last, using the Java language and PostgreSQL9.2 data platform, the office information management system is realized based on B/S structure. In order to keep the system running smoothly, the system main functions and system performance have been tested. And the test results show that the main functions of the system work properly, and the system maximum number of concurrent is 200 people which meet the needs of the actual operation.
The system runs well, which can effectively save the cost of mainpower and improve the office efficiency of the company. The system has also a certain significance for informatization management of coal enterprises, and the enterprises in other industry.
KEYWORDS: B/S structure, office information, information management system
TYPEOFTHESIS: Application Research
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3 论文主要研究内容和意义 3
1.4 论文的结构 4
2 相关技术介绍 5
2.1 B/S架构 5
2.2 Java 5
2.3 工作流技术 6
2.4 统一身份认证技术 6
2.4.1 统一身份认证技术的几种认证模式 7
2.4.2 Golden Image黄金镜像技术 8
2.4.3 认证证书文件 9
2.5 本章小结 9
3 基于B/S架构的办公信息管理系统需求分析 11
3.1 系统需求背景 11
3.2 需求分析原则 11
3.3 系统目标 12
3.4 系统需求分析 12
3.5 系统用例分析 14
3.6 系统静态模型分析 15
3.7 系统动态模型分析 16
3.8 系统非功能需求 17
3.9 本章小结 18
4 基于B/S架构的办公信息管理系统设计 19
4.1 总体设计原则 19
4.2 系统的总体架构 20
4.3 系统功能模块设计 20
4.3.1 基础信息管理 21
4.3.2 档案管理 22
4.3.3 办公用品管理 29
4.3.4 库存管理 30
4.4 数据库设计 33
4.4.1 数据库概念结构设计 33
4.4.2 数据库逻辑结构设计 34
4.4.3 数据库物理设计 36
4.5 本章小结 43
5 基于B/S架构的办公信息管理系统实现 45
5.1 开发工具与开发环境 45 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
5.2 模块实现及展示 45
5.2.1 基础信息管理实现 46
5.2.2 档案管理 46
5.2.3 办公用品管理 54
5.2.4 库存管理 61
5.3 系统测试 68
5.3.1 功能测试 68
5.3.2 性能测试 70
5.4 本章小结 72
6 结论与展望 73
6.1 结论 73
6.2 展望 73
参考文献 75
致 谢 77
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Status 2
1.2.1 Abroad Research 2
1.2.2 Domestic Research Status 3
1.3 Research Significance 3
1.4 The Structure of This Paper 4
2 Relevant Technology Introduction 5
2.1 B/S Achitecture 5
2.2 Java 5
2.3 Workflow 6
2.4 Unified Identity Authentication Technology 6
2.4.1 Authentication Models 7
2.4.2 GoldenImage Technology 8
2.4.3 Certification Documents 9
2.5 Summary 9
3 System Requirements Analysis 11
3.1 System Requirements Background 11
3.2 Principles 11
3.3 Objective 12
3.4 Requirements Analysis 12
3.5 Use Case Analysis 14
3.6 Static Model 15
3.7 Dynamic Model 16
3.8 Non-functional Requirements 17
3.9 Summary 18
4 System Design 19
4.1 Principles 19
4.2 Architecture 20 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
4.3 Function Module Design 20
4.3.1 Basic Information Management 21
4.3.2 File Management 22
4.3.3 Office Supplies Management 29
4.3.4 Inventory Management 30
4.4 Database Design 33
4.4.1 Database Conceptual Design 33
4.4.2 Database Logical Structure Design 34
4.4.3 Physical Database Design 36
4.5 Summary 43
5 System Implement and Testing 45
5.1 Development Tools and Enviroments 45
5.2 Module Implement and Testing 45
5.2.1 Basic Information Management 46
5.2.2 File Management 46
5.2.3 Office Supplies Management 54
5.2.4 Inventory Management 61
5.3 System Testing 68
5.3.1 Functional Testing 68
5.3.2 Performance Testing 70
5.4 Summary 72
6 Conclusion and Suggestions 73
6.1 Conclusions 73
6.2 Suggestions 73
References 75