
摘 要
中医护理专业的教育模式尚属探索阶段,基于“能力本位”职业教育理念,护中医护理专业研究生的临床能力水平是反映其培养质量的关键。中医护理标准化是中医护理事业发展的重要技术支撑,对于规范中医护理行业管理,促进中医护理学术发展,提高中医护理质量,推动中医护理现代化,加快中医护理走向世界具有十分重要的意义。本文通过德尔菲法,设置护理本科生 OSCE 临床能力考站、权重和评分标准, 采用 SPSS13.0 和 LISREL8.0 统计分析软件完成SCE的信度和效度指标。 界定中医了护理硕士专业学位学生临床能力的基本概念和内涵。建立适合我国国情的、科学的、可量化的、规范的中医护理专业临床能力考评指标体系。
TCM nursing education mode is still an exploration stage, based on the ability standard vocational education concept, nursing professional graduate students clinical ability level is the key to reflect the quality of the training. TCM nursing standardization is an important technical support for the development of the undertaking of traditional Chinese nursing, for standardizing the nursing of traditional Chinese medicine industry management, promotion of academic development of TCM nursing, improve the quality of nursing of traditional Chinese medicine, to promote the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine nursing, accelerate the nursing of traditional Chinese medicine to the world has very important significance. In this paper, through the Delphy method, set up the nursing undergraduate OSCE clinical ability test stand, weight and scoring standard, using SPSS13.0 and LISREL8.0 statistical analysis software to complete the SCE reliability and validity index. Define the basic concept and connotation of the clinical ability of nursing master degree students in traditional Chinese medicine. To establish a scientific, quantitative and standardized evaluation index system of clinical competence of Chinese medicine for the national conditions of our country. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Key words: TCM nursing standardization; traditional Chinese medicine nursing; OSCE
目 录
一 概述 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1国外临床能力评价概况 1
1.1.2我国临床能力评价概况 3
1.2 研究目的和意义 5
1.2.1研究目的 5
1.2.2研究意义 6
1.3研究方法 6
二 中医护理能力体系构建 8
2.1建立评价体系的原则 8
2.2评价体系构建的理论依据 9
2.3初步拟定考核指标 12
三 中医护理人才的培养 16
3.1中医护理人才培养原则 16
3.2中医护理人才应具备的素质和能力 19
3.2.1中医护理人才应具备的素质 19
3.2.2中医护理人才应具备的能力 20
四 中医护理OSCE客观结构化临床考试的实践研究 22
4.1 OSCE考站的简介 22 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
4.2 OSCE考站设置的专家咨询 25
4.3OSCE实施 30
4.3.1 病例的设置 30
4.3.2 SP的遴选和培训 31
4.3.3 OSCE实施 32
五 讨论 35
5.1 研究发现的问题 35
5.2中医护理人才的能力构成 37
结论 39
参考文献 41
致 谢 46