
关 键 词:特征点提取,多视图几何,三维重建,三维扫描仪,
The project designed in this article researched and designed a spatial digitizer system based on the multiple-view geometric principle. The spatial digitizer comprises 54 tables of CMOS based on the Linux operation system which may operate indepently, and the center computer used for the fusion calculation and the displaying the human-computer interaction interface. The CMOS may be connected with the center computer via the Ethernet, and also may control the feature points supplement system and the illuminating system at the same time. The center computer may send the instruction on shooting to the CMOS, and the CMOS will perform two times of photograph once receiving the instruction, and send the photos back to the center comouter. Then the center computer will refine the feature points of every photos and match them one for another, and may calculate the three-dimensional coordinate of the matched points and form the 3 d point clouds, then perform the reconstruction of Poisson surface and the chartlet reconstruction. The spatial digitizer designed by this article applies to the scanning of the big objects, such as human body or the sculpture by means of the way of multiple-view reconstruction. Especially, since the multiple-view technology may create the three-dimensional model based on the photo of single width, it applies to the three-dimensional reconstruction for the objects of which the forms are moving continuously such as human body and alive animal. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
A hardware system is added into the project of this article, which has the advantage of opening the source, convenience for construction and reasonable organization structure, and of which the designation of use interface allows the users to use the system for the 3 d image fusion more convenient. At the same time, the flow path of collecting the data and the fusion of the system are relatively independent, which leads to the more easy later stage extension. At the same time, coordination with the reasonable calibration algorithm for CMOS, separate the calibration process and the fusion process of the three-dimensional model, thus may reduces the time needed for synthesizing the model.
Directing to the features of the multiple-view fusion algorithmic, the author of this article constructed the feature points supplement system which enhanced the amount and the precision of the point clouds generated during the fusion greatly. The reasonable use coordinating with UDP and TCP protocol guaranteed the success ratio of taking photo by the CMOS in synchronization and photo transferring. This article introduced the functional framework of this system, and performed rounded analysis and designation on the key technology of this system based on the three-dimensional fusion algorithm analysis according to the multiple-view geometric principle, and discussed the main soft program of this system and the accomplishment of the hardware structure.
Key Words: Multi view geometry, 3D scanner, feature point extraction, 3D reconstruction
Type of Dissertation: type of basic research for application
图 2 针孔摄像机几何 C是摄像机中心p是主点 8
图 3 图像坐标系和相机坐标系 9
图 5 世界和相机坐标之间的欧式变换 10
图 6 对应点的几何 10
图 7 参考图像和其它R(P)的图像集合内图像进行匹配 15
图 8 参考匹配点 16
图 9 参考相机图 16
图 10 相机原理图 16
图 11 工作原理图 17
图 12 面片中心固定在面片上参考图 18
图 13 新面片法向量 19
图 14 面片的聚类与分组 20
图 15 系统概念图 21
图 16 系统示意图 22
图 17 开关电源 22
图 18 树莓派实物图 23
图 19 树莓派摄像头模块 24
图 20 树莓派与摄像头模块 25
图 21 logo灯模块 26
图 22 原理图 26
图 23 logo示意图 28
图 24 logo实物图 28
图 25 打到模特身上的效果图 29
图 26 负载输出电路图 29
图 27 拓扑图 31
图 28 拓扑图 32
图 32 摄像头模块的相机矩阵流程图 36
图 33 3D打印应用 40
图 34 快速成型样例 41
图 35 三维打印主流技术 41
图 36 工作过程 42
图 37 FDM工作示意图 43
图 38 样件实例 43
图 39 后处理之前 44
图 40 SLA 原理 45
图 41 SLA 样件实例 45
图 42 SLS 原理 46
图 43 SLS样件 46
图 44 3DP 原理 47
图 45 3DP 样件实例 48
图 46 3D扫描仪原型机 50
图 46 3D扫描仪原型机 59
表格 1 树莓派硬件参数 23
表格 2 通讯协议 34
表格 2 40
摘要 I
插图索引 VII
表格索引 IX
符号对照表 XI
缩略语对照表 XIII
目录 XV
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 三维扫描的发展与分类概述 1
1.2 国内外的三维扫描仪研究现状 2
1.3 项目研究背景、意义及应用 3
1.3.1 技术在机械领域的应用 3
1.3.2 三维扫描与应急救援 4
1.3.3 关于监测社会安全以及交通安全 5
1.3.4文物保护领域内三维技术的实际使用 5
1.3.5 网络互动展示 5
1.3.6 关于制作影视特技 6
1.3.7 医疗方面的应用 6
1.4 文章研究内容与组织结构 6
第二章 多视图几何 8
2.1 摄像机模型及摄像机矩阵 8
2.1.1 基本针孔模型 8
2.1.2 主点偏置 9
2.1.3相机旋转与位移 9
2.1双目视觉 10
2.1.1对极几何 10
2.1.2基本矩阵F 11
2.1.3相机和结构的三维重构 11
2.1.4双线性关系 12
2.2 多视图计算 13
2.2.1 射影重构——捆集调整 13
2.2.2 利用序列重构 13 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
2.3 基于面片的多视图序列 14
2.3.1初始特征匹配 15
2.3.2 生成稀疏面片作为种子点 16
2.3.3扩散 18
2.3.4 过滤 19
第三章 系统硬件设计与实现 21
3.1 系统硬件总体设计方案 21
3.2系统电源设计 22
3.2.1开关电源 22
3.2.2电源连接方案 23
3.3 摄像头模块 23
3.3.1 树莓派(Raspberry Pi) 23
3.3.2 树莓派摄像头模块 24
3.4 特征点补充系统 25
3.4.1 特征点补充原理 27
3.4.2 特征点补充系统和一般照明系统的控制 29
3.5 系统主要通信结构 29
3.5.1 以太网交换机 29
2.5.2 路由器 30
2.5.3 系统网络连接方案 31 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
第四章 摄像头模块的软件设计与实现 33
4.1 摄像头模块的嵌入式Linux系统 33
4.2 摄像头模块的拍照方案 33
4.3 摄像头模块的数据传输方案 33
4.3.1摄像头模块的控制命令 34
4.3.2摄像头模块的图像传输 35
第五章 系统软件设计与实现 36
5.1 系统软件总体设计方案 36
5.2 Linux操作系统 37
5.3 相机标定 38
5.3.1 特征点检测及匹配 38
5.3.2从运动恢复结构 38
5.4 密集点云合成 38
5.5 泊松表面重建 39
第六章 系统实物样机制作 40
6.1 利用三维打印机进行制作研发 40
6.2基于Solidworks的结构建模 48
6.3关于扫描仪的结构设计 50
第七章 总结与展望 51
参考文献 53
致谢 55