
Under the current global economic development trend, the development of manufacturing industry represents the economic strength of a cuuntry. With the launch of "Made in China 2025," the maunfacturing power strategy has become an important strategy for the socialist modernization in our country in the new era. As a important advanced manufacturing center in the country in the new era, the central region has become the most important area for intelligent and greening manufacturing. The environmental problems caused by the manufacturing industry have always been the hot issues at the national and global level. The environmental regulation as a kind of environmental protection measures is very important to the ecological environment and economy. At the same time, the manufacturing industry needs continuous technological innovation to enhance its strength. Therefore, technological innovation is also a hot issue in the manufacturing industry and the development of economy as a whole. At the same time, the impact of environmental regulation on technological innovation will inevitably affect the economic development. This paper studies the impact of environmental regulation in central region of China on technological innovation in manufacturing industry. First, it systematically reviews and analyzes the basic theories of environmental regulation and technological innovation. By using the provincial panel data in central region of China, infer the direction and extent of the impact. The purpose of this study is to find out the direction and extent of environmental regulation in technological innovation in central region of China and put forward reasonable and diversified policy instruments to exert the promotion effect of environmental regulation in central region of China on technological innovation. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
This paper uses the provincial manufacturing statistics of Central China from 2001 to 2015 to study the impact of environmental regulation on manufacturing technological innovation.The results show that environmental regulation has a significant impact on technological innovation in manufacturing industry in terms of the overall central region, and environmental regulation has a significant role in promoting technological innovation.However, from the results of provincial-level regression, there are significant differences in whether the results of the provinces are significant or not and the direction of the effect.Based on the above research results, this paper put forward the corresponding policy recommendations.The technical innovation will be integrated into the environmental regulatory policy and formulate policies that are compatible with technological innovation.The formulation of the environmental regulatory policy should be based on the specific development of the specific regions.The use of various environmental regulatory tools should be more fiexible, and strengthen the technological innovation and application of enterprises. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
Key words: environmentalregulation , technological innovation , environmental policy [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]