
(2)完成了脚踏装配自动线控制系统硬件结构的设计。针对脚踏装配自动线的特点,采用日本松下MFDDT3520003驱动器作为接收转盘反馈信息的交流伺服器;针对脚踏装配自动线的功能需求,进行了PLC处理器I/O端口的分配;对基于PLC脚踏装配自动线的总体电路图、伺服控制电路图、PLC信号控制电路和PLC保护电路进行了研究设计。 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
With the continuous development of China's manufacturing industry and the continuous improvement of labor costs, to the development of automatic assembly manufacturing industry provides a good opportunity. At present, many domestic assembly production or rely on manual assembly, the production efficiency is low, the quality is poor, the cost is high. Based on PLC's foot automatic assembly line control system, combined with the assembly manufacturing enterprises demand, using PLC technology, realize the pedal assembly process of automatic feeding, automatic Zhusai assembly, automatic feeding and automatic assembly. The main research work and results are summarized as follows:
(1) combined with the characteristics of automatic assembly line the pedal assembly process was transformed and optimized on the basis of analyzing the enterprise existing pedal assembly line. The original assembly process was transformed into the Zhusai automatic arrangement of materials and assembly, automatic anti loose nut arranged on automatic alignment and assembly, cover material feeding and pressing step motor base drive system and transmission system of five modules. The automatic assembly line structure was designed.
(2) the design of hardware structure of automatic assembly line control system. According to the characteristics of the pedal assembly line, with Japan's Matsushita MFDDT3520003 drive as a receiving turntable feedback information exchange server; functional requirements for foot automatic assembly line, the distribution of the PLC processor I/O port PLC on foot; automatic assembly line based on general circuit, servo control circuit, PLC control circuit and PLC signal the protection circuit of the design. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
(3) the automatic line control system of the pedal assembly should be controlled by the PLC program. The reliability, accuracy and performance of PLC program directly influence the control effect of automatic assembly line control system. The ladder diagram, the use of CX-Programmer programming software on the pedal assembly communication between the host computer program, automatic line in the lower computer program and the upper and lower computer to achieve the complete realization of encoding, and pedal assembly line control system software development.
In this paper, the automatic assembly line is controlled by the PLC element which can be processed by logic operation. The control precision is high, and it has good flexibility. It can not only improve the efficiency of automatic assembly line assembly line, but also can adapt to the future demand of the assembly production, to adapt to the production line adjustment caused by the change of market demand.
Key words: pedal assembly line; PLC technology; automatic control; circuit design; software design
目录 I
摘要 III
Abstract V
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.1.1 课题来源与背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 装配流水线发展历程 2
1.2.1 流水线发展历程 2
1.2.2 产品装配方式发展历程 2
1.3 装配流水线自动控制技术的研究现状 4
1.4 主要研究内容 7
第2章 脚踏装配自动线总体方案分析与设计 9
2.1 脚踏装配结构简介 9
2.2 脚踏装配线设计 10
2.3 自动装配线组成 11
2.4 控制系统实现技术简介 12
2.4.1 PLC开发语言 12
2.4.2 现场总线技术 15
2.5 本章小结 16
第3章 脚踏装配自动线控制系统硬件设计 17
3.1 控制系统总体框图 17
3.2 控制系统的硬件选型 18
3.2.1 PLC的选型 18
3.2.2 交流伺服器 19
3.3 人机交互界面设计 20
3.4 PLC的I/O分配 21
3.5 控制系统线路图设计 24
3.5.1 总体电路图设计 24
3.5.2 伺服控制电路设计 24
3.5.3 PLC信号控制电路设计 25
3.5.4 PLC保护电路设计 26
3.6本章小结 27
第4章 脚踏装配自动线控制系统软件设计 28
4.1 控制程序流程设计 28
4.2 PLC程序设计 29
4.2.1 自动装配程序设计 29
4.2.2 手动调试程序设计 31
4.3 其他部分功能程序设计 31
运行故障主要是以下几类: 32
第5章 总结与展望 35
5.1 总结 35
5.2 不足与展望 36
参考文献 38 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]