
摘要:人力资源在21世纪已经毋庸置疑的成为第一战略资源,为社会经济的高速发展做出了不可估量的贡献。而我国民办高校在改革开放以来,充分利用教育大众化的发展契机,发挥其面向市场、机制灵活等优势,给予了更多学生接受高等教育的机会,也为社会培养了许多优秀人才,成为了我国高等教育体系中重要的办学力量,为中国教育大众化做出了很大的贡献。然而,公办高校的扩招和民办高校的投资者的不断增多,使民办高校的竞争越来越激烈。而民办高校的教师队伍素质则决定着民办高校的生存死亡。从战略高度来规划高校人力资源的开发、培养与管理,不断挖掘教师的潜力,使民办高校人力资源配置达到最优化与高校总体战略目标相匹配,是应对激励竞争的必然要求。因此,在战略人力资源视角下研究民办高校教师队伍建设具有重要的指导意义。本文首先阐述了人力资源管理、民办高校的概念,并对战略人力资源管理对民办高校的适用性及作用进行了阐述。然后通过对某高校教师队伍的现状的分析:着重阐述该校战略人力资源管理观念相对滞后,教师队伍结构不合理,教师心理素质不够稳定,教师待遇缺乏竞争优势,教师培训体系不够完善,薪酬及激励机制不够健全等与战略人力资源管理有关的问题。最后针对以上问题,提出更新思想观念,建立战略人力资源观,实施团队管理;以战略为导向,重视人本管理,建立科学有效人力资源管理体系;创新管理机制,保证人力资源发展的核心竞争力的对策和建议。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
关键词 :人力资源 民办高校 师资队伍建设 团队建设
Human resource has become the first strategic resource at the 21 century. It has made immeasurable contribution for the social and economic development. Chinese private university has taken full advantage of the development of popularization of education ,and has made full use of market-oriented and flexibility of mechanism since the reform and opening-up , they have given more and more students the access to university, and made a great of contribution to the economy development, and has gradually became indispensable in our higher education system. With the expansion of the scale of higher education in China and a growing number of domestic investors and involvement of foreign universities, private universities are facing increasingly fierce competition. How to improve teaching quality and academic standards are keys to success of private universities which depends on the quality of the teachers of private colleges. From the strategic perspective to develop, train., and manage human resource, and then scout teachers’potential continually are important to private universities human resources, which match with the purpose of college fully. Under this circusmstance, the research of strategic human resource of private universities plays an important role in the development of teachers.
In this essay, based on the human resource management and strategic human resource management of universities. In addition, the applicability and effect of strategic human resource management of private colleges are described.
Secondly,through questionnaire survey and interviews of the teachers’ status of x university ,some results are got, such as,the number of teachers and students in x university, the proportion titles are both relatively reasonable; the incentives and training systems are established.But from the other side,we find some problems, such as the sense of strategic human resource management can not keep the pace of the actual trend ,teachers’structure is irrational, teachers’ psychology is unstable , and it is lack of the protection of treatment of teachers. In addition ,teachers training system is unperfect, performance evaluation and incentives systems are inadequate ,research atmosphere is not good. All in all,these are related to strategic human resource management. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Finally,based on these problems, some advices are put forward .Such as we need to update our minds and establish the concept of strategic human resource, and then make an effective human resource management system. At the same time, the mechanism of management is also needed to innovated. Moreover .,how to establish private universities strategic human resource management system is also discussed in this eassy.
Keywords:human resource management private university
Teachers team construction
目 次
摘要 I
目 次 V
1绪论 1
1.1选题背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
1.2.1国外研究现状 3
1.2.2国内研究现状 4
1.3论文研究内容与方法 6
1.4论文创新之处 7
2 基本概念及理论阐释 8
2.1民办高校 8 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
2.2 人力资源管理 8
2.2.1 人力资源获取 9
2.2.2 人力资源报酬 9
2.2.3 人力资源开发 9
2.2.4 员工激励 10
2.2.5 团队的概念 12
2.2.6 团队计划的基本原理 13
2.2.6 团队建设 13
2.2.7 管理者的道德责任 13
2.3 大学教师人力资源管理 13
2.3.1 大学教师人力资源管理内容 14
2.3.2 大学教师人力资源管理的意义 14
3 当代我国民办高等教育发展现状 15
3.1发展概况 15
3.2民办高等教育办学形式 15
3.3民办高校师资队伍概述 15
3.3.1基本组成情况 15
3.3.2民办高校与公办高校竞争主要优劣比较 16
4 我国民办高等院校专职教师队伍稳定性研究—以某民办高校为例 17
4.1某院校基本情况介绍 17
4.2某高校师资队伍建设现状概述 17
4.2.1专职教师工作任务概述 17
4.2.2 某高校某教学部门师资队伍及工作现状 18
4.2.3 专职教师团队工作现状 18
4.2.4 教职工自觉个人提升意愿淡漠 19
4.2.5 某高校专职教师流失情况概述 19
4.3 某高校专职教师队伍流失原因分析 19
4.3.1职工的个人基本需求的满足上还待改进 19
4.3.2 管理方式及工作氛围人性化欠佳,缺少校园人文吸引力 20
4.3.3 缺乏积极自由的学术氛围,无长远职业规划意义 21
4.4团队建设欠缺,不足以吸引人才、凝聚人力 22
5 国外私立高校师资建设启示 23
5.1 国外私立高校师资建设的规定与做法 23
5.1.1 注重教师业务培训,建立教师业务提高保障机制的美国师资队伍建设 23
5.1.2 以完善的制度实施管理的日本师资队伍建设 23
5.1.3 整合资源,优化教师质量的俄罗斯师资队伍建设 24 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
6 对某民办高校加强稳定专职教师队伍的建议 26
6.1推进人力资源管理,为人员稳定奠定良好基础 26
6.1.1 规范管理,建立人力资源管理体系 26
6.1.2 稳定团队成员 为团队建设奠定核心基础 28
6.2改革人员工作模式,逐步推进团队管理 28
6.3 以师资队伍建设推动学校人力资源管理的不断完善与深入 31
6.3.1 领导层的伦理道德在制度建设中的实施 31
6.3.2 广开言路,以身作则,善待员工 31
6.3.3 激发员工道德责任感,逐步实现伦理管理 32
结论 33
参考文献 34
致谢 36 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]