
Research On Financial Support Of Hunan Anhua Dark Tea Industry Development
摘 要
本文首先从安化黑茶历史、产业规模、市场供求、市场竞争、市场绩效等方面对金融支持发展黑茶产业的必要性进行分析。其次较深入地探讨了政银企沟通交流机制尚不够畅通、黑茶存在的行业性风险影响银信部门信心、黑茶产业可提供的担保物在信贷方面受到诸多限制等金融支持安化黑茶产业的的现状及存在的问题。最后从营造良好的金融环境、以产业发展资金引导黑茶产业发展、以财税政策夯实金融支持基础、稳妥推广“黑茶仓单质押贷款”业务、降低融资成本、加强外汇管理与服务六个方面阐述了发展安化黑茶产业金融支持提出相应的对策,并就金融支持黑茶产业的途径问题向金融部门提出了具体建议,对促进安化黑茶以及益阳其他黑茶产业的健康、可持续发展具有一定的指导作用。 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Tea industry has been the dominant traditional industries in Yiyang. Anhua dark tea industry development has the advantage of natural ecology, brand, culture, quality, function, technology, industrial base, technology and other aspects.Anhua dark tea raw material requirements, processing technology, variety, quality characteristics, culture, unique value for drinking.And Yiyang Anhua dark tea still occupy a quarter of the national output, more than three fifths of the output in Jilin Province, Anhua area production of black tea also developed many new varieties, with broad prospects for development and stimulate economic growth power.
On the basis of Anhua dark tea industry background, first of all from Anhua dark tea history, it aims to promote the safety of black tea, black tea production to make new highs.the scale of the industry, the market supply and demand, market competition and market performance of financial support for the necessity of the development of tea industry were analyzed. Secondly deeply discusses the government bank enterprise communication mechanism is not smooth, dark tea industry risk influence of confidence in the bank trust departments, tea industry can provide collateral in credit by restrictions and other financial support Anhua dark tea industry of the status quo and existing problems. Finally from creating a good financial environment, to the industrial development fund guide tea industry development, to fiscal and taxation policies to consolidate financial support base, and steadily promote "tea warehouse receipts pledge loan business, to reduce the cost of financing, strengthen foreign exchange management and service six aspects elaborated the development of Anhua dark tea industry financial support of the corresponding countermeasures. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
How to speed up the development of dark tea industry is a question of local party and government with the industry of general interest.This article is important from the financial support for the development of Anhua black tea were analyzed and constructed, come in terms of cash flow, low operational efficiency of a single capital model, black businesses will inevitably lose some potential opportunities for expansion, the entire security development of black tea industry will be constrained.In this paper, the way financial support of black tea industry proposes specific recommendations to the financial sector,on the financial support for the development of Anhua dark tea were analysis and construction, has a guiding role
for the promotion of Anhua dark tea and other tea industry of Yiyang Health and sustainable development.Since this statistical data is limited, there are still many deficiencies.
Key Words: Anhua dark tea;Financial support;Credit
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究目的与意义 1
1.1.1研究目的 1
1.1.2研究意义 2
1.2 研究内容与思路 2
1.2.1 论文研究的内容 2
1.2.2 论文研究的思路 3
1.3研究方法 4
1.3.1 文献法 4
1.3.2 调查法 4
1.3.3 定性分析与定量分析法 5
1.3.4比较研究与综合研究法 5
1.4可能的创新与不足之处 5
1.4.1可能的创新之处 5
1.4.2不足之处 5
2 文献综述及相关理论概述 6
2.1 文献综述 6
2.2 金融支持特色农业发展的相关理论概述 9
2.2.1 相关概念界定 9
2.2.2 相关理论 10
3安化黑茶产业发展历史与现状 15 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
3.1 安化黑茶发展历史 15
3.2发展现状 16
3.2.1 安化黑茶产业规模 17
3.2.2 安化黑茶市场供求 18
3.2.3 安化黑茶的竞争对手 20
3.2.4 安化黑茶市场绩效 22
4.1 黑茶产业资金需求特点 23
4.1.1资金需求量大 23
4.1.2资金需求面广 23
4.1.3资金用途活 23
4.1.4资金需求期限长 23
4.2 金融支持安化黑茶产业发展的类型 23
4.2.1财政支农 23
4.2.2银行信贷 24
4.2.3产业发展基金 25
4.2.4农业保险 26
4.3 金融支持安化黑茶产业发展的规模与力度 26
4.3.1 黑茶企业融资的可得性与企业规模呈较明显的正相关关系 26
4.3.2金融支持黑茶产业的力度稳步增强 28
4.4 安化黑茶产业与金融业的关系日益密切 29
5 金融支持安化黑茶产业发展存在的问题 30
5.1 问题分析 31
5.1.1 政银企沟通交流机制尚不够畅通 31
5.1.2 黑茶存在行业性风险,影响银信部门信心 31
5.1.3 黑茶产业贷款担保存在限制 31
5.1.4 对各项优惠政策尚未用足用好 31
5.1.5 融资成本偏高,企业承受力受到考验 31
5.2成因分析 32
5.2.1 茶山估价困难,无法拿来抵押 32
5.2.2农村金融体系自身的缺陷 32
5.2.3 政策性保险保障不足 33
5.2.4 茶叶原材料价格波动幅度大 33
5.2.5 产业化程度较低,制约了金融支持的深度和广度 33
5.2.6 外部环境的影响 33
6 促进金融支持安化黑茶产业发展的对策与建议 34
6.1 营造良好的金融环境 34
6.1.1做好黑茶产业顶层设计,实现黑茶产业的长期繁荣 34
6.1.2优化黑茶金融长远战略,促进资金供需双方互利共赢 35
6.1.3进一步优化政府服务,为金融支持黑茶产业创造良好基础环境 36
6.2 以产业发展资金引导黑茶产业发展 37
6.2.1 建立安化黑茶产业发展项目资金 37
6.2.2 建立安化黑茶产业发展项目资金的原则 37
6.2.3 安化黑茶产业发展项目资金的申报 38
6.2.4 安化黑茶产业发展项目资金的使用和管理 38
6.3 以财税政策夯实金融支持基础 39
6.3.1完善安化黑茶产业保险长效机制 40
6.3.2 推动政银企合作,加大财政出资和补贴力度 40
6.3.3 开展黑茶深加工研发产业链,促进茶产业标准化和规模化发展 40
6.3.4 不断创新金融支持方式,开发“适茶”金融产品 40
6.4 稳妥推广“黑茶仓单质押贷款”业务 41
6.4.1“黑茶仓单质押贷款”业务实施难点 41
6.4.2“黑茶仓单质押贷款”业务平台建设问题 42
6.4.3“黑茶仓单质押贷款”业务的实现形式 43
6.5 发展产业集群,降低融资成本 43
6.5.1 建立健全银行对安化黑茶产业集群的风险定价机制 43
6.5.2 创新安化黑茶产业信货融资模式 44
6.6 加强外汇管理与服务 46
6.6.1 技术提升促黑茶出口 46
6.6.2 品牌带动产业发展 47
7 研究结论与展望 48
参考文献 50
致 谢 55