
The application of network marketing in real estate marketing
摘 要
The rapid development of network information technology changed people's way of life, also has brought great changes to social development. Enterprises as the main body of market economy, also under the influence of network information technology, network information technology is changing the way enterprise development, to enterprise's production, marketing, management has had a profound effect. In this development environment, the enterprise only to keep pace with The Times, make full use of network information technology to gain faster development in market economy. This article mainly analysis the effects of the network marketing of real estate marketing and network marketing application in the real estate marketing. In the network marketing in real estate marketing to real estate marketing provides more extensive marketing channels, also has a profound impact on the real estate marketing. In network marketing before, people for building information can only be obtained from newspapers, television, as well as the real estate marketing center. However, the emergence of the Internet marketing has changed the real estate marketing model, the transformative impact on real estate marketing. According to concerning sectional statistic, China's Internet users has more than 700 million people, to strengthen the application of network marketing in the real estate marketing is the inevitable trend of enterprise development. Real estate network marketing not only realizes the 24 hours of the marketing mode, but also the building of the information on the Internet, you can also interact with the audience, understand the audience demand for property, open Internet counseling and so on. In this paper, the research mainly divided into the following several parts: the first part of the analysis of the real estate network marketing the background and significance, concrete analysis of the real estate network marketing theory significance and practical significance, secondly, the paper introduced the research ideas and research methods of this article. The second part, mainly to the real estate marketing research status at home and abroad are analyzed, and analyzes the real estate network marketing related literature review, introduces the related concepts of real estate network marketing. The third part, analysis the present situation of the real estate network marketing analysis, pointed out the advantages and characteristics of the real estate network marketing, points out what the real estate network marketing with traditional marketing does not have the advantage. Problems existing in the process of real estate network marketing are analyzed, and pointed out that the undeveloped technology of the network in our country, to ignore the traditional marketing way are the problems existing in the real estate network marketing, real estate network marketing and traditional marketing interact with each other, complement each other, can play a role of maximum efficiency. The fourth part, mainly for overseas real estate network marketing mode are analyzed, and points out that the real estate network marketing can draw lessons from abroad, this paper introduces the main mode of the network marketing of real estate in our country. The fifth part, the main is case analysis, to analyze A company's real estate network marketing. The sixth part, this paper puts forward the countermeasures of network marketing, A company position in the market and the price of real estate projects have the corresponding analysis. In view of the problems this paper put forward the reasonable countermeasures.
Keywords: A company; The real estate; Network Marketing; application; Marketing Strategy
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题的背景与意义 1
1.2相关文献综述 1
1.2.1国内文献综述 1
1.2.2国外文献综述 1
1.3研究的内容和方法 1
1.3.1研究的内容 1
1.3.2研究方法 1
1.4本文创新点 1
第二章 相关概念与理论基础 1
2.1相关概念 1
2.1.1网络营销概念 1
2.1.2房地产网络营销概念 1
2.1.3网络营销职能 1
2.2相关理论基础 1
2.2.1网络直复营销理论 1
2.2.2关系营销理论 1
2.2.3网络软营销 1
2.2.4数据库营销 1 [资料来源:]
第三章 房地产网络营销的现状分析 1
3.1网络营销的特征和优势 1
3.1.1网络营销的特征 1
3.1.2网络营销的优势分析 1
3.2互联网在国内房地产营销中的应用 1
3.2.1运用网络技术挖掘房地产潜在消费者 1
3.2.2利用互联网实现“一对一营销”的客户关系管理 1
3.2.3网络广告在房地产网络营销中的运用 1
3.2.4电子邮件在房地产营销中的运用 1
3.3房地产企业网络营销存在的问题 1
3.3.1 网站数量冗杂 1
3.3.2网站融资困难和资金使用不合理 1
3.3.3企业本身具有的网络营销技术还不发达,不能满足营销的要求 1
3.3.4忽视了传统营销的作用 1
第四章 我国房地产企业网络营销过程、模式以及国外经验借鉴 1
4.1我国房地产企业网络营销过程 1
4.1.1做好基础工作 1
4.1.2制定网络营销总体战略 1
4.1.3确定网络营销基本策略 1
4.2房地产网络营销主要模式 1
4.2.1 “万通”网上定制模式 1
4.2.2“住宅联盟”网上采购模式 1
4.2.3 “我爱我家”文化社区模式 1
4.2.4社区信息化模式 1
4.2.5网络营销集成模式 1
4.2.6个性化营销理论下的模式 1
4.3国外房地产网络营销的借鉴模式 1
4.3.1美国房地产企业进行网络营销的借鉴模式 1
4.3.2欧洲房地产企业进行网络营销的借鉴模式 1
第五章 企业网络营销分析——以A公司为例 1
5.1 A公司简介 1
5.2 A公司网络营销宏观环境分析 1
5.2.1网上人口环境分析 1
5.2.2政治法律环境 1
5.2.3 社会文化环境 1
5.2.4 经济环境 1
5.2.5科技环境 1
5.3 A公司房地产网络营销微观环境分析 1
5.3.1网络购物用户 1
5.3.2用户获取楼盘信息的渠道 1
5.4 A公司网络营销 SWOT 分析 1
5.4.1 机会分析 1
5.4.2 威胁分析 1
5.4.3 优势分析 1
5.4.4 劣势分析 1
5.5 A公司B项目网络营销分析 1
5.5.1 B项目简介 1
5.5.2 宗地概况 1
5.5.3 项目概况 1
5.6 B项目网络营销目标及市场定位 1
5.6.1 网络营销目标 1
5.7 B项目网络营销 4P 策略建议 1
5.7.1 B项目网络产品策略 1
5.7.2 B项目网络价格策略 1
5.7.3 B项目网络渠道策略 1
5.7.4 B项目网络促销策略 1
第六章 结论 1
6.1 结论 1
6.2 展望 1
参考文献 1 [资料来源:]