
摘要:个人理财业务拥有风险低、批量大、经营业务范围广、收益稳定等优势,其创造的收益在商业银行的经营收入中占据着非常大的比重。尤其是在 2010 年我国加入 WTO之后,随着经济的快速发展、外资银行的大量涌入、居民理财意识的提高等,居民的个人理财需求日益强烈,这促使我国商业银行必须大力发展个人理财业务。然而,与国外的商业银行相比,我国商业银行的个人理财业务仍然处于起步阶段,需要有效的营销手段来加快个人理财业务的发展速度。本文主要分析民生银行秦皇岛分行个人理财业务现状和营销策略的研究意义和目的;介绍了国内外文献综述以及对国内外研究述评。其次,主要分析商业银行理财业务营销管理的理论基础,主要有业务生命周期理论、营销策略理论、金融创新理论、现代营销理论、全面风险管理理论。对民生银行秦皇岛分行个人理财业务现状进行了概述,主要包括民生银行秦皇岛分行概况,个人理财业务模式,个人理财业务发展的现状分析。第三,对民生银行秦皇岛分行个人理财业务发展状况及问题,主要包括发展状况,中外银行个人理财业务对比分析,发展中出现的问题以及问题的成因分析。本论文从个人理财业务的定义和相关理论出发,借鉴其他国外发达国家商业银行个人理财业务营销的成功经验,分析了民生银行秦皇岛分行个人理财业务营销所处的宏观环境、行业环境和客户需求度进行了分析,总结出了目前其个人理财业务营销中存在的一系列问题,制定出了适合民生银行秦皇岛分行个人理财业务的营销策略。
Abstract: personal financing business has low risk, big batch, wide range of business, the advantages of the stable income, it creates income in the income of commercial Banks occupy a very large proportion. Especially after China's accession to the WTO in 2010, with the rapid development of economy, the influx of foreign capital bank, the improvement of residents' awareness of financial management, etc., residents of personal finance demand increasingly intense, which prompted our country commercial bank must develop the personal finance business. However, compared with foreign commercial Banks, personal financial business of commercial Banks in China is still in its infancy, and need effective marketing means to speed up the development of personal finance business. This paper mainly analyzes the minsheng bank, qinhuangdao branch personal financial business situation and the research significance and purpose of the marketing strategy; Literature review at home and abroad is introduced as well as to the domestic and foreign research review. Secondly, analysis the main theoretical basis of commercial bank financial business marketing management, mainly business life cycle theory, marketing strategy theory, financial innovation theory, the modern marketing theory, comprehensive risk management theory. Of minsheng bank, qinhuangdao branch personal financial business situation were summarized, mainly including qinhuangdao branch of bank of the people's livelihood, personal finance business model, individual financing business development present situation analysis. Third, the minsheng bank individual financing business development situation and problems of qinhuangdao branch, mainly includes the development, the Chinese and foreign bank personal finance business analysis, developing the problems and the cause of the problem analysis. This paper starting from the definition and related theory of personal finance business, draw lessons from other developed countries abroad commercial bank personal financial business marketing success experience, analyzes the minsheng bank, qinhuangdao branch personal financial business marketing macro environment, industry environment and customer demand are analyzed, and summarizes the present situation of the personal financial management business marketing a series of problems, set out for minsheng bank qinhuangdao branch personal financial business marketing strategies. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Key words: qinhuangdao branch of bank of the people's livelihood; Business; Personal finance; The marketing strategy