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摘  要

关键词:法治,  信访,  终结制度

Study of the termination of petitionsy system base on the rule of law


    An effective and valid petition system has to fulfill two major purposes in the process of its implementation. Firstly, petition system should support government to prevent the public rights infringe upon personal rights and promote a lawful, fair, effective and efficient government administration. Secondly, the petition system can effectively solve the dispute between people in community and government; therefore prevent people’s lawful rights. In 2005 after implement the revised edition of petition law, the problems of petition system has not solved, the disruption of petition system is still occurring. Few numbers of people still conduct illegal gathering under the name of petition and ask the unreasonable request from government under name of safeguard legal rights, which cause the implementation of petition system getting worse. Under this situation, it’s very important and meaningful to conduct the research on petition system and petition law. This article is beginning with analysis the intension and necessity of the abolishment of the petition system; the major problems are currently facing to and the reasons cause the petition system begin. Base on the researching result and adoption of legal view to provide the fundamental thinking and proposition to improve the process of abolishment of the petition system. [版权所有:]

Key Words:rule of law,  petition,  termination system
目    录
引    言    1
1绪论    2
1.1选题的背景和意义    2
1.2主要研究内容    2
1.3研究方法    2
1.3.1系统分析方法    2
1.3.2实例分析法    3
1.3.3文献研究的方法    3
2信访终结机制概述    4
2.1信访终结制度提出的背景    4
2.1.1信访终结制度提出的社会背景    4
2.1.2信访终结提出的法律背景    5
2.2信访制度的起源与演进    6
2.2.1信访制度的定义    6
2.2.2信访制度的发展历史及社会背景    7
2.2.3当前信访工作所面临的困境    7
2.3信访终结的内涵界定    8
2.3.1规范角度的界定    8
2.3.2行为角度的界定    8 [资料来源:]
2.3.3法律角度的界定    8
2.4信访终结制度的特征    9
2.5小结    9
3建构信访终结制度的必要性分析    10
3.1和谐社会的需要    10
3.1.1保障公民权利的的需要    10
3.1.2维稳工作的需要    10
3.1.3行政效率与成本的需要    10
3.2法治社会的需要    10
3.2.1依法信访的需要    10
3.2.2程序正义的需要    10
4当前信访终结所面临的困境及成因分析    12
4.1当前信访终结面临的困境    12
4.1.1应结难结问题    12
4.1.2终而不结问题    12
4.1.3为终结而终结的问题    13
4.2成因分析    13
4.2.1政治体制因素    13
4.2.2社会心理因素    15
4.2.3终结制度自身缺陷因素    16
5法治视角下完善信访终结机制的思考    19 [资料来源:]
5.1构建我国信访终结制度的法律框架    19
5.1.1信访可终结事项的范围和种类    19
5.1.2终结信访事项的主体    19
5.1.3信访终结的认定标准及法律后果    20
5.2从立法上完善信访终结程序    21
5.2.1书面审查程序    21
5.2.2听证程序    22
5.2.3评议程序    23
5.3健全信访终结制度配套制度    23
5.3.1公示制度    23
5.3.2说明理由制度    23
5.4建立健全与其他制度之间的衔接    24
5.4.1与行政复议之间的衔接    24
5.4.2与行政诉讼之间的衔接    24
5.4.3与公安政法之间的衔接    25
结    语    26
参考文献    27
致    谢    30 [资料来源:]

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