
摘 要
本文共分为五章,从风险导向内部审计的背景、意义,风险导向内部审计的定义、理论基础、开展的必要性等方面依次展开,结合出口型企业的特征、面临的主要经营风险及其内部审计的现状,对风险导向内部审计在出口型企业的作用进行研究,并以山西L公司为例进行具体分析,从而有助于发现问题,并提出相关对策及建议。本文对出口型企业如何开展风险导向内部审计有一定的借鉴意义和参考价值。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
With the rapid economic development of our country, especially after joining the WTO, export-oriented businesses of our country get a fast development. While after the financial crisis in 2008, economy around the whole world had a sharp fluctuation, and export-oriented businesses in our country was under the influence of it, facing the more complex international environment and harder operation risks. Particularly, some small and medium size export-oriented businesses focus more on business growth but ignore the risk management, thus the various risks they faced seriously affect the normal operation and health development. How to identify and avoid risks becomes the problem the businesses need to solve urgently. Therefore, internal audit department of export-oriented businesses should develop risk-oriented audit to reduce risks of businesses.
Compared with the common businesses, the environment the export-oriented businesses faced is more complex and the operation risk it suffered is greater. Thus, internal audit department of export-oriented businesses should change concept, realize the necessity and practical significance of developing risk-oriented internal audit from the business strategy, establish the new audit flow and help businesses to identify, evaluate and cope with the risks, especially focus on the relevant critical area, link and control point of products export. In addition, businesses should knew the major problem exists in the process of risk-oriented internal audit, and reply it positively.
This paper is consist of five chapters, it is started from the background, significance, definition, theoretical basis and necessity of risk-oriented internal audit, combining with the features, main operation risks and current situation of internal audit of export-oriented businesses of export-oriented businesses to analyze the specific application of risk-oriented internal audit in export-oriented businesses. The paper choose the L company in Shanxi province to analyze it, to find the problems and to propose relative countermeasures and suggestions. This paper has the reference significance and value on how to develop risk-oriented internal audit in export-oriented businesses.
Key words: internal audit, risk-oriented internal audit, export-oriented businesses, avoid risks
学位论文原创性声明 1
学位论文版权使用授权书 1
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
第1章 引言 1 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 文献综述 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3 研究的内容和方法 4
1.4 论文的创新点 4
第2章 相关理论基础 6
2.1 内部审计模式的演变 6
2.1.1 萌芽状态下的内部审计 6
2.1.2 财务导向内部审计 6
2.1.3 业务导向的内部审计 7
2.1.4 管理导向内部审计 8
2.1.5 风险导向内部审计 8
2.2 风险管理理论 10
2.2.1 风险管理理论的产生与发展 10
2.2.2 风险管理理论与内部审计的关系 12
2.3 风险导向内部审计的相关理论基础 14
2.3.1 风险导向内部审计的含义及特征 14
2.3.2 风险导向内部审计产生的理论基础 15
2.3.3 风险导向内部审计的对象、目标 16
2.4 小结 16
第3章 风险导向内部审计与出口型企业风险管理 17
3.1出口型企业概述 17
3.2 我国出口型企业遭遇的常见风险 17
3.3 出口型企业内部审计的现状 19
3.4 开展风险导向内部审计对于出口型企业的必要性与作用 19
3.5 小结 21
第4章 风险导向内部审计在山西L公司的应用案例 22
4.1 山西L公司简介 22
4.2 L公司应用风险导向内部审计的具体做法 22
4.2.1 重新定位内部审计模式 22
4.2.2 制定内部审计目标和计划 23
4.2.3 对企业进行全面风险识别 23
4.2.4 对企业进行风险评估 25
4.2.5 编制具体审计方案 27
4.2.6 风险导向内部审计实施环节 28
4.2.7 出具审计报告 28
4.2.8 后续审计阶段 28
4.3 实施风险导向内部审计给L公司带来的变化 29 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.3.1 切实降低了企业风险 29
4.3.2 提升了内部审计工作效率 29
4.3.3 促使公司发生许多改变 29
4.4 风险导向内部审计在实际应用中存在的主要问题 30
4.4.1 没有规范的风险导向内部审计体系 30
4.4.2 风险评估工作开展困难 30
4.4.3 内部审计与其他部门协同方面存在不足 30
4.4.4 内部审计人员知识结构存在缺陷 31
4.5小结 31
第5章 完善出口型企业风险导向内部审计具体应用的对策 32
5.1 优化企业风险导向内部审计环境 32
5.1.1 转变企业全员观念,促使企业发展风险导向内部审计 32
5.1.2 提高审计人员素质 32
5.1.3 完善内部控制机制 33
5.1.4 加强风险评估工作 33
5.1.5 加强信息技术的应用和信息库的建设 34
5.2 构建风险导向内部审计应用性框架 34 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
5.3 小结 35
第6章 结论与展望 36
6.1 结论 36
6.2 展望 37
参考文献 38 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]