
以投资分析报告为依托的投资分析模式下的财务预警分析有效避免了这些问题。投资分析模式下的财务预警分析,站在独立于企业内部的视角,不仅需要关注企业财务数据体现出的问题,同时需要关注引起财务数据变动时对应时刻的企业营销策略和经营管理。 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
The Analysis Of Investment Analysis Mode Of Enterprise Financial Early Warning——The Case Of BYD Group
Abstract: With the development of market-oriented economy, and increased opportunities, but also poses more challenges for the enterprise. Enterprise financial risk prediction is not in time, lead to deterioration in the financial situation, and even lead to bankruptcy. It requires enterprises to find potential risks to be addressed. Thus the set of immediate and effective financial early-warning system is necessary to ensure sustainable development of enterprise security.
Paper description investment analysis mode of financial warning analysis total is divided into four a part, first part is introduction, full description papers Research of background, and meaning and ideas; second part is theory introduced, for financial warning analysis and investment analysis mode of financial warning analysis of theory for introduced; third part is research method, introduced has investment analysis mode of financial warning analysis of analysis process; IV part is sample analysis, selected has BYD group for research sample, Demonstrates in detail the financial early-warning models of financial early warning analysis part is conclusion and prospect, combined with sample analysis results analysis of financial early warning analysis of investment outcomes and expectations. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Created by this investment analysis mode, analysis of financial early warning analysis procedure consists of three parts, namely analysis, historical analysis of the overall situation and the future situation analysis, in three sections respectively, according to the company's business model as a unit, part three is divided into several sub modules for further analysis. In the analysis of overall module, in advance of the analysis on the enterprises ' business needs first module separately accounted for in the overall weight, after analysis of the historical data and predictive analysis needed by individual business segments to analyze the overall profit contribution rate. Insert a valuation analysis during the analysis of enterprise valuation results compared with the market value, found the listed company's potential risk of future price trends.
Using early-warning of financial investment analysis mode to BYD, for example, illustrates the mode of enterprise financial early-warning analysis of the investment analysis process, to check the business risks, column, as shown in. Compared to traditional models of financial early warning analysis of risk to a single data tip, more intuitive analysis of financial early warning analysis of investment expenditures in all business segments at different stages of risk situation risk prompts more rich. Especially from the perspective of traditional style, joined the financial market risk perspective, didn't pay attention to the risk of discovery. Fully validate the investment mode of advantages compared with the traditional mode of financial early warning analysis. Investment financial early-warning analysis mode not only with the traditional model of financial management feature, and the integration of the views on risk control in the financial market, enrich the analysis of financial early-warning tool, increases the sensitivity of financial early-warning system for risk, can help enterprises to more completely and accurately identify potential financial risks. Intuitive risk prompted enterprises to make appropriate management decisions more targeted attention to neglected by conventional mode data, the calculation of risk, real escort role for businesses.
Key-words: Investment analysis model;Financial early warning; Risk warning; Business valuation
中文摘要.... ..2
英文摘要.... 3
目录 3
学位论文原创性声明 3
学位论文版权使用授权书 3
第一章 引言 3
1.1研究背景与研究意义 3
1.1.1研究背景 3
1.1.2研究意义 3
1.2国内外文献综述 3
1.2.1企业财务预警的重要性 3
1.2.2国内现行财务预警系统 3
1.2.3传统模式下的财务预警研究方法 3
1.2.4投资分析方法的目标和方法 3
1.2.5投资分析中的估值分析 3
1.3 研究方法与思路 3
1.3.1研究方法 3
1.3.2研究思路 3
1.4创新之处及存在问题 3
1.5论文结构 3
第二章 投资分析模式下的财务预警分析理论 3
2.1企业投资分析的概念及作用 3
2.1.1投资分析的概念 3
2.1.2投资分析的派别 3
2.2投资分析模式下的财务预警分析概念 3
2.2.1财务预警分析的概念 3
2.2.2投资分析模式介绍 3
2.2.3投资分析模式下财务预警分析的作用 3
2.2.4财务预警分析的研究意义 3
2.2.5投资分析模式下财务预警的特征 3
2.2.6传统模式下的财务预警分析存在的问题 3
2.3投资分析模式与传统模式下的财务预警分析的联系与区别 3
2.3.1投资分析模式与传统模式下的财务预警分析的共同点 3
2.3.2投资分析模式与传统模式下的财务预警分析的区别 3
2.4本章小结 3
第三章 投资分析模式下财务预警分析中的方法介绍 3
3.1投资分析模式下财务预警分析中的公司基本面分析法 3
3.1.1企业业务板块划分及其经营状况分析 3 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
3.1.2企业未来经营发展趋势分析 3
3.1.3企业在其所处行业位置状况 3
3.2投资分析模式下财务预警中的财务分析方法 3
3.2.1企业偿债能力和盈利能力分析方法 3
3.2.2企业业绩考核分析方法 3
3.3投资分析模式下财务预警中的价值评估法 3
3.3.1剩余价值估值模型(RIM) 3
3.3.2市盈率法(P/E)和平均市净率(P/B) 3
3.3.3TTM市盈率 3
3.4本章小结 3
第四章 BYD集团案例演示 3
4.1样本背景介绍 3
4.1.1BYD在资本市场表现 3
4.1.2BYD企业研发核心 3
4.1.3样本选择原因 3
4.2 以投资者角度切入,整体分析企业风险 3
4.2.1公司基本面分析 3
4.2.2整体财务状况分析 3
4.2.3整体估值分析 3
4.2.4整体状况财务预警提示 3 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
4.3持续经营下的经营历史剖析 3
4.3.1业绩回顾 3
4.3.2企业经营的业务分析 3
4.3.3历史状况财务预警提示 3
4.4基于历史数据的企业经营展望 3
4.4.1对于企业经营的展望 3
4.4.2企业的盈利预测与评级 3
4.4.3企业未来状况财务预警提示 3
4.5本章小结 3
结论及展望 3
(1)结论 3
(2)展望 3
参考文献 3
致 谢 3