【关键字】铁路企业 成本控制 实施过程 改进措施 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
A basic task, enterprise management is how to continually reduce costs to improve business efficiency. In recent years, due to China's economic structure, the change of business environment, makes the adverse factors affecting railway cost increase year by year, coal prices, such as oil, steel, and lead to railway enterprise cost control suffered unprecedented pressure. After separating in railway enterprises shall, in particular, need to consider more profit problem, change the losses for a long time. Railway enterprises to achieve cost control, comprehensive analysis of the costs of the state-owned enterprises and to take effective measures, so as to guarantee the sustainable development of the railway enterprise operations.
Railway enterprises produced cost refers to the railway enterprise in passenger and cargo transport, selling goods, providing labor services such as occurred in the daily operation of the outflow of economic benefits. Railway enterprises in daily production process occurs in all kinds of spending, according to the economic purpose can be divided into main business cost, periodic expenses and non-business expenses, these factors constitute total transport. Railway enterprises to improve economic efficiency, enhance the level of profit is the important factors to effectively control the cost.
This paper systematically expounds the concept of internal control and cost control, function, through the analysis of the problems existing in the railway enterprise cost control, puts forward the feasible solutions, effectively improve the economic efficiency of enterprises.
【Key Words】The railway companies The cost control implement
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第1章 绪论 2
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 研究方法 3
1.4 本文的结构安排 3
第2章 相关理论介绍 3
2.1内部控制理论 4
2.1.1 内部控制的相关概念 4
2.1.2内部控制的目标与重要性 5
2.1.3内部控制的建立实施 5
2.3 成本控制理论 6
2.3.1成本控制的概念 6
2.3.2 成本控制理论的发展过程 6
2.2.3 成本控制的主要方法 7
2.2.4 成本控制的意义 8
第3章 铁路企业概述 9
3.1 铁路总公司概况 9
3.2 铁路企业成本控制的特点 10
3.2铁路企业内部控制存在的问题 10
3.4 铁路企业实施成本控制的意义 11
第4章 现阶段XX段成本控制状况 12
4.1 XX段单位概况 12
4.2 该直属站段成本控制现状 12
4.3 该直属站段现阶段成本控制存在的问题 13
4.4 XX段成本控制问题产生的原因 15
第5章 改善XX段成本控制有效实施的措施 16
5.1提高管理层成本控制意识 16
5.2建立合理有效的清算机制并制定目标成本 17
5.3建立有效的激励制度 17
5.4建立和落实标准成本 18
5.5建立有效监督制度以及责任成本制度 19
5.6建立畅通的信息传递机制 19
5.7增强成本管理现代化手段 20
5.8塑造良好的企业成本管理文化 20
结论 21
参考文献 22