
摘 要
随着内部控制理论发展和企业重大违法案件不断曝光,促使许多国家逐渐关注内部控制体系的建设。美国 COSO 委员会发布了具有权威性的框架:《企业风险管理整合框架》和《内部控制整合框架》,这对内部控制理论研究具有里程碑的意义。国内在借鉴美国内部控制相关理论的基础上,发布了《企业内部控制基本规范》和《企业内部控制配套指引》。对于我国大多数企业来说,制定出一个既能促进企业发展也可以使企业满足监管部门的要求的内部控制体系迫在眉睫。从我国要求上市企业对其相关内部控制进行披露的几年内,天津磁卡在连续两年被出具内部控制评价否定意见,通过研究和分析该公司存在的问题,可以为其他企业的内部控制建设提供一定的借鉴意义。
With the development of internal control theory and the enterprise illegal cases continue to exposure, many countries gradually pay attention to the construction of the internal control system .The United States COSO Committee issued a framework with authority:"enterprise risk management integrated framework" and "internal control integrated framework",the theory of internal control research has the milestone significance.But China issued "Basic Norms of Internal Control" and "Enterprise Internal Control Guidelines",which is based on the COSO theory about internal control framework.For most enterprises in our country ,how to formulate a consistent which can promote the development of enterprises and meet the regulatory requirements of the internal control system is essential.From the requirements of Chinese listed companies which should disclosure the internal control construction,Tianjin card is issued internal control evaluation of negative opinion in two years.through the research and analysis of the problems existing in this company,which can provide certain reference for other companies.
For analysis of Tianjin card accounting system ,the lack of information disclosure and other problems,the article elaborated from five aspects of the internal environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication and internal supervision. Defects in the internal environment is the responsibilities of the position management personnel of the company are not clear and discharge is not in place.The human resources management is not standard and the legal concept of problems such as the level of evaluation is insufficient;As for risk assessment level,the company show a lack of development strategy of risk and risk management of the subsidiary companies of funds;In control activities,Tianjin card financial reconciliation system defects,sales and investment aspects of business;Defects in the information and communication is Tianjin card does not carry out internal report system effectively and failed to disclosure information timely;In the internal supervision,Tianjin card is not the subsidiaries of effective supervision and control.On the basis of the analysis,the article puts forward the improvement of internal environment,improve risk awareness,the implementation of internal control measures,timely and accurate information communication and disclosure,form five aspects of effective supervision mechanism suggestions.At the same time,this paper deeply analyzes the existing problems of internal control which cause Tianjin magnetic card, which is generally existed in the other companies.The management of the importance of internal control is not enough.The enthusiasm of enterprises internal control construction is not high,and the company information disclosure cost is too low.
The research results of this paper not only to improve the internal control system of Tianjin card provides reference to perfect,but also can provide a reference for the construction of the internal control system of other listed Corporation.
Keywords:Internal Control,Tianjin Card,Problem,Countermeasures
目 录
摘 要 1
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 国内外文献综述 2
1.2.1 国外文献综述 2
1.2.2 国内文献综述 4
1.2.3 国内外研究评述 5
1.3 研究内容及方法 6
1.3.1 研究内容 6
1.3.2 研究方法 6
1.4 本文的创新点 7
第2章 内部控制基本理论 9
2.1 内部控制含义与内容 9
2.2 内部控制模式 9
2.2.1 内部牵制阶段 9
2.2.2 内部控制制度阶段 10
2.2.3 内部控制结构阶段 11
2.2.4 内部控制整体框架阶段 11
2.2.5 企业风险管理框架阶段 12
2.3 我国内部控制规范体系 13
第3章 天津磁卡公司基本概况及内控问题 15
3.1 企业概况 15
3.2 内部控制建设现状 16
3.2.1 内部控制建设与实施进展 16
3.2.2 内部控制重大缺陷情况 17
3.3 内部控制存在的问题 19
3.3.1 内部环境不理想 19
3.3.2 风险意识不强 21
3.3.3 控制活动有待强化 22
3.3.4 信息披露不全面 23
3.3.5 内部监督评价力度不足 24
3.4内部控制存在问题的原因分析 24
3.4.1 企业管理层对内部控制的建设不重视 24
3.4.2 企业信息披露违法成本低 25
3.4.3 公司不重视自身文化建设 26
3.4.4 公司缺乏风险评估的意识 26
3.4.5 内部控制建设推进方式不当 26
第4章 完善天津磁卡内部控制的对策 27
4.1 完善内部控制环境 27
4.1.1 强化管理人员对内部控制的认识 27
4.1.2 将内部控制引入企业文化 28
4.1.3 优化人力资源政策 28
4.2 健全风险评估体系 28
4.2.1 提高财务风险识别能力 29
4.2.2 明确公司发展战略,加强对子公司管控 29
4.3 规范控制活动 30
4.3.1 相关业务控制要点 30
4.3.2 会计对账制度方面 31
4.4 完善信息化建设和披露制度 31
4.4.1 完善信息化建设 31
4.4.2 及时披露信息 31
4.5 强化内部监督建设 32
第5章 结论与展望 33
5.1 主要研究成果及结论 33
5.2 不足及展望 34
参考文献 35
致 谢 39