摘 要
This article concise language had the stress in the introduction ordinary numerical control engine bed the economy numerical control tool machine entered for the design process, mainly for mechanical part design, including ball bearing guide screw, bearing, stepper motor , and synchronized tooth profile belt computation, choice and application. To remedy the defects of ordinary lather CA6140, a design of data processing system and its single chip microcomputer system program is put forward to raise the processing precision and extend the machine’s usage, and to improve production rate. so the Motorcycle been reformed, the lord exercises realize to change speed automatically. lengthways, horizontal enter to proceed to system the number controls the control, and request to attain lengthways minimum sport unit as 0.01 mm/ pulse, horizontal minimum sport unit as 0.005 mm/ pulse, knife must be the automatic control a knife which is turning automatically, and it is able to slice the thread automatically. This paper presents the process of designing numerical control reform, and explicitly introduces the design of mechanical and numerical control system reforms.
Key word: numerical control; ball bearing guide screw; stepper motor; reform design
CA6140 车床数控改造技术参数
最大工件直径 400 mm
最大工件长度 1500 mm
纵向( Z 轴 ) 800N ; 横向( X轴 ) 600N
刀架快速移动速度: 纵向2.4m/min;横向1.2m/min
最大进给速度: 纵向0.6m/min;横向0.3m/min
定位精度 mm
主电机功率 7.5 kw
启动加速时间 30 ms