
摘 要
Numerical control technology, is the method that USES digital control of one of the working process of automatic control technology. It is usually controlled by the position, Angle, speed and other mechanical quantity and amount related to the mechanical energy flow switch. Numerical control depends on the data carrier and the binary form data operation. And CNC milling machine is in the common milling machine used digital control system, can be under the control of the program code accurately for milling machine.
This article for programming and machining of the parts, through the processing of CNC milling machine, for specific parts of the process of analysis, the scheme of machining tool and cutting parameter selection, determine the processing order and processing route, the nc machining programming. This article mainly from the construction of the 3 d model, processing technology analysis and the general steps of machine tool programming, improve my understanding of the use of CAD/CAM software and figure drawing, improve my reading ability. Finally, automatic programming and processing, the hope can find better ways of programming and processing in the process method, improve efficiency, and applied to real work can further understand the machining characteristic of nc machine tools.
KEY WORDS: CNC milling machine, cooperate with parts, 3 d model, processing technology, automatic programming

目 录
第一章 绪 论 5
1.1数控技术发展及现状 5
1.1.1数控技术的发展 5
1.1.2数控技术在国内的现状 5
1.2本课题研究的目的及意义 6
1.3课题的主要内容 7 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
第二章 零件的工艺分析 8
2.1零件图工艺分析 8
2.1.1零件图分析 8
2.1.2零件毛坯选择 9
2.2零件定位基准选择 9
2.2.1精、粗基准选择 9
2.2.2基准的确定 10
2.3 零件加工工艺规程分析 11
2.3.1配合件01工件工艺规程分析 11
2.3.2配合件02工件工艺规程分析 12
第三章 运用pro-E建造三维模型 13
3.1 pro-E简单介绍 13
3.2创建零件模型 14
3.2.1配合件01工件建模 14
3.2.2配合件02工件建模 20
第四章 配合件的编程及加工仿真 24
4.1 UG编程的简单介绍 24
4.2以配合件02工件为例进行UG编程 25
4.2.1对02工件进行模型分析 25
4.2.2加工坐标系、几何体设定 25 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
4.2.3创建加工刀具 26
4.2.4加工程序顺序管理 26
4.2.5对02工件加工编程 27
4.3刀路仿真及加工代码输出 30
4.3.1刀路仿真及加工代码的输出 30
4.3.2配合件02工件输出部分加工代码 32
第五章 配合件工艺表、程序单 38
5.1配合件01工件工艺表、程序单 38
5.2配合件02工件工艺表、程序单 40
第五章 全文总结 42
致 谢 43
参考文献 44
毕业设计小结 45
附 录 46 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]