关键词:给水系统 排水系统 消火栓系统 自动喷水灭火系统 雨水系统
Water supply system water, from municipal pipe network pick a service pipe DN100, minus one to six floors for the direct supply of municipal pipe network, seven to fifteen floors with variable-frequency pump pressurized water. Fire pool used for reinforced concrete structures placed at minus two floor and the volume is 362.88 cubic. Building interior drainage sewage water and waste water are combined to the manhole, treated by septic tanks and then discharged into the municipal sewer network. Toilet drainage system uses stretch top snorkel and special ventilation risers. Toilets on the second and third floor in the private rooms use circulating ventilation system. The minus two floors’ waste water are collected to the sump, then lifted into the outdoor manhole by submersible sewage pump. For the whole glass curtain wall building facades, internal drainage, select half-pressure of gravity flow systems, rainwater flow roof rainwater collected by the rain water pipe to manhole. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
According to the specifications, the building is one high-rise construction. Indoor fire hydrant water 40L/s , fire life 2h, 12m fire hydrant full water column height, hose length 25m, 5.2L/s water gun nozzle flow, fire the riser tube diameter DN100. A test fire hydrant is set up on the roof.
The building uses wet automatic fire sprinkler system. The alarm valve located on the pump room, every floor sets water flow indicator, test water device and signal the valve at the end. Sprinkler system in the project is divided into 5 zones. A 18m3fire water tank is set on the roof, storage 10min sprinkler system and fire hydrant system water, late extinguishing the fire pump and sprinkler pump water from fire tank at the basement.
Keyword: water-supply system; drainage system; hydrant system; automatic sprinkler system; rainwater system
第一章 给水系统 1
1.1给水方式的选择 1
1.2给水系统组成 1
1.3管道布置及设备安装要求 1
1.4生活用水量计算 1 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
1.5设计秒流量的确定 2
1.6水表的选择 2
1.7给水系统水力计算 2
1.7.1低区给水水力计算 2
1.7.2高区水力计算 10
1.8生活水泵的选择 14
第二章 排水系统 15
2.1生活排水系统 15
2.1.1排水系统选择 15
2.1.2生活排水系统的组成 15
2.1.3排水管道安装要求 15
2.1.4排水系统设计计算 15
2.1.5集水坑的计算 27
2.1.6化粪池的计算 27
2.2屋面雨水排水系统 29
2.2.1系统的选择 29
2.2.2雨水排水系统的组成 29
2.2.4雨水管管径的计算 29
第三章 消防给水系统 31
3.1室内消火栓系统 31
3.1.1消火栓系统的组成 31
3.1.2消防贮水池和屋顶消防水箱 31
3.1.3消火栓给水系统计算 32
3.1.4消火栓减压计算 34
3.1.5水泵接合器 35
3.2自动喷水灭火系统 35
3.2.1室内自动喷水灭火系统的选择 35
3.2.2喷淋系统的组成 36
3.2.3自动喷淋灭火系统的最不利管路计算 36
3.2.4报警阀组 38
3.2.5喷淋泵的选择 38
3.2.6喷淋系统减压计算 39
3.2.7喷淋水泵接合器 40
参考文献 41
致谢 42 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]