摘 要
本工程为万都科技楼排水设计项目。该办公楼为 17 层,建筑总高度为 58.3m,负一层为地下车库,层高 4.5m,一层层高 4.2m,二、三层4m,标准层高 3.3m。
给水系统采取垂直分区并联给水的方式,从市政管网引两根引入管进入建筑,负一层至地上五层由市政管网直供,六层至十七层由无负压变频供水设备加压供水。本建筑属于一类高层民用建筑,耐火等级为一级,室外消火栓用水量40L / s ,室内消火栓用水量40L / s 。消火栓充实水柱高度 13m,水龙带长度 25m。本建筑喷淋系统采用湿式自动喷水灭火系统,地上部分为中危Ⅰ级,地下部分为中危Ⅱ级,分两个区,负一至七层为低区,八至十七层为高区。建筑内消防及喷淋在火灾前 10min 用水由屋面箱泵一体化消防增压稳压设提供,有效容积为36m3 ,后期灭火用水由地下一层的消防水池提供,其有效容积为600m3 ,分为两格。
关键词:给水系统 排水系统 消火栓系统 自动喷水灭火系统 雨水系统
This project is a drainage design project of Wandu Science and Technology Building. The total height of the office building is 58.3m. The negative floor is an underground garage with a height of 4.5m. The first floor is 4.2m, the second and third floors are 4m, and the standard floor is 3.3m.
The water supply system adopts vertical zoning and parallel connection. Two leading pipes are introduced into the building from the municipal pipe network. The negative one to the ground five layers are supplied directly by the municipal pipe network, and the six to seventeen layers are supplied by the non-negative pressure variable frequency water supply equipment under pressure. This building belongs to a kind of high-rise civil building. Its fire-resistant grade is first class. The water consumption of outdoor hydrant and indoor hydrant are 40L/s and 40L/s respectively. Fire hydrant filling water column height is 13m, water hose length is 25m. A test hydrant is installed on the roof, and a button to start the fire pump remotely is installed in each indoor hydrant box. The sprinkler system of this building adopts the wet automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system. The above ground part is medium-dangerous grade I, and the underground part is medium-dangerous grade II. It is divided into two zones. The negative one to seven floors are low zones, and the eighth to seventeen floors are high zones. The alarm valve is located in the pump room of the basement. Flow indicator, signal valve and terminal water test device are installed in each layer. The signals are sent to the fire control center for processing. The water for fire fighting and spraying in the building is provided by the integrated pressure-boosting and stabilizing device of roof box pump 10 minutes before the fire. The effective volume is 36 m3. The water for fire fighting in the later stage is provided by the fire pool on the ground floor. Its effective volume is 6 60 m3, which is divided into two compartments. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Both indoor and outdoor drainage systems adopt the combined sewage and waste system, which is discharged directly into municipal sewage pipe through inspection wells. Drainage riser adopts ventilation riser double riser drainage system, one layer of which is drained separately, and two to seventeen layers of centralized drainage. The basement drainage is collected and discharged to the catchment pit through the drainage ditch, and is elevated and discharged to the inspection well by the submersible sewage pump. The roof rainwater drainage system adopts internal drainage system and gravity semi-pressurized drainage system. Rainwater is collected by roof rainwater bucket and discharged into municipal rainwater pipe network by rainwater riser
Keyword: water-supply system;drainage system;hydrant system;automatic sprinkler system;rainwater system
万都科技楼主体建筑为十七层,地下一层为车库,建筑面积1590m2,地上一到十七层为办公场所,每层建筑面积约780m2~1000m2,建筑总高度58.60m。 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
市政自来水压力约为: 0.28MPa。
设计说明书 1
第一章 项目概述 1
第二章 生活给水系统 2
2.1 给水系统方案设计 2
2.2 用水定额及用水量 3
2.3 设计秒流量 3
2.4 给水系统的水力计算 4
2.5 水表选型 12
2.6 市政直供部分所需压力校核 12
2.7 高区设备选型与所需压力校核 13
第三章 消火栓给水系统 14
3.1 消火栓的布置 14
3.2 消火栓的水压 14
3.3 消火栓系统水力计算 16
3.4 消防泵选择 19
3.5 消火栓系统减压计算 19
3.6 水泵接合器 21
3.7 消防贮水池 21
3.8 屋顶消防水箱 22
4.1 设计基本数据 24
4.2 管道与报警阀布置 24
4.3 喷头的选用与布置 24
4.4 系统的设计流量 25
4.5 自喷系统水力计算 25
4.6 增压与贮水设备 34
4.7 水泵接合器 34
4.8 喷淋减压孔板计算 35
第五章 生活排水系统 37
5.1 设计秒流量 37
5.2 卫生器具当量和排水流量 37
5.3 排水横支管水力计算 37
5.4 排水立管水力计算 44
5.5 排水通气立管选用 46
5.6 排出管水力计算 47
5.7 集水坑计算及潜水排污泵选型 48
第六章 雨水排水系统 50
6.1雨水排水系统方式选择 50
6.2雨水排水系统计算 50
参考文献 54
结语 55
致谢 56