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摘    要



Water supply and drainage design of office building in Leshan Development Zone
The water supply system adopts the method of vertical partition and parallel water supply. The water is fed into the building through the DN70 pipeline from the municipal pipe network. The negative one to four floors are directly supplied by the municipal pipe network, and the fifth to fourteenth floors are supplied by the frequency conversion pressure water supply equipment. Water supply. The internal drainage of the building adopts the combined wastewater and waste system, and the outdoor one is also the waste and waste combined system. It is directly discharged into the municipal sewage pipeline network. The drainage riser adopts a special ventilation riser to form a double-controlled drainage system, in which the ground floor is separated by a separate drainage, and two to ten. Four layers of concentrated drainage. The drainage of the basement is drained to the sump through the drainage ditch and lifted by the submersible sewage pump to the inspection well. The rainwater drainage system uses a gravity flow system and uses an external drainage system. Rainwater from the top-level roof is discharged through a rainwater riser to a layer of rainwater wells and then discharged into a municipal stormwater pipe network. The fire and shower in the building shall be provided by the roof fire-fighting water tank 10 min before the fire. The effective volume shall be 18m3. The fire extinguishing water in the later period shall be provided by the fire-fighting pool on the ground floor and the effective volume shall be 246m3. [资料来源:]
According to the reference specification, this building belongs to the second category of high-rise civil buildings, the fire resistance rating is two, the indoor fire hydrant water consumption is 20L/s, and the fire duration is 2h. The fire hydrant is full of water column height of 12m, the length of the hose is 25m, and the diameter of the fire riser pipe is DN100. One test fire hydrant is provided on the roof layer, and each indoor fire hydrant box is provided with a button for remotely starting the fire pump. According to the reference specification, the above-ground part of the 
building is classified as medium-risk class I. The entire sprinkler system is divided into two areas, the negative one to seven layers are the low areas, and the eight to fourteen layers are the high areas. The building uses a wet sprinkler system. The design flow of the sprinkler system is 20.8L/s. The actual flow rate is 23.23L/s. The alarm valve is located in the pump room in the basement. Each floor is equipped with a water flow indicator, a signal valve and an end water test device. The signals are sent to the fire control center for processing. [资料来源:]
Keywords: water supply system, drainage system, hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, rainwater system



目  录
摘    要    I
Abstract    II
第一章  给水系统设计说明    1
1.1给水系统组成    1
1.1.1 给水方式对比    1
1.1.2方案选择依据    3
1.2给水系统组成    3
1.3给水管道的布置与敷设    3
第二章  室内排水系统设计说明    5
2.1排水系统选择    5
2.2 排水系统的组成    5
2.3排水管道安装要求    5
第三章  雨水系统设计说明    7
3.1雨水排水系统的选择    7
3.2雨水排水系统的组成    7
3.3雨水管道的敷设与布置    7
第四章  消防系统设计说明    8
4.1室内消火栓系统    8
4.1.1室内消火栓系统的选择    8
4.1.2系统组成    9
4.1.3设备及构筑物    9 [资料来源:]
4.1.4消火栓的安装    9
4.2自动喷淋系统    9
4.2.1室内自动喷水灭火系统的选择    9
4.2.2系统组成    10
4.2.3喷头的选择与布置    10
4.2.4设备及构筑物    11
4.2.5喷淋系统的安装    11
第五章  给水系统设计计算    12
5.1用水定额及用水量    12
5.2给水方式    12
5.3低位水池尺寸设计    13
5.4 生活给水系统水力计算    14
5.4.1设计秒流量的计算    14
5.4.2市政直供部分水力计算    15
5.4.3变频恒压供水设备部分水力计算    19
5.5水表的选择    21
5.5.1总水表的选择    22
5.5.2分水表的选择    22
5.6市政直供部分校核    23
5.7增压供水设备选型    23
5.7.1高区给水系统所需压力    23 [资料来源:]
5.7.2增压设备    24
5.7.3减压阀的设置    25
第六章  室内排水系统设计计算    27
6.1排水体制及排水方式    27
6.2排水系统水力计算    27
6.2.1排水横支管水力计算    27
6.2.2排水立管水力计算    31
6.2.3排水通气立管的选用    32
6.2.4排水横干管水力计算    33
6.3集水坑及提升泵计算选型    33
6.3.1消防电梯集水坑及提升泵计算选型    33
6.3.2水泵房集水坑及提升泵计算选型    34
第七章  雨水排水系统设计计算    35
7.1屋面雨水排水方式    35
7.2降雨强度    35
7.3汇水面积    35
7.4设计秒流量    36
7.4.1建筑屋顶汇水面积的划分    36
7.5雨水斗选用    37
7.6连接管选用    37
7.7溢流口排水量    38 [来源:]
7.8立管选用    38
7.9排出管计算    39
第八章  消火栓给水系统设计计算    40
8.1消防水池    40
8.1.1消防水池的设置    40
8.1.2体积计算    40
8.2屋顶消防水箱    41
8.3消火栓保护半径    42
8.4消火栓布置间距    43
8.5消火栓的确定    43
8.6消火栓的水力计算    44
8.7水泵接合器选定    46
8.8消火栓减压计算    46
第九章  自动喷水灭火系统设计计算    49
9.1自动喷淋灭火系统的基本数据    49
9.2管道与报警阀布置    49
9.3喷头的选用与布置    49
9.4系统的设计流量    49
9.5水力计算(特性系数法)    50
9.5.1  高区喷淋水力计算    51
9.5.3  系统水力计算    57


9.6 增压设备    58
9.7 水泵接合器    58
9.8喷淋减压孔板计算    58
参考文献    61
结语    62
谢辞    63

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