
摘 要
关键词: 胸痹心痛康复;自疗康复;自然疗法;食材疗法;干湿分离
Study on Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Practical Method of Simple Self - treatment of Chest Obstruction with Pain
Progress in the level of science and technology, medical standards and treatment progress with the times and the pace of the times, the disease morbidity and mortality should be reduced, but on the contrary the incidence of physical disease and mortality rates are as ever Not diminished by the increase, the phenomenon should make the contemporary people have Jing Ti and reflection.
Chest pain (coronary heart disease) has become one of the modern civilization disease, due to the improvement of living standards, diet, lifestyle, acquired environment and other factors, not only the elderly susceptible to the disease, the age of patients tend to younger Of the phenomenon, especially in the diet of the diet, the diet partial to the fat and thick greasy, and food processing products are flooded with chemical additives, as well as lifestyle changes, physical labor reduction (lack of exercise), leading to chest Heartache (coronary heart disease) becomes common and common disease. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
So that if the risk of heart disease can not be changed by the daytime environment, the survival rate of the patient who has been diagnosed with heart disease is trying to increase the survival rate of the heart disease - how to make the rehabilitation of the heart disease become an increasingly important Medical topics.
Therefore, how to make the rehabilitation of heart disease is also an important issue in this paper.
The study of rehabilitation theory and literatures related to heart disease and heart disease in Chinese medicine was carried out, and the journal papers and books related to modern Chinese medicine and modern medicine and health science were used as the verification data of modern Chinese medicine heart disease rehabilitation theory. Get the information to be sorted out, analysis, discussion.
This study uses a combination of computer search and manual inspection method. (GOOGLE, YAHOO) and other relevant literatures to search for the type of information (rehabilitation), rehabilitation, heart disease, heart disease Rehabilitation, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation, chest pain, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, self-healing rehabilitation, health rehabilitation, natural medicine and other related words, to collect information; manual access method for important books related to books and other historical books in writing.
This study collected the relevant medical literature, finishing the discussion of information, the paper covered with chest pain and pain, and chest pain in patients with coronary heart disease (coronary heart disease) useful materials listed in detail, and put forward a set of rehabilitation theory and rehabilitation of heart disease Strategy to facilitate patient application practice.
In order to improve the overall health and quality of life of patients with heart disease, this study is based on the literatures of rehabilitation of Chinese and Western medical heart disease and modern health and natural therapy, and it is ideal for patients with modern chest pain and heartache (coronary heart disease) Of rehabilitation knowledge, and around the theory of traditional Chinese medicine inherited from the point of view for rehabilitation practice, so that the theory of Chinese medicine rehabilitation more in the patient's life and even develop habits, and thus in the chest pain (coronary heart disease) on the road to recover the greatest effect. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
Key words: Chest pain and heartache rehabilitation ;self-healing rehabilitation ;natural therapy ;food therapy ;dry and wet separation
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 V
引 言 1
第一章 中医康复学之概述 3
1.1 中医康复学定义 3
1.1.1 生理(形体)功能之康复 3
1.1.2 心理(精神情志)之康复 3
1.1.3 恢复正气 3
1.1.4 调理阴阳气血平衡 3
1.2 中医康复学内容 5
1.2.1 基础理论 5
1.2.2 研究对象 5
1.2.3 治疗方法 6
1.2.4 中医康复学与中医养生学之间的关系 7
1.3 中医康复学之发展概况 8
1.3.1 萌芽─春秋战国时期 8
1.3.2 形成─汉晋六朝时期 8
1.3.3 成长─隋唐时期 9
1.3.4 充实─宋金元时期 9
1.3.5 成熟─明清时期 10
1.3.6 近代 11
1.4 中医康复学相关基础 12
1.4.1 中西医之功能恢复理论 12
1.4.2 中医康复学之功能恢复理论 12
第二章 中医胸痹心痛康复之源流概述 16
2.1 中医胸痹心痛康复之形成延展 16
2.2 胸痹心痛之于冠心病 18
2.2.1 「冠心病」一词─冠状动脉硬化性心脏病 18
第三章 自然疗法的概念及对胸痹心痛(冠心病)的疗效 20
3.1 自然疗法 20
3.1.1 自然疗法是没有任何毒副作用的疗法 20
3.2 自然疗法是心疾患者康复的重要方法 20
3.3 自然疗法在胸痹心痛(冠心病)治疗时应注意的事项 21
第四章 胸痹心痛(冠心病)简易自疗康复法 22
4.1 外篇吃回健康─食材疗法 22
4.1.1 饮食疗法 22
4.1.2 顺应自然最简单─当地时令蔬果 49
4.2 内篇唤醒自愈力─唤愈力 51
4.2.1 起源 51
4.2.2 唤醒自愈力之施则 53
4.2.3 施行细则之说明 54
4.3 胸痹心痛(冠心病)之自疗康复实践计划 64
结 语 66
参考文献 68
附 录 77
致 谢 87 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]