
本研究采用了三个实验来探讨这一问题。实验一采用Stroop范式考察了不同熟练程度双语者在冲突任务中抑制和易化条件下的双语优势效应,结果发现:熟练双语者不仅在抑制条件下的反应时显著短于非熟练双运者,在一致条件下的平均反应时也显著短于非熟练双语者;实验二采用Simon范式考察了不同熟练程度双语者在反应抑制条件和一致条件下的双语优势效应,结果发现在反应抑制条件下,熟练双语者的反应时短于非熟练双语者,在一致条件下熟练双语者的平均反应时也短于非熟练双语者;为更好的排除被试可能由于冲突任务中具有的较高的注意监控能力,实验三采用RSVP范式考察了完全易化条件下不同熟练程度双语者的双语优势效应,结果发现:熟练双语者在T2上反应时显著短于非熟练双语者,且错误率更低。 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
With the development of economic globalization, the ties between various countries are being strengthened, and the number of bilinguals in both languages is gradually increasing. With the emphasis on bilingual experience, in the field of psychology, researchers have begun to pay attention to the advantages of learning L2 in other aspects. Studies have examined the cognitive advantages of bilinguals such as task switching, interference suppression and other abilities, confirming the existence of bilingual cognitive advantage effect, but there is unknow about the intrinsic mechanism of the bilingual advantage effect. On the basis of bilingual language production, Green(1998) proposed that the bilinguals’ ability to better control is the intrinsic mechanism of bilingual advantage effect. However, a few studies have found that bilinguals' better ability of cognitive control not only exists in the conflict condition, but also in consistent conditions. For this discovery, the researchers did not come to a unified result and a definite conclusion. Therefore, based on the researches, this study further examines the bilingual advantage effect in the conditions of inhibition and facilitation in bilinguals with different proficiency levels. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Three experiments were used to explore this issue. Experiment 1 used the Stroop paradigm to examine the bilingual advantage effect of bilinguals with different proficiency levels under the inhibition and facilitation conditions in the conflict task. The results show that not only the proficient bilinguals are significantly shorter than the non-proficient bilinguals, but also the mean reaction time in all conditions was also significantly shorter. Experiment two used Simon paradigm to examine the bilingual advantage effect of bilinguals with different degrees of proficiency. Experiment results showed that in the condition of reaction inhibition, proficient bilinguals responded shorter than non-proficient bilinguals, and were shorter in consistent conditions; for better exclusion higher attention in conflict tasks, In the third experiment, using the RSVP paradigm, we examined the bilingual advantage effect of bilinguals. The results showed that proficient bilinguals were significantly shorter than non-proficient [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
bilinguals at T2 and had lower error rates.
Based on the results of the three experiments, the following conclusions are obtained:
(1) Proficient bilinguals have bilingual advantage compared with non-proficient bilinguals under interference inhibition.
(2) Compared with non-proficient bilinguals, proficient bilinguals have better response inhibition ability under the condition of reaction inhibition.
(3) Bilingual advantage effect may also exist in the condition of facilitation.
Keywords: Proficient Bilinguals, Non-proficient Bilinguals, Inhibition, Facilitation, Bilingual Advantage Effect
前言 7
1.文献综述 9
1.1核心概念 9
1.1.1双语者 9
1.1.2 抑制 10
1.1.3 易化 11
1.1.4 双语优势效应 11
1.2 抑制与双语优势效应 12
1.3易化与双语优势效应 14
1.4 双语优势效应的相关理论 16
1.4.1 Green的抑制控制模型(IC模型) 16
1.4.2 双语抑制控制假说(Bilingual inhibition control assumption BICA) 17
1.4.3 注意保持理论 17
1.4.4 双重认知控制理论 18
1.5研究范式 18
1.5.1 Stroop范式 18
1.5.2 Simon范式 18
1.5.3 RSVP范式 19
2.问题提出及研究假设 20
2.1问题提出 20
2.2研究假设 21
2.3研究意义 21
2.3.1理论意义 21
2.3.2实际意义 21
3、实验研究 23
3.1实验一 干扰抑制中不同熟练程度双语者的双语优势效应 23
3.1.1 实验目的 23
3.1.3 实验程序 24
3.1.4实验结果 25
3.1.5 分析讨论 27 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
3.2 实验二反应抑制中不同熟练程度双语者的双语优势效应 27
3.2.1 实验目的 28
3.2.2 实验程序 28
3.2.3 实验结果 29
3.2.4 分析讨论 31
3.3实验三 易化条件下不同熟练程度双语者的双语优势效应 32
3.3.1 实验目的 32
3.3.2 实验程序 33
3.3.3 实验结果 34
3.3.4分析讨论 37
4.综合讨论 39
4.1抑制条件下的双语优势效应 39
4.1.1 干扰抑制条件下的双语优势效应 39
4.1.2 反应抑制条件下的双语优势效应 41
4.2 易化条件下的双语优势效应 42
5.结论 45
6.本研究的创新与不足之处 46
6.1 本研究创新之处 46
6.2 本研究不足之处 46
参考文献 47
在读期间发表的论文 51 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
致谢 52
致谢....................................................54 [来源:http://Doc163.com]