
“Village in city” is an unique phenomenon during Chinese cities development process, which lay restraints on city healthy development, and it always expressed as the conditions such as unbalance of the development, weakness of infrastructure, and backward in people's livelihood. To eliminate the “village in city”phenomenon, the Taiyuan municipal government started the reconstruction project of village in City since 2015,which aims to realize the reconstruction goal of the 170 villages around the Taiyuan city. In 2017,30 villages were listed into the reconstruction plan.
This article takes the Zhoujiazhuang village reconstruction project in Jinyuan district——one of the key reconstruction projects in 2017 of Taiyuan as the research object.This article studies the asset appreciation after reconstruction from evaluation view,and analyzes the social comprehensive appreciation after reconstruction.When calculates the asset appreciation,this article combines market method with cost method,and calculates the value of the residence and business real estate after reconstruction,as well as real estate construction cost and development cost and profit during reconstruction. Finally, this construction project will realize the asset appreciation about 648 million, and its value added rate reach to 185%. It will also produce a lot of social comprehensive appreciations mainly embody in following aspect: (1)villagers’ life condition is improved,and wealth value is added; (2)both city image and infrastructure equipment are improved a lot; (3)will help government push the development of cultural tourism industry. The results are as follows:
(1) Considering the influence of cultural relics on real estate value in the using of market method. This article added the indicator“the weight distance to cultural relics” to measure the influence of the culture effect of culture relics on real estate price,thus the evaluation result is more objective.
(2) Calculating the asset value appreciation effect,and analyzing the social comprehensive appreciation effect after reconstruction.This article combined market method with cost method,then calculated the residence and business real estate value as well as real estate construction cost and development cost and profit of each block after reconstruction,and get the concrete asset appreciation of each block,which made the effect visually.Besides,this article also analyzed the social comprehensive appreciation from villager,city development and government these three aspects entirely.
Key words: village construction, asset valuation, value appreciation,real estate price
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第1章 绪论 7
1.1 研究背景和意义 7
1.1.1 研究背景 7
1.1.2 研究意义 7
1.2 国内外文献综述 8
1.2.1 国外关于城中村的研究 8
1.2.2 国内关于城中村的研究 9
1.3 研究内容与方法 12
1.3.1 研究内容 12
1.3.2 研究方法 13
1.4 主要工作及创新 14
1.4.1 主要工作 14
1.4.2 创新之处 14
第2章房地产价格及其影响因素 15
2.1 房地产价格的定义 15
2.2 房地产价格的影响因素 15
第3章房地产评估的原则与方法 17
3.1 房地产评估的原则 17 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
3.1.1 供需原则 17
3.1.2 替代原则 17
3.1.3 最有效使用原则 17
3.1.4 预期收益原则 17
3.1.5 贡献原则 17
3.2 房地产评估的方法 18
3.2.1 市场法 18
3.2.2 成本法 18
第4章周家庄村城中村改造资产增值效益研究 19
4.1 太原市进行城中村改造的必要性分析 19
4.1.1 是实现城市现代化发展的必然要求 19
4.1.2 是改善民生状况的必然要求 20
4.1.3 是实现经济转型、快速发展的必然要求 20
4.2 周家庄村城中村改造基本情况 21
4.2.1 周家庄村基本情况 21
4.2.2 周家庄村城中村改造规划方案 22
4.3 周家庄村城中村改造的因素分析 23
4.4 周家庄村城中村改造的价值增值估算 26
4.4.1 周家庄村城中村改造价值增值估算的基本模型 26 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
4.4.2 周家庄村城中村改造的成本费用及开发利润估算 30
4.4.3 周家庄村城中村改造价值总额的估算 47
4.4.4 周家庄村城中村改造的资产增值估算 58
第5章周家庄村城中村改造社会综合效益研究 60
5.1 对村民的影响分析 60
5.2 对城市发展的影响分析 61
5.3 对政府的影响分析 62
第6章 结论与展望 63
6.1 结论 63
6.2 研究不足与展望 64
附录 65