
摘 要
根据企业、顾客与竞争对手三方面的分析,在明确竞争战略选择原则的基础上,提出了以节约成本为主导、以大顾客为主导、以差异化为主导的三种企业竞争战略的备选方案,并最终根据龙煤目前所处的经济环境、区域环境与营销情况选择了以差异化为主导的市场竞争战略,提出“企业—顾客—竞争对手”竞争战略模型。为确保已选择的竞争战略能够符合企业需求实际,通过服务、管理、产品三方面的差异化来增加客户黏度、增强核心竞争力、抢占市场份额。为了保证已选择和制定的差异化战略能够顺利实施,分别从组织、企业政策、人力、资金、技术、文化等方面提出保障措施,确保差异化战略采取的措施能够落到实处并取得成效。 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Coal is the primary energy of our country, and coal industry belongs to the important energy-based industries in our country. Therefore, the sustainable development of our economy is also affected by the production and operation of coal enterprises. As the largest coal enterprise in Northeast China, Longmay Mining Holding Group has an important influence on the development of regional economy, however, due to the historical and practical reasons, the current operating conditions of the enterprise are not optimistic. On the basis of extensive access to relevant information, in-depth investigation of the development status of the coal industry and the actuality of the management of its operation, the advantages and disadvantages of Longmay in the process of market competition were comprehensively analyzed in this thesis, started with three key factors “the enterprise itself, the major customers and the main competitors”, based on the idea of 3C’s Strategic Triangle Model, in order to help Longmay enhance its market competitiveness and speed up its transformation and upgrading. The conclusion that the disadvantage of the internal environment was greater than the advantage was found by the IFE matrix analysis. On the basis of extensive research, the conclusion that the customer relationship was not stable was found by the analysis among the four companies which were selected as the main customers, such as Anshan Iron and Steel Enterprise, Benxi Iron and Steel Group, Daqing Petrochemical Company and Jilin Petrochemical Company. Core competencies of Shanxi Coking Coal Group as the main competitor in the domestic coking coal market and Shenyang Coal Industry Group as the main competitor in the northeast region of Longmay were detailed analyzed by comparative analysis method, and compared with it. The main reasons for the lack of competitiveness of enterprises was found.
According to the analysis among enterprise, customers and competitors, three kinds of enterprise competitive strategy led by cost-saving, led by large customers and led by differentiation were put forward based on the clear principle of competitive strategy selections. Finally, the market competition strategy led by differentiation was selected according to the current economic environment, regional environment and marketing conditions of Longmay. And the "business - customer - competitor" competitive strategy model was proposed in the thesis. In order to ensure that the selected competitive strategy could meet the actual needs of the enterprise. The differentiations based on service, management and product were used to increase customer viscosity, enhance core competitiveness and seize market share. The safeguard measures of organizational, corporate policies, human resources, capital, technology and culture were proposed, in order to ensure that the selected and developed differentiated strategic could be successfully implemented. And ensured that the measures adopted by the differentiated strategic could be implemented in a practical and effective manner.
Key words: Longmay, 3C's Strategic Triangle Model, differentiated competitive strategy
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪 论 1
1.1 研究的背景与问题的提出 1
1.1.1 研究的背景 1
1.1.2 问题的提出 1
1.2 研究的目的与意义 2
1.2.1 研究的目的 2
1.2.2 研究的意义 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1 国外研究现状 3
1.3.2 国内研究现状 4
1.3.3 国内外文献综述简析 6
1.4 研究方法及内容 6
1.4.1 研究方法 6
1.4.2 研究内容 7
2 基于3C战略三角模型的市场竞争要素分析 9
2.1 3C战略三角模型 9
2.1.1 3C竞争战略模型定义 9
2.1.2 3C战略三角模型特点 9 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
2.2 龙煤集团竞争力分析(Corporation) 10
2.2.1 龙煤企业概况 10
2.2.2 企业优势分析 10
2.2.3 企业劣势分析 13
2.2.4 IFE矩阵分析 14
2.3 龙煤集团主要顾客分析(Customer) 16
2.3.1 长期合作的用煤企业概况 17 鞍山钢铁集团公司 17 本溪钢铁集团有限责任公司 17 大庆石化公司 17 吉林石化公司 18
2.3.2 龙煤主要顾客需求 18
2.3.3 龙煤与主要顾客关系分析 20
2.4 龙煤行业竞争对手分析(Competition) 21
2.4.1 国内其他煤炭生产企业概况 22 山西焦煤集团有限责任公司 22 沈阳煤业(集团)有限责任公司 23
2.4.2 龙煤竞争力对比分析 24
2.5 本章小结 25
3 龙煤集团市场竞争战略选择 26
3.1 竞争战略选择的原则 26
3.2 竞争战略选择的条件 27
3.2.1 经济环境分析 27
3.2.2 区域环境分析 27
3.2.3 营销情况分析 28
3.3 竞争战略的备选方案 32
3.3.1 以节约成本为主导的企业竞争战略 32
3.3.2 以大客户为主导的企业竞争战略 33
3.3.3 以差异化为主导的企业竞争战略 33
3.4 龙煤基于3C战略三角模型的战略选择 34
3.5 本章小结 36
4 龙煤集团差异化竞争战略制定 37
4.1 服务差异化 38
4.1.1 全力推行VIP客户服务体系 38
4.1.2 打造一流煤炭企业形象 39
4.2 产品差异化 40
4.2.1 大力塑造龙煤特色品牌 40
4.2.2 发挥绿色能源优势 41
4.3 管理差异化 41
4.3.1 推进扁平化管理改革 41
4.3.2 创新互联网运营模式 42
4.4 龙煤差异化竞争战略模型 43
4.5 本章小结 43
5 龙煤集团差异化竞争战略模型实施保障 44
5.1 加强战略实施过程的组织领导 44
5.2 坚持战略实施过程中的企业政策引导 44
5.3 优化战略实施过程中的人力资源管理 45
5.4 落实战略实施过程中的资金保障 45
5.5 提升战略实施过程中的技术水平与研发能力 46
5.6 注重战略实施过程中的企业文化建设 47
5.7 本章小结 47
结 论 48
参考文献 49 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]