
摘 要
第二,本文探讨政治关联对民营企业环保投资的影响与作用机制时,将政府环保补助纳入研究框架,体现了研究链条的完整性。同时,本文将企业环保投资细分为资本化的环保投资与费用化的环保投资,以更好地理解民营企业在面对政府施加的环保压力时,将会如何应对。 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
China's economic development has made remarkable achievements in the world since the reform and opening up for about forty years. However, resource exhaustion, environmental pollution and ecological destruction have become major issues, which seriously restricted the sustainable development of China's economy and endanger the human health and survival. How to effectively protect natural resources and ecological environment is one of the most urgent problems faced by China, and is also an important topic of common concern between the theoretical and practical circles.
Enterprises as an important subject in social economic activities, are the main producers of environmental pollution at the same time. They play a decisive role in maintaining the coordinated development of economy and environment. And they should shoulder the main responsibility of environmental protection and pollution control. However, due to the public goods nature of the environmental resources, the negative externalities of environmental pollution, and the complex characteristics of environmental investment which combine the large amount of capital, long investment cycle and low economic benefit. Most enterprises is unwilling to actively carry out investment in environmental protection and pollution control. The government needs environmental control to solve the market failure in environmental protection. Enterprises are important targets for the implementation of government environmental regulation policies. The government's environmental protection measures are transmitted through of enterprises which act like the medium carrier, and enterprises finally implement policies through environmental investment behaviors. Because of the existence of corporate political connection, the decision-making mechanism and transmission process of environmental investment behavior between government and enterprises has become a problem which is worthy of exploring deeply.
At present, a lot of theoretical and empirical research results have emerged in the study of political connection and enterprise environmental investment at home and abroad, which greatly enrich the content and depth of research in these two fields. But there is less literature on the combination of political connection and enterprise environmental investment behavior. In addition, the existing research on environmental protection investment is mainly focused on environmental investment of government and enterprise which is led by government. There are few empirical researches on the micro level data of enterprises. In this paper, the relationship between political connection and environmental investment behavior is studied.
The significance of this paper is: First, from a theoretical perspective, this paper studies the relationship between corporate environmental investment and political connections based on the micro level data of private enterprises, which will enrich the academic literature in the field of corporate investment and expand the research perspective of environmental investment as well. This paper explores the impact of political connections on corporate environmental investment, and also examines the impact of political connections on corporate environmental investment under the condition of differentiated regional economic development and environmental regulation intensity. This will further enrich the theoretical framework of the influence of political connection on environmental investment in enterprises. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Second, from the practical point of view, it can provide useful guidance for enterprises to build healthy and benign relationship with the government by studying the influence and mechanism of political on connection corporate environmental investment behavior. It can also formulate and improve relevant environmental laws and regulations and policies for the government. That helps government to effectively play the role of "tangible hand", and provide an important reference for enterprises to guide their environmental investment.
Based on the multidisciplinary knowledge of environmental economics, political economics, accounting and finance, we combine the way of empirical research with normative research in this paper, and mainly discuss the following three questions:
First, we discuss the influence and mechanism of political connection on the corporate environmental protection investment. We selectively analyzing the function of the government's environmental protection subsidy in this part, and analysis the influence of political connection of different executive levels and different types on the enterprise's environmental investment in detail
Second, we discuss how the political relationship affects the enterprise's environmental investment under the intensity of different environmental regulations. The intensity of the regional environmental regulation is measured by the single index method, the alternative index method and the compound index method in this paper. We empirically testing the impact of environmental regulation intensity on environmental protection investment, and focus on the regulation effect of environmental regulation on the relationship between political connection and corporate environmental investment
Third, we explore the relationship between political connection and corporate environmental investment under the condition of differentiated regional economic development, focusing on the impact of political connections on the scale of corporate environmental investment.
The main conclusions of this paper are as follows:
First, the corporate environmental investment is growing, but the total amount is relatively small. From 2008 to 2015, the total amount of environmental protection investment of Listed Companies in heavy pollution industry has basically maintained the trend of growth, but the total amount of them is relatively small. This phenomenon is more severe for private enterprises. Although private enterprises' environmental investment has maintained a growth trend during the research period, their volume is even more small. Furthermore, more of their environmental investment is a superficial expense for environmental costs, and the amount of capital invested in environmental protection equipment updates and technology upgrades is smaller. Therefore, the performance of private enterprises in the field of environmental protection investment is not excellent. More environmental responsibility should be taken by private enterprises under the tide of ecological civilization construction. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Second, political connection will help enterprises to increase investment in environmental protection. Through empirical analysis, it is found that the scale of environmental protection investment of private enterprises with political connections is higher than that of private enterprises with no political connections. That means, political connections can promote private enterprises to increase environmental investment. From the perspective of the source of environmental protection investment, the cost of environmental protection investment increased significantly by private sector, and the increase of capitalized environmental investment is relatively small. Besides, private enterprises with central political connections are more aware of the central government's environmental intentions and decisions, and are more inclined to implement the national environmental protection requirements and assume more responsibility for environmental protection. In addition, private enterprises with local political connections sometimes have some tacit agreement with local governments, which caters to the needs of local governments in pursuit of economic performance and undermines investment in environmental protection. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Third, political connections can help private enterprises get more government environmental protection subsidies and further increase enterprise environmental investment. Political connections do help companies get more government subsidies, especially the political connections between the chairman and the CEO. The government's environmental subsidy from private enterprises is mainly from the local political connections. The central political connections do not bring a significant increase in the government's environmental subsidies.
Fourth, regional environmental regulation has an inverted U regulation effect on the relationship between enterprise political connection and environmental investment. The intensity of environmental regulation is positively related to the scale of environmental protection investment of private enterprises, the stronger the constraints of environmental regulation, the more environmental protection investment of private enterprises. At the same time, the intensity of regional environmental regulation will change the original linear relationship between the political connection of private enterprises and the investment of environmental protection. It is found in this paper that the existence of a critical value of the intensity of environmental regulation makes the impact of the political connection of private enterprises on its environmental investment in an inverted U type. That is to say, when the regional environmental regulation strength is lower than a critical value, with the increase in the intensity of environmental regulation, the political connection of private enterprises is helpful to promote the increase of investment in environmental protection; when the regional environmental regulation intensity above this critical value, the higher the strength of environmental regulation, the political connection of private enterprises but not conducive to the expansion of business the scale of investment in environmental protection.
Fifth, the difference of regional development conditions can significantly affect the relationship between the political connection of private enterprises and the investment in environmental protection. The higher the level of economic development, the more environmental investment in local enterprises, and the environmental investment scale of local enterprises is relatively low with low level of economic development. And the empirical research shows that the impact of private enterprises' political connections on their environmental investment has been significantly negatively impacted under the differentiated regional economic conditions. That means, the private enterprises with political connections can significantly and substantially increase the investment in environmental protection in places where the level of economic development is high. While the positive effect of the political connection of private enterprises on the scale of environmental protection investment will have a relatively obvious decline in the place where the economic development level is low. This will lead to the scale of enterprises' investment in environmental protection is limited. In extreme cases, the scale of environmental protection investment may be reduced. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
The main contributions of this paper are reflected in the following aspects:
First, this paper enrich the research literature of enterprise environmental protection investment factors and economic consequences of the political connections. On the one hand, this paper makes a beneficial supplement to the research field of the influencing factors of enterprise environmental protection investment from the perspective of political connection, on the other hand, it also makes a positive attempt to test the influence of political connection on environmental governance, so as to understand the influence of political connection on enterprise management decision more comprehensively.
Second, this paper discusses the impact of political connections on private enterprises' environmental protection investment and the influencing mechanism. Also, this paper takes the government environmental protection subsidies into the research framework, reflecting the integrity of the research chain. At the same time, this paper divides the enterprise environmental protection investment into the capitalization of environmental protection investment and the expensed cost of environmental protection investment, in order to better understand the private enterprises’ decision in the face of environmental pressure from the government.
Third, this paper not only focuses on the issue of "whether there is political connection", but also pay attention to the issue of "how strong the political connection is", and discusses the political connection between different executive levels of private enterprises and different levels of government. This paper describes the political connection and strength of private enterprises from multiple dimensions, and further clarifies the boundary of political connection.
Fourth, this paper comprehensively considered the regional environmental regulation intensity and regional economic development pressure on the political connections and private enterprises environmental protection investment relationship of external regulation effect, so as to better play the role of the government's " tangible hands" to provide a direct empirical basis.
Key Words: Political Connection; Private Enterprise; Enterprise Environmental Protection; Government Subsidies for Environmental Protection; Environmental Regulation; Regional Economic Development [资料来源:Doc163.com]
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract I
目 录 1
导 论 1
一、选题背景、研究目的与意义 1
(一)选题背景 1
(二)研究目的与意义 3
二、研究思路、内容与方法 4
(一)研究思路 4
(二)研究内容 6
(三)研究方法 6
三、核心概念界定 7
(一)政治关联 7
(二)企业环保投资 8
(三)民营企业 9
第一章 文献综述与理论基础 11
第一节 文献综述 11
一、政治关联研究 11
二、企业环保投资研究 16
三、政治关联对企业环保投资影响研究 19
四、文献评述 20
第二节 理论基础 21
一、资源基础理论 21
二、寻租理论 23
三、外部性理论 25
四、环境规制理论 28
第二章 制度背景与企业环保投资现状分析 31
第一节 民营企业政治关联的制度背景 31
一、中国制度背景下的民营企业政治关联 31
二、制度影响民营企业政治关联的一般途径 32
第二节 企业环保投资的制度背景 34
一、国内环境保护的制度背景 34
二、企业环保投资的制度动因 35
第三节 我国重污染行业企业环保投资现状 36
一、企业环保投资概况 37
二、企业环保投资的行业分布 39
三、企业环保投资的地区分布 40
第四节 本章小结 42
第三章 政治关联、政府环保补助与民营企业环保投资 43
第一节 理论分析与研究假设 43
一、政治关联与民营企业环保投资 43
二、政治关联与政府环保补助 45
三、政治关联、政府环保补助与民营企业环保投资 46
第二节 研究设计 46
一、样本选择 47
二、变量定义 47
三、模型构建 49
第三节 实证结果与分析 50
一、描述性统计分析 50
二、政治关联与民营企业环保投资 51
三、政治关联与民营企业获取政府环保补助 56
四、政治关联、政府环保补助与民营企业环保投资 59
五、稳健性检验 61
第四节 本章小结 62
第四章 政治关联、环境规制与民营企业环保投资 64
第一节 理论分析与研究假设 64
一、环境规制对民营企业环保投资的直接影响 64
二、特定环境规制条件下政治关联对民营企业环保投资的影响 65 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
三、环境规制对政治关联与民营企业环保投资关系的调节效应 67
第二节 地区环境规制强度的测算 68
一、单一指标衡量的地区环境规制强度 68
二、替代指标衡量的地区环境规制强度 69
三、复合指标衡量的地区环境规制强度 71
第三节 实证研究设计与结果分析 72
一、模型设定 72
二、环境规制与民营企业环保投资 73
三、特定环境规制条件下的政治关联与民营企业环保投资 74
四、环境规制对政治关联与民营企业环保投资关系的调节效应 77
五、稳健性检验 80
第四节 本章小结 81
第五章 政治关联、地区经济发展与民营企业环保投资 83
第一节 理论分析与研究假设 83
一、地区经济发展与民营企业环保投资 83
二、差异化区域经济条件对政治关联与民营企业环保投资关系的影响 84
第二节 研究设计 85
一、样本选择 85
二、模型设定和变量说明 85
第三节 实证结果与分析 87
一、地区经济发展对民营企业总体政治关联与环保投资关系的影响 87
二、地区经济发展对民营企业中央政治关联与环保投资关系的影响 88
三、地区经济发展对民营企业地方政治关联与环保投资关系的影响 88
四、稳健性检验 89
第四节 本章小结 91
第六章 研究总结与政策建议 92
第一节 研究总结 92
一、研究结论 92
二、研究创新 93
三、研究局限与进一步研究方向 94
第二节 政策建议 95
一、政府层面 95
二、企业层面 97
参考文献 100
附录A 第三章实证分析稳健性检验结果 110
附录B 第四章实证分析稳健性检验结果 112
一、按第一种方式的稳健性检验结果 112
二、按第二种方式的稳健性检验结果 115