
摘 要
Since the rise of the real estate industry in 1998, it has always been a pillar industry in our country. Before the change of camp, the tax paid by the real estate development enterprises is one of the main sources of local tax revenue. Real estate companies are large taxpayers, which involve more taxes and pay a larger amount of taxes. With the strengthening of management of real estate enterprises in our country, increasing competition in the industry and real estate development enterprises wanting to continue their business, it is bound to attach importance to the internal control of tax-related businesses. The concept of internal control started relatively late in China, and many real estate enterprises paid insufficient attention to it. This article takes Shangliang Shangcheng Real Estate Company of Shuangliao City as the research object and conducts a research and analysis on the internal control of its tax-related businesses to help Shanghai Shangcheng Shangcheng Real Estate Company build an effective internal control system and hopes to use it as Case, to help more real estate enterprises to solve their tax-related issues within the business control. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
This article is based on the ideas of finding, analyzing problems and solving problems. By using the research methods of literature research and interviews, we can find out the relevant documents of internal control and tax policies of real estate enterprises, understand the concept of internal control of tax-related businesses , Goals, principles and methods. Based on the actual situation of Shangpin Shangcheng Real Estate Company obtained through interviews, this article has a basic understanding of the internal tax control and risk control methods of real estate companies, and studies the existing tax-related internal control system of Shangpin Shangcheng Real Estate Company , Analyzes the problems and causes of the problems and proposes solutions, standardizes the management of enterprises, reduces the tax-related risks of enterprises, and finally helps the enterprises to formulate the internal control system of tax-related businesses.
This paper is divided into six parts: The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly expounds the research background and significance of the article, the research methods and the innovation of this article. The second chapter introduces the application theory of this article, mainly involves the concept of several taxes and Applicable tax rate, internal control theory, tax risk and other concepts; the third chapter describes Shangshang Shangcheng Real Estate Company's tax-related internal control status in detail; Chapter IV puts forward the existence of tax-related business of Shangpin Shangcheng Real Estate Company from the perspective of internal control Chapter five analyzes the existing problems in the tax-related business of Shangpin Shangcheng Real Estate Company, and puts forward suggestions for improvement. Chapter Six gives a summary and prospect of the article.
Keywords:Internal control;Tax-related;Business
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 6
1.1 选题背景及研究意义 6
1.1.1 选题背景 6
1.1.2 研究意义 6
1.2 国内外研究现状 7
1.2.1 国内研究现状 7
1.2.2 国外研究现状 8
1.3 研究的主要内容和方法 9
1.3.1 研究的主要内容 9
1.3.2 研究方法 9
1.4 本文的创新之处 10
第2章 相关理论概述 11
2.1房地产开发企业的涉税事项 11
2.1.1房地产开发企业主要涉税税种 11
2.1.2简易计税 11
2.2内部控制概述 11
2.2.1 内部控制的目标 11
2.2.2内部控制的原则 11 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
2.2.3内部控制的要素 12
2.3涉税业务内部控制 13
2.3.1涉税业务内部控制概念 13
2.3.2涉税业务内部控制目标 13
2.3.3 涉税业务内部控制原则 14
第3章 上品尚城房地产公司涉税业务内部控制现状分析 16
3.1 公司概况 16
3.2 公司的涉税业务概况 16
3.2.1 公司的涉税业务主要税种分析 16
3.2.2 公司主要税种的风险分析 18
3.3 公司涉税业务内部控制情况 19
第4章 上品尚城房地产公司涉税业务内部控制存在的问题及原因分析 21
4.1 公司涉税业务内部控制存在问题 21
4.1.1 员工对待涉税业务态度消极 21
4.1.2 发生非必要的税务支出 21
4.1.3 项目清算存在税务风险 22
4.1.4涉税合同管理不规范 23
4.2 公司涉税业务内部控制存在问题成因分析 23 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
4.2.1 对公司涉税风险认识不足 23
4.2.2 涉税业务管理不规范 23
4.2.3 信息不对称 24
4.2.4 在涉税业务中存在业绩考核与奖惩制度欠缺 25
第5章 完善上品尚城房地产开发公司涉税业务内部控制的对策 26
5.1 提高税务风险控制意识 26
5.1.1 树立正确的纳税观 26
5.1.2加强税务知识培训学习 26
5.1.3重视合同管理 26
5.2 建立涉税业务内部控制管理体系 27
5.2.1设置税务管理部门及配备涉税岗位 27
5.2.2明确涉税业务各岗位职责 27
5.2.3制定涉税业务内部控制管理办法 28
5.2.4建立涉税业务内部控制监督机制 30
5.3加强涉税业务的沟通 30
5.3.1公司内部的信息沟通 30
5.3.2公司与税务部门的信息沟通 31
5.4 建立考核与奖惩机制 31 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
5.4.1建立考核指标 31
5.4.2奖励与处罚 32
第6章 结论与展望 33
6.1研究结论 33
6.2研究展望 33
参考文献 34
后 记 37