
美的空调T+3供应链模式再优化研究(硕士)(论文52000字) [资料来源:Doc163.com]
摘 要
(2)美的空调实施“T+3”供应链营销模式,有六个方面的动因:一是传统营销模式已失效;二是顺应供给侧改革的要求;三是“互联网+”的要求;四是智能制造的推动;五是智能物流体系的支撑;六是市场地位突破的选择。 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
It is predicted that with the development of the supply chain management, enterprises will disappear, leaving supply chain only in the future production and circulation. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
In current society, due to the great development of productivity and rapid progress of scientific technology, particularly the huge advancement of information technology, market has turned from seller’s market into buyer’s market; that is to say, consumers’ recognition and satisfaction are the foundation for enterprises’ survival. In order to acquire advantageous market position in the competition, enterprises have made lots of efforts in internal manufacturing technology and management system with enhancing production efficiency to a high level. E.g. lean manufacturing, refined production, manufacturing resource planning (MRPII), just-in-time (JIT), enterprise resource planning (ERP), etc.
These advanced production modes and management methods enabled enterprises’ internal resources to achieve optimal application. However, since the supply-demand relationship has been turned into buyer’s market, and considering the daily increasing uncertainty and personalization of consumers’ demands, the intensification of market competition and acceleration of economic globalization, they proposed higher requirement for corporate competitiveness, but it is insufficient to merely optimize enterprises’ internal resources. Supply chain management provided enterprises with a brand new idea because complete supply chain cooperation among enterprises is established through the planning, coordination and control of logistics, information flow as well as capital flow among retailers, distributors, manufacturers and suppliers. In this way, enterprises can find the best partners within shortest time and obtain market recognition with lowest costs, fastest speed and superior quality, so as to gain larger competitive advantage. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
From the perspective of Chinese household appliance industry, the domestic industry of white household appliances has stepped into the stage of stock market. As the rise of household appliance industry in the 1990s, upsurge of domestic household appliance brands at the beginning of the 21st century, and stimulation of national “household appliance going to rural” policy during 2008-2012, China’s household appliance industry has become the industry with most adequate competition. Meanwhile, the competition and development also generalized and promoted the per capita household appliance possess rate in China. On the other hand, air conditioner industry also experienced the process from rise and shuffling to prosperity. At present, the stable double oligarchs situation has formed in China’s domestic air conditioner industry since 2010, where Gree air conditioner occupies 31% of market share, Midea accounts for 27%, and Gree and Midea jointly possess about 60% of market share. Such a double oligarchs situation has been stable over the recent 7 years. Due to their same marketing mode, similar operation management model, respectively unique product quality as well as innovation, it is quite difficult to break through their market status. Nevertheless, competition will never stop, so Midea Group has surpassed Gree by virtue of diversified operations, except for the air conditioner section. For this reason, based on the same operating mode, Midea air conditioner has focused on the supply chain model since 2016 so as to catch up with and surpass Gree. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Taking air conditioner industry as an example, this paper researches the disadvantages of traditional supply and the problems chain faced by air conditioning marketing due to bullwhip effect, including high investment, high cost, overstock and low production efficiency. Therefore, how to promote and implement CPFR complete supply chain, alleviate and control bullwhip effect, realize supply chain reconstruction, lower overstock of air conditioner and enhance personalized marketing of air conditioner via strengthening the management of air conditioner production, transportation and policy design, so as to effectively reinforce the marketing effect of air conditioner and seize market share are very necessary. Under the circumstance, this paper employs document analysis method, case analysis method, case interview method, carries out a comprehensive study on the re-optimization of its "T+3" supply chain mode by taking Midea as an example. Through the research of this paper, the following conclusions are mainly drawn:
(1) In the viewpoint of STP theory, air conditioner business is a core business of Midea group. Although the proportion of air-conditioning business in the total operating income of Midea has decreased since 2012, the air conditioning business still occupies the core position. In 2016, air conditioning business income accounted for 41.99% of the total operating revenue. Thus, Midea group shall still pay close attention to air conditioning market.
(2) Midea air conditioner applies "T+3" supply chain model for six reasons: first, traditional air conditioning marketing model has lost effectiveness; second, to comply with the requirements of the national supply-side reform; third, to conform to the requirement of “internet+”; four, promotion of intelligent manufacturing; five, support of intelligent logistics system; six, selection of market status breakthrough.
(3) At present, the "T+3" supply chain model of Midea has achieved certain results, mainly shown in six aspects, namely, the inventory reduction; the reduction of warehouse cost; increase of profitability; enhancement of channel efficiency and capitalization operation; beneficiary to consumers. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
(4) In the process of implementing the “T+3” mode of supply chain, Midea has confronted many new problems mainly including the difficulties for dealer to change the marketing mentalities, the difficulties in organization and management because of fitting in the whole supply chain, the imbalance between the diversified orders and elastic production line, the imbalance between supply and demand because of climate and the imbalance between distribution management and headquarters management.
(5) From the perspective of 4P theory, the re-optimization of Midea’s “T+3” supply chain model shall focus on transforming the marketing concepts of dealers, so as to promote their enthusiasm for participating in “T+3”; according to weakening and controlling the negative influence of bullwhip effect, it is necessary to introduce automatic production line, diversify raw material channel, make scientific prediction properly and solve the imbalance between product supply and demand caused by climate; based on the analysis of supply chain reconstruction theory, Midea’s “T+3” supply chain model shall reform organizational management mode, develop a new customer-centered supply chain channel system, and provide customers with personalized marketing service. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Keywords: Midea Air Conditioner; T+3; Supply Chain Mode; Re-optimization
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 2
1.2.1 研究目的 2
1.2.2 研究意义 2
1.3 研究方法 3
1.4 研究创新 4
1.5 主要研究内容与论文结构设计 4
第2章 文献综述 6
2.1 文献综述 6
2.1.1 关于营销理论的研究 6
2.1.2 STP理论 8
2.1.3 4P理论 9
2.1.4 4C理论 9
2.2 供应链管理的基本理论 10
2.2.1 供应链管理的定义 10
2.2.2 供应链概念:牛鞭效应 11
2.2.3 供应链概念:CPFR 13
2.2.4 供应链概念:供应链再造 14
2.2.5 关于供应链模式的研究 15
2.3 文献评述 17
第3章 美的空调供应链模式变革背景 18
3.1 美的空调简介 18
3.1.1 美的集团简介 18
3.1.2 美的空调业务概况 20
3.2 空调行业宏观环境PEST分析 21
3.3 空调行业的波特五力竞争环境分析 23
3.4 空调行业品牌竞争格局 25
3.5 本章分析结论 26
第4章 美的空调供应链模式变革—“T+3”模式 27
4.1 传统供应链和营销模式给美的空调带来的困局 27
4.1.1 空调传统的供应链和营销模式介绍 27
4.1.2 传统模式给空调行业带来的利与弊 28
4.1.3 传统模式给美的空调带来的困境 32
4.2 “T+3”供应链模式的提出 34
4.3 美的空调实施“T+3”供应链模式的动因 37
4.3.1 传统模式已失效 38
4.3.2 顺应供给侧改革的要求 41 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
4.3.3 互联网+的要求 42
4.3.4 智能制造的推动 44
4.3.5 智能物流体系的支撑 45
4.3.6 市场地位突破的选择 46
4.4 美的空调实施“T+3” 供应链模式取得的成绩 48
4.4.1 库存降低 48
4.4.2 仓储成本降低 49
4.4.3 SKU下降 50
4.4.4 盈利水平提升 50
4.4.5 渠道效能提升,轻资产化运作 51
4.4.6 消费者受益 51
第5章 美的空调“T+3”供应链模式再优化 52
5.1 美的空调实施“T+3”供应链模式面临的问题 52
5.1.1 经销商营销思维转变困难 53
5.1.2 全价值链磨合导致的组织管理困境 55
5.1.3 订单多样化与生产线柔性的矛盾 57
5.1.4 气候因素引发的供需矛盾 58
5.1.5 分销管理与总部管理之间存在矛盾 59
5.2 “T+3”模式再优化策略-思维转变 59
5.2.1 转变营销思维,提升经销商参与“T+3”的积极性 60
5.2.2 加强与经销商的沟通与交流 61
5.2.3 加强“T+3”供应链模式激励 61
5.3 “T+3”模式再优化策略-供应链管理优化 62
5.3.1 “T+3”供应链模式管理组织的调整 63
5.3.2 优化CPFR营销流程管理 64
5.3.3 库存联合,物流共享 64
5.4 “T+3”模式再优化策略-产能供给优化 65
5.4.1 引进自动化生产线,提升生产线的灵活度 65
5.4.2 原材料渠道多元化,化解产能危机 65
5.4.3 做好科学预测,化解季候因素引发的供需矛盾 66
5.5 “T+3”模式再优化策略-以客户为中心 67
5.6 “T+3”模式再优化策略-打破经销商垄断建设新渠道 68
第6章 研究结论与展望 70
6.1 研究结论 70
6.2 研究展望 71
参考文献 73
致 谢 75
图 1 1 论文的研究路线 6
图 2 1 供应链管理概念图 11
图 2 2 供应链中牛鞭效应的形成过程 11
图 2 3 牛鞭效应示意 12
图 4 1 “T+3”供应链模式流程 35
表 3 1 美的集团近五年的主要财务数据 20
表 3 2 美的空调在美的集团营业总收入中的比重状况 21
表 5 1 美的空调消费者空调需求调查表 67 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]