
在我国能源短缺和环境日益恶化的情况下,浅层地温能成为空气调节系统一个最主要的发展方向。作为浅层地温能的主要应用形式,地源热泵系统以其节能和环保性引起了越来越多的关注和重视。国务院在 2016 年下发的国发〔2016〕8 号中就提出了推动地热能多元化规模化应用的要求。分析和研究浅层地温能在新建建筑应用的经济性,有利于建筑业绿色发展。截至2015年,全国房地产开发投资95979亿元,同比增长2.8%,其中,住宅投资64595亿元,占房地产开发投资的比重为67.3%。然而,绿色建筑投资实际占比仅有3%。虽然,建筑节能政策宣传力度不断加大,绿色建筑概念渐入人心,但高昂的前期投资和行业风险让许多开发商望而却步。因此,分析新建建筑中浅层地温能应用的经济性有利于提供绿色建筑投资的依据,有利于提前识别和防范绿色建筑投资运营中可能遇到的风险,最终带动建筑业绿色发展。
本文主要以新建建筑中浅层地温能应用为主要研究对象。比起现有建筑节能改造,新建建筑节能应用占有更广泛的市场份额。并且,研究新建建筑中地源热泵系统供暖制冷的设计、安装过程,更能反映浅层地温能应用中的规模经济性。因此,本文结合浅层地温能的经济性分析方法,解释浅层地温能应用的市场特点,再通过成本效益法、财务评价指标和DEA效率评价系统逐步深入的展现新建建筑应用浅层地温能的经济性。 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
In the case of China's energy shortage and the deteriorating environment, shallow geothermal energy can become one of the most important development direction of air conditioning system. As the main application form of shallow geothermal energy, the ground source heat pump system has attracted more and more attention and attention because of its energy saving and environmental protection. The State Council in 2016 issued a national (2016) on the proposed large-scale application of geothermal energy to promote the requirements. Analysis and study of shallow geothermal energy in the new building application of the economy, is conducive to the green development of the construction industry. As of 2015, the national real estate development investment 9597.9 billion yuan, an increase of 2.8%, of which, residential investment 64595 billion yuan, accounting for the proportion of real estate development investment of 67.3%. However, green construction investment accounted for only 3% of the actual. Although the building energy policy advocacy efforts continue to increase, green building concept gradually into the people, but the high upfront investment and industry risks so many developers discouraged. Therefore, the analysis of the new building in the application of shallow geothermal energy is conducive to providing green building investment basis, is conducive to early identification and prevention of green building investment operations may encounter risks, and ultimately promote the green development of the construction industry.
This paper mainly focuses on the application of shallow geothermal energy in new buildings. Compared to the existing building energy-saving transformation, the new building energy-saving applications occupy a broader market share. In addition, the study of the new building in the ground source heat pump system heating and cooling design, installation process, better reflect the shallow geothermal energy application scale economy. Therefore, this paper will combine the theory of supply and demand and consumer surplus theory to explain the market characteristics of shallow geothermal energy application, and then through the cost-effectiveness method, financial evaluation index and DEA efficiency evaluation system to further introduce the new building application of shallow geothermal energy economy Sex.
On the one hand, this paper, by comparing the shallow geothermal energy and other energy applications, the application of shallow geothermal energy in different regions, the cost-effectiveness and financial index of shallow geothermal energy application in different types of buildings in the same area, explain the application of shallow geothermal energy by social, Geographical, application and other factors, under different conditions to show the economy is different. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
On the other hand, this paper evaluates the economic efficiency of shallow geothermal energy application using DEA evaluation method through two specific cases. The case study will be based on the previous cost-benefit analysis and financial evaluation of ideas, a comprehensive display of ground source heat pump system design, installation and operation of the entire process of economic performance. Finally, the efficiency values are explained and determined first.
Finally, combining with the results of macroscopic analysis and microscopic calculation, the paper summarizes the economy of shallow geothermal energy application in new buildings. By analyzing the development and utilization plan of shallow geothermal energy in a city, the layout of shallow geothermal energy development and utilization scheme is put forward, Shallow ground temperature can be applied to promote reasonable recommendations.
This paper studies the economic performance of shallow geothermal energy as a new energy and green energy in the new building. It aims to grasp the characteristics of the shallow geothermal energy in practical application, supplement the shallow geothermal energy can be applied to the economic analysis of the building to promote the shallow The application of floor temperature in energy - saving building market. Possible innovations are:
First, the use of a large number of comparative analysis of the results, refute the new investment in high-energy projects less return on the views of one by one to analyze the shallow ground temperature can be under different conditions of economic performance, indicating that local conditions should be shallow to promote the application of the key crux.
Second, the practical application of shallow ground temperature can be used to evaluate the efficiency of the project, from the micro-engineering itself to prove that shallow ground temperature in the application of new buildings with economic efficiency.
Key Words:New building; Shallow Geothermal Energy; Ground Source Heat Pump; Economic Analysis; Super-efficiency DEA Model
摘要 1
第一章引言 4
§1.1 研究的背景和意义 4
1.1.1 研究背景 4
1.1.2 研究意义 5
§1.2 国内外研究现状 6 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
1.2.1 国内外浅层地温能应用研究现状 6
1.2.2 地源热泵系统经济分析的相关研究 9
§1.3 研究内容及研究方法 11
1.3.1 研究主要内容 11
1.3.2 研究主要方法 12
§1.4 研究创新之处 13
第二章浅层地温能经济性和效率分析方法 14
§2.1 成本效益法 15
§2.2 财务评价法 17
§2.3 超效率DEA法 19
第三章浅层地温能应用的经济性分析 20
§3.1我国浅层地温能的资源潜力和开发利用现状 20
3.1.1 我国浅层地温能的资源潜力 20
3.1.2 我国浅层地温能开发利用的现状 24
§3.2 浅层地温能供暖制冷的经济性分析 27
3.2.1 地埋管地源热泵空调系统设计 28
3.2.2 经济效益分析 30
§3.3 浅层地温能应用于不同区域建筑的经济性分析 35
第四章浅层地温能应用于新建建筑的经济性分析与效率评价 40
§4.1 地源热泵系统应用于A工程 40
4.1.1 成本效益分析 40
4.1.2 财务指标分析 43
§4.2 水源热泵系统应用于B工程 44
4.2.1 成本效益分析 44
4.2.2 财务指标分析 46
§4.3 超效率DEA评价结果 47
第五章总结与展望 50
参考文献 52