
摘 要
Ningbo an ageing population is the combination of multiple factors. For example:gradually reduce fertility rates low for a long time, the migrant population, a steady rise in life expectancy, etc. Through its impact on the population structure of direct, indirect, which results in the labor market supply the depth of the size scale, the structure of the supply and demand change.
This article is based on ningbo "sixth census data", considering factors such as population birth, death, net migration, on the basis of the proposed multiple queue element method is used to forecast in 2011 ~ 2050 ningbo age gender population, judge the future trend of 40 years old age population size and structure. Combination forecast for labor participation rate, and further analyze the impact of an ageing population of future Labour supply, elderly care demand for Labour, for example, at the same time from two aspects of the comprehensive situation and policies of the situation analysis of population ageing affect labor demand. Through the research and analysis, the following conclusions: First is ningbo city in 2021 and 2030, respectively, into the depth and the aging society, to 2050, more than 65 years old and the elderly population will reach 37.18%, the proportion of the population of permanent residents in delay retirement policy can effectively alleviate the serious situation of population ageing in ningbo city. Second is to 2050, ningbo labor supply a total of 2.822 million people, accounted for only 31.23% of the population of permanent residents. Third, the elderly care for labor demand is increasing rapidly, to 2050, the demand will reach 367800 people, accounted for 12.77% of the total labor supply. Fourth, through policy guidance baby, to attract foreign workforce will be a long stay ease or lag ningbo irreplaceable population aging process, the effective way.
KEY WORDS: Aging population; Labour market; Countermeasures and Suggestions
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外文献综述 2
1.2.2 国内文献综述 3
1.3 相关概念界定 6
1.4 研究内容、方法及技术路线 7
1.4.1 研究内容 7
1.4.2 研究重点难点 8
1.4.3 研究方法 8
1.4.4 技术路线 9
1.5 创新点 9
第二章 人口老龄化现状及趋势分析 10
2.1 人口老龄化现状 10
2.1.1 老年人口规模 11
2.1.2 老年人口占比 11
2.1.3 老年人口年龄结构 12
2.1.4 老年人口性别结构 12
2.1.5 老年人口空间结构 13
2.2 人口发展趋势预测 15
2.2.1人口预测模型 15
2.2.2 参数设置及预测方案 16
2.2.3 预测结果 18
2.3 人口老龄化趋势 20
2.3.1 老年人口规模趋势 20
2.3.2 老年人口结构趋势 23
第三章 人口老龄化对劳动力市场的影响 24
3.1 劳动力市场供给现状 24
3.1.1 劳动年龄人口规模现状 24
3.1.2 劳动年龄人口结构现状 25
3.1.3 劳动参与率现状 27
3.1.4 劳动力供给要素分解 29
3.2 人口老龄化对劳动力供给的影响 30
3.2.1 对劳动参与率的影响 31
3.2.2 对劳动力供给规模的影响 35
3.2.3 对劳动力供给结构的影响 36
3.2.4 未来劳动力供给要素分解 37
3.3 人口老龄化对劳动力需求的影响 37
3.3.1 综合情境下劳动力需求预测 39
3.3.2 政策情境下劳动力需求预测 40 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
第四章 先进国家和地区应对人口老龄化对劳动力市场影响的经验借鉴 42
4.1 先进国家及地区的做法 42
4.1.1 立法为先,积极应对人口老龄化 42
4.1.2 改革与完善相关社会保障制度 43
4.1.3 重视老龄问题研究,引导社会力量共同开发老年事业 45
4.2 对宁波市的启示 45
4.2.1 补充完善相关地方性法规条例 46
4.2.2 完善社会保障政策 46
4.2.3 引导社会资本参与开发老龄产业 47
第五章 宁波市应对人口老龄化对劳动力市场影响的对策建议 48
5.1 加快完善相关配套政策 48
5.1.1 完善“全面二孩”生育政策 48
5.1.2 完善外来人口融合政策 48
5.2 推进产业结构调整,调节劳动力市场结构 49
5.2.1 引导社会资本投入,大力发展老龄产业 49
5.2.2 合理利用老年人力资源 49
5.2.3 推进老年照料服务队伍职业化 50
第六章 结论与展望 51
6.1 研究结论 51
6.2 研究展望 52
参考文献 54 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]