
Space Products Project Progress Management Research
关 键 词:航天,分级网络,项目运行状况分析,关键链,多项目
China's space technology field in the progress of the project management and control is on the high speed development period, on the one hand, in space technology in project management, project plan is being promoted for use of network diagram, network diagram can not only directly show the relationships between all kinds of work, can also be developed from the side reflects all kinds of work in progress, but the problem is how to increase a latitude on the network diagram, control the many factors together, all together can timely and accurately find out the problems in project management and error, and improve the accuracy of the whole project.Project management, on the other hand, the operation condition analysis and advancing speed adjustment, is the key technology in process control, in the process of implementation, according to the specific circumstances, specific analysis.At present, our country's aerospace project are mainly relying on experience in project management and technical personnel to the independent adjustment, not formed a complete set of system for progress adjustment method.Of course, we don't deny the importance of technical management personnel in the progress control experience, but the limitations of its own that nots allow to ignore.At the same time, with the passage of time, all kinds of projects in the development process of the phenomenon of competitive resources and the low utilization rate due to the conflict between resources and lead to project failure phenomenon, and we are lack of is to find out more in the project resource conflicts and contradictions, in turn, to adjust, so not to dynamic adjustment and the effective use of resources, this article main research content is as follows:
(1) based on WBS aerospace project network plan technology classification.Deeply analyze the space required for production of project planning, production process of the space program, analyzes the space project WBS structure, with real case check the network model of aerospace project based on WBS.
(2) based on EVM entry space project management.First, a brief explanation, this paper introduces the principle of the EVM entry analytical current our country shall carry out the practical significance and conditions of the EVN space units, this paper expounds the EVM entry space programme running method, according to the operation of the project management development performance analysis, enlarge the predicted cost deviation identification method and key information using the case of reality testing, using the data analysis, and judgment, with specific adjustments to the plan, to ensure the completion of project progress goal.
(3) based on the critical chain optimize the space of all kinds of project management.First, critical chain project management is expounded in detail, on the premise of limited resources how to schedule the multiple projects, this paper introduces the critical chain management method in different environment order project and many different applications, discusses the critical chain project management environment more optimization method, and the inspection with the actual case. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Key words: aerospace, hierarchical network, project operation condition analysis, key chains, multiple projects
Paper type: applied basic research
缩略语 英文全称 中文对照
EAC Estimate At Completion 项目完成成本
VAC Variance at Completion 项目最终成本偏差
BCWS Budgeted Cost Of Work Scheduled 计划工作量的预算成本
BCWP Budgeted Cost Of Work Performed 已完成工作量的预算成本
ACWP Actual Cost Of Work Performed 已完成工作量的实际费用
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 11
1.1 研究背景与意义 11
1.2 国内外相关研究综述 12
1.2.1 国内外项目运行状况分析技术的研究现状 12
1.2.2 资源受限下多项目管理方法的国内外研究现状 13
1.3 研究内容与技术路线 14
1.3.1 研究内容与组织结构 14
1.3.2 研究方法与技术路线. 15
第二章 基于WBS的航天项目分级网络计划技术 17
2.1 引言 17
2.2 航天项目计划编制的需求分析 17
2.3 航天项目计划制定过程 18
2.3.1 —般项目计划制定过程 18
2.3.2 航天项目计划制定过程 19
2.4 基于WBS的分级网络计划构建 20
2.4.1 航天项目WBS结构 20
2.4.2 面向网络计划的航天项目工作包 20
2.4.3 分级网络计划模型的建立 21
2.4.4 分级网络计划的映射 22 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
2.5 实例分析 24
2.6 本章小结 28
第三章 基于EVM的航天项目管理 29
3.1 引言 29
3.2 挣值法的基本原理 29
3.3 EVM在我国航天工业中的应用基础 30
3.4 基于EVM的航天项目运行状况分析方法 32
3.4.1 项目进度计划的跟踪分析 33
3.4.2 项目进度与成本偏差识别 33
3.4.3 项目运行绩效分析 35
3.4.4 项目关键信息预测 37
3.5 实例分析 39
3.6 本章小结 44
第四章 以关键链为基准的航天多项目管理优化 46
4.1 引言 46
4.2 关键链项目管理的基本思想和方法 46
4.3 关键链在单项目与多项目中应用的区别 48
4.4 关键链在多项目环境下的应用 49
4.5 实例分析 50
4.5.1 关键链在单项目中的应用实例 50 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
4.5.2 多项目间的资源平衡实例 53
4.6 本章小结 55
第五章 结论与展望 56
5.1 本文总结 56
5.2 论文工作展望 56
参考文献 58
致谢 61 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]