
Title:Credit risk management improving research for J branch of wenzhou bank
摘 要
第五部分,通过对问题进行实际分析以及理论研究,找出J分行整体发展中存在的矛盾及优化信贷风险管理的建议。包括完善个人征信体系,健全相关法律制度,发展相关的担保中介机构,树立先进的信贷风险管理理念,改进个人信用评估方法。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
关键词:商业银行;信贷风险; 风险控制
With the continuous improvement of living standards, demand for consumer goods is increasing, China's consumer credit business has been rapid development, including consumer credit business of economic development and industrial structure optimization and upgrading an important role in promoting, so more sought after by commercial banks.
Our study consumer credit business short time and most of the qualitative analysis, research methods such accuracy is not high. Currently there are many practical problems the bank in consumer credit management, such as the credit system is imperfect, it is difficult to predict credit risk, did not form a complete independent credit risk management system. How to improve the above-mentioned
Commercial bank issues need to be resolved. w Branch earlier in the consumer credit business, there is a corresponding experience in credit products, management processes and risk control, in order to better business development, how to improve the risk assessment of the level of bank consumer credit business? Empowerment J Branches of credit risk prediction? To reduce losses caused by consumer credit? Select the bank of wenzhou branch w consumer credit risk management to do research has practical significance.
Article reference to a number of domestic and foreign literature, the basic theory of consumer credit related to credit risk management principles and to conduct a comprehensive analysis, so that there is a strong theoretical support article summarizes the main factors of risk and consumer credit on the basis of previous established credit risk assessment model, by the individual consumer credit risk score may determine the future repayment of the borrower defaults, provide the basis for bank credit decisions.
After the first part of this article describes the research status and research significance and background of the overall framework put forward papers to understand current research, clear the current domestic consumer credit risk related to more qualitative and less quantitative research.
The second part of the study consumer credit related concepts and management theory. It introduces the concept and content of consumer credit, credit risk factors, and various theories of credit risk.
The third part analyzes the current development situation J Branch of consumer credit, credit first analyzes the current status of J Branch consumption, then how personal consumer credit risk management are summarized, and finally to the current consumer credit management problems are summarized.
Part IV using Logistic regression model to assess consumer credit risk, J Branch of bank of wenzhou to establish a personal credit scoring models.
The fifth part, on the basis of empirical analysis and theoretical analysis, it is concluded J Branches own problems and optimize personal advice consumer credit risk. Including improving personal credit system, improve the relevant legal system, the development of the relevant guarantee agency, set up advanced credit risk management concepts, improve personal credit assessment methods.
Part VI, summary and research prospect
KEY WORDS:commercial banks; consumer credit; risk assessment
目 录
摘 要 IV
一、绪论 11
(一)研究背景以及意义 11
(二)国内外研究现状 2
1.国外研究现状 2
2.国内研究现状 4
(三)主要内容与结构安排 6
(四)论文的创新点 7
二、消费信贷风险的相关概念及基础理论分析 7
(一)消费信贷的相关概念与内涵 7
1.消费信贷的概念 7
2.信贷风险的概念及内涵 8
(二)消费信贷的风险影响因素分析 9
1.银行方面的自身风险 9
2.来自客户层面的风险 9
3.政策法律制度层面和市场层面的风险 10
(三)信贷风险管理的基础理论分析 13
1.全面风险管理理论 13
2.信贷风险资产管理理论 14
3.信贷风险分析工具的理论 15
三、温州银行J分行个人消费信贷风险管理现状分析 16
(一)建设J分行个人消费信贷业务发展现状 16
1.目前消费信贷业务的特点 16
2.J 分行个人信贷总体信用风险情况 18
3.J分行新发生不良区域情况分析 19
4.J分行与同业个贷风险不良情况比较 19
(二)建设J分行个人消费信贷风险控制管理流程 19
1.个人住房贷款风险控制管理流程 19
2.个人消费额度贷款风险管理流程 19
3.个人质押贷款风险管理流程 19
4.个人信用贷款风险管理流程 19
(三)温州银行J分行个人消费信贷风险管理存在的问题 20
1.缺乏个人消费信贷业务的风险意识 20
2.风险评价手段过于简单,无法全面揭示风险 22
3.借款人信用能力的评价过于定性化,对存在的风险问题揭示不足 错误!未定义书签。
4.亟待改善信用风险控制工作流程 22
5.信用风险管理体制、方法与资源的矛盾 22
6.信用风险识别的主体素质有待提高 23
四、针对实际案例分析的风险点揭示 24
(一)主题资格不合规 25
(二)抵押物评估管理不合规 26
(三)贷前调查不尽职 27
(四)授信准入审查不严、首贷出险 28
(五)业务操作不规范 29
(六)主从合同关联瑕疵 30
(七)公正委托书时效问题引起的风险 31
(八)应收账款质押业务办理不规范、导致合同文本无效 32
(九)超经营权限办理业务 33
(十)异地授信业务未报总行审批 34
(十一)关联人贷款未纳入统一授信管理 34
(十二)化解业务办理不规范 34
(十三)审批流程设置不合规 34
(十四)化解方案设计不合理 34
(十五)买卖不破租 34
(十六)贸易背景不真实 35
(十七)资金流向异常 36
五、完善温州银行J分行个人消费信贷风险管理的对策 37
(一)完善个人信用征信体系 38
(二)健全相关法律制度 39
(三)发展相关的担保中介机构 40
(四)树立先进的信贷风险管理理念 40
(五)改进个人信用评估方法 41
六、结论与展望 43
(一)研究总结 43
(二)研究展望 44
参考文献 45 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]