
供应链金融理论亟需解决这个定位问题:为企业提供资金的目的以及提供资金到何种程度?而不仅仅只是笼统的说解决融资问题。同时,供应链金融产品的设计,也应该更加适应现实中各行业的复杂性。 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
关键词:供应链金融; 中小建筑企业; 融资困难
The difficulty in acquiring loans has long been a cause of limited development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Supply chain financing (SCF), however, is taken as an effective method to ease the financing budget constraint of SMEs. This paper studies the influence of SCF in small and medium construction companies in China. Taken A Construction Company in Hunan province as an example, this paper studies the enterprise strategies of A construction company in SCF, the detailed procedure of SCF in A construction company and the influence of SCF on A construction company.
Through the research, we can found that the model and function of the supply chain financial theory face the challenge in the complex realistic economic structure. This case shows that SCF has positive effect on easing the financing budget constraint of SMEs. However, due to the duality of small scale and core position in supply chain of small and medium construction companies, not many SCF products target them. What worse, the existing SCF products bring small and medium construction enterprises extra costs and risks. This means,supply chain finance not only has the function of improving the operation of small enterprises, but also it does not have the function to help small enterprises grow and expand, and the ability to alleviate the financing constraint has great limitations.
Supply chain finance theory urgently needs to solve this positioning problem: the purpose of providing funds for enterprises and how far to provide funds? It's not just about solving the financing problem. At the same time, the design of supply chain financial products should be more suitable for the complexity of various industries.
Keywords: supply chain financing; SMEs; financing budget constraint
1 绪论 5
1.1 研究背景 5
1.1.1 中小建筑企业在国民经济中的地位 5
1.1.2 中小建筑企业融资困境 5
1.2研究意义与目的 6
1.2.1 研究意义 6
1.2.2 研究目的 6
1.3研究思路与方法 7
1.3.1 研究思路 7
1.3.2研究方法 7
1.4 文献综述 8
1.4.1 供应链金融概念 8
1.4.2 供应链金融演化过程 9
1.4.3 供应链金融在海外的应用 9
1.4.4 供应链金融在中小企业中的应用 11
1.4.5 供应链金融对中小企业的影响 12
1.4.6 文献评述 13
1.5主要内容 14
1.6 预期创新点 14
2. 相关理论基础 14
2.1相关概念界定 14
2.1.1 供应链金融的定义和特点 14
2.1.2 核心企业、依附企业与中小企业 15
2.1.3供应链金融的组成主体 16
2.1.4 实践中相关概念的厘清 17
2.2 中小建筑企业的供应链形式 18
2.2.1 建筑企业供应链的界定 18
2.2.2 建筑企业供应链的特征 18
2.2.3 建筑企业供应链的构建形式 18
3. 湖南A建设有限公司供应链金融发展现状及战略分析 19
3.1公司简介 19
3.2 湖南A建设有限公司企业战略分析 20 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
3.2.1 宏观环境分析(PEST) 20
3.2.2湖南省A建设有限公司所处建筑行业分析(波特五力分析) 23
3.2.3 湖南省A建设公司内部影响因素分析(SWOT分析) 27
3.2.4 湖南A建设有限公司的供应链战略金融定位 31
3.3湖南A建设有限公司供应链金融模式与定位分析 32
4. 供应链金融业务对A企业的影响 34
4.1 湖南A建设有限公司采用供应链金融融资前后对比 34
4.1.1 供应链金融对A建筑企业资产负债结构的影响及原因 34
4.1.2 供应链金融对A建筑企业风险指标的影响及原因 37
4.1.3 供应链金融对A建筑企业业绩的影响及原因 38
4.2 湖南A建设有限公司与同行业其它中小建筑企业对比 39
5. 对策建议 42
5.1 加大对中小建筑企业的支持 42
5.1.1 放宽贷款条件 42
5.1.2 建立全网征信体系 42
5.1.3 开发适合中小建筑企业的供应链金融产品 42
5.2 注意使用供应链金融后的风险恶化 43
5.2.1 中小企业注意的问题 43
5.2.2 银行注意的问题 43
5.3完善供应链金融理论 43
6. 结论 44
参考文献 45 [来源:http://Doc163.com]