
本文试图从电商化小微企业的角度出发,对各融资渠道的可行性进行分析,提供融资方案。全文共分七个章节。第一章为引言部分,阐述选题的背景及意义。第二章为小微企业的现状及融资困境,对于小微企业有了清晰的界定,并对其融资困境进行分析。第三章为电商化小微企业及融资特点,这一章专门讲电商化小微企业,对于本文所讨论的电商化小微企业进行定义,并对其与传统小微企业融资的区别进行分析,以便寻找新型融资渠道。第四章为电商化小微企业融资渠道详解,对电商化小微企业传统和新兴的融资渠道进行逐个分析,对其利弊进行阐释。第五章为电商化小微企业的电商平台融资,对电商平台融资进行单列一章,详细阐释网商银行、京东金融等电商平台对电商化小微企业的融资支持。第六章为电商化小微企业的融资策略,对上述的各融资渠道进行综合比较,并提出可行的融资方案。第七章为基本结论以及展望,对文章进行总结,提出政策建议,最后对未来研究方向提出展望。 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
Comparison of Financing Methods of Small and Micro E-business Enterprises
With the acceleration of China’s economic transformation and the surge of innovation and entrepreneurship, small and micro enterprises, especially those small and micro enterprises closely mixed with Internet technology have developed and grown.
Small and micro e-business enterprises are born in the world of Internet. It is the new direction and necessary trend of small and micro enterprises. This kind of small and micro enterprises contributed greatly to the economic development and to the solvency of unemployment issue.
However, small and micro e-business enterprises have congenital deficiencies, including small in scale and lack of standard procedures in operation. These led to the problem of financing difficulty. Chinese government and financial authority have recently made great effort in supporting financing of small and micro enterprises, but still, it is not able to satisfy the huge financing demand of many small and micro enterprises. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
In recent years, the development of Internet technology has bred a new way of financing, that is, Internet financing. Thus small and micro e-business enterprises have a new channel of choice of financing themselves.
This thesis tries to analyze the feasibility of financing ways and provide financing plan from the perspective of small and micro e-business enterprises. It is divided into seven chapters.
Chapter One is prelude, explaining the background and significance of this research. Chapter Two states the current situation and financing difficulty of small and micro enterprises, defining small and micro enterprises and analyzing their financing difficulty. Chapter Three focuses on the small and micro e-business enterprises and it financing features. This chapter defines small and micro e-business enterprises and differentiates from traditional ways of financing small and micro enterprises to look for new ways of financing. Chapter Four is the detailed explanation of financing ways of small and micro e-business enterprises, explaining traditional and new ways of financing one by one and comparing pros and cons. Chapter Five focuses on the financing provided by e-commerce platform, introducing in detail how Zhejiang E-Commerce Bank and JD finance support the finance of small and micro e-business enterprises. Chapter Six compares various ways of financing to put forward a feasible financing plan. Chapter Seven is the basic conclusion and future prospect. It concludes the research; provide policy suggestions and future research recommendations. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
KEY WORDS: Small and micro enterprises; e-business; Internet finance; financing
摘要 1
一、引言 4
1.1 选题背景及意义 4
1.2 文献综述 4
二、小微企业的现状及融资困境 7
2.1 小微企业的现状 7
2.1.1 中国小微企业发展特点 7
2.1.2 中国小微企业的融资困境 10
2.2电商化小微企业融资特点及优势 11
三、电商化小微企业的传统融资渠道 14
3.1 电商化小微企业的商业银行贷款融资 14
3.2 电商化小微企业的民间借贷融资 15
3.3 电商化小微企业的小额贷款公司融资 17
四、电商化小微企业的新型融资渠道 20
4.1电商化小微企业的P2P网贷平台融资 20
4.2电商化小微企业的互联网众筹融资 23
4.3 电商化小微企业的电商平台贷款融资 25 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.3.1 电商平台贷款融资的优势 25
4.3.2 电商平台贷款融资的不足 26
五、电商化小微企业的融资策略 27
5.1 不同融资渠道的比较 27
5.1.1 不同融资渠道的利率比较 27
5.1.1 不同融资渠道的可获得性比较 28
5.2 电商化小微企业的融资策略 29
六、基本结论以及展望 31
6.1 基本结论 31
6.2本文研究不足与展望 32
参考文献 33 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]