
摘 要
关键词:家居装修 项目管理 成本控制
Research on Cost Control of A Home Improvement Projects
With the rapid rise of urbanization, the progress of social spiritual civilization, people pursue happiness, health and a good life, which requires a comfortable and elegant ecological environment. As people spent most of their time indoors, they also put forward higher requirements for the aesthetic consciousness and quality of living environment. Home decoration has received more and more attention. With the development of home decoration in recent years, home decoration has gradually formed into an industry and home decoration companies have sprung up, how to get the favor of owners in the fierce market competition, but also get the maximum profit, decoration costs Control is particularly important.
The purpose of the paper's research is to set up a cost control system for the decoration project, and to find a set of effective cost control methods for the home improvement company during the decoration process, which will help the company's construction of the project in the construction cost control. The paper analyzes the current problems in the cost control of the decoration industry project and proposes solutions to the existing problems. By taking a concrete decoration project in company A as an example, the relevant theories and methods of project management are fully utilized, a responsibility matrix is established through the work breakdown structure, project cost estimation, project cost budget, and project cost control, to improve the home improvement company With the level of process cost control, the cost of A company's fitting-out project is effectively controlled before, during and after the event. The research results show that set up a cost control system for fitting-out projects can save costs and increase economic efficiency and market competitiveness. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Keywords: home renovation Project management Cost Control
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第1章 引 言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 1
1.2.1 研究目的 1
1.2.2 研究意义 1
1.3 研究内容及方法 2
1.3.1 研究目标及内容 2
1.3.2 研究方法及技术路线 2
第2章 理论基础及文献综述 4
2.1 项目和项目管理的概念 4
2.1.1 项目的概念 4
2.1.2 项目管理的概念 4
2.2 成本和项目成本的概念 5
2.2.1 成本的概念 5
2.2.2 项目成本 5
2.3 项目成本管理的基本原理 7
2.3.1 项目成本管理的含义 7
2.3.2 项目资源规划 7
2.3.3 项目成本估算 8
2.3.4 项目成本预算 9
2.3.5 项目成本控制 10
2.4国内外项目成本控制 15
2.4.1 国外项目成本控制发展及现状 15
2.4.2 国内项目成本控制发展及现状 16
第3章 家居装修项目成本控制 19
3.1 家居装修发展现状 19
3.1.1 家居装修业的发展 19
3.2 家居装修项目成本的构成 20
3.2.1 直接费用 20
3.2.2 间接费用 21
3.3 家居装修项目成本控制存在的问题 21
3.3.1 缺乏成本控制意识 21
3.3.2 缺乏成本预算编制 21
3.3.3 缺乏成本管控手段 22
3.3.4 缺乏责任落实 22
3.3.5 材料浪费现象严重 22
3.3.6 人工成本增加 22
3.3.7 未能有效统一工期、质量和成本关系 23
3.4 解决家居装修项目成本问题的措施 23
3.4.1 提高管理人员的综合素质,树立正确的成本控制观念和意识 23
3.4.2 加强成本预算编制 24
3.4.3 创新成本控制手段,加强成本控制信息化应用 24
3.4.4 完善责任落实制度 24
3.4.5 加强材料成本的控制 25
3.4.6 降低人工成本 25
3.4.7 处理好成本与工期、质量之间的关系 25
第四章 A公司家居装修项目概况 27
4.1 A公司家居装修项目概况 27
4.2 A公司装修项目成本控制体系的运行 28
4.2.1 事前成本控制 28
4.2.2 事中成本控制 28
4.2.3 事后成本控制 29
4.3 项目工作与活动分解 29
4.3.1 项目工作分解结构 29
4.3.3项目成本控制的措施 33
4.4 A公司家居装修施工时间分解 34
4.4.1 A公司家居装修项目施工时间估算 34
4.5 A公司家居装修项目成本估算 35
4.6 A公司家居装修项目成本预算 42
4.7 A公司家居装修项目成本控制 44
4.7.1 控制直接费用 44
4.7.2 提高管理水平 44
4.7.3 处理好成本与进度、质量的关系 45
结 论 48
总结 48
展望 48
致 谢 50
参考文献 51