
The Research On Stock Of Apparel Industry
摘 要
关键词 库存,去库存,库存管理,销售
Our country is clothing production and clothing consumption power. Inventory is garment industry topic. Inventory is also an essential element of the enterprise development and growth, however, if the inventory exceeds a limit, will become the "burden" of the enterprise, so we want to discuss the ultra boundary type inventory.
Based on the analysis and the research status of inventory, the author analysis that the apparel industry of our country has 5 characteristics: 1, large output, large scale; 2, low production technology; 3, the need for increasing the popular trend of era; 4, based in the south and link BoHai sea area; 5, brand market have a fine markers and so on. The author also analysis that our country's clothing enterprise inventory management improper: lack of professional technical and management personnel, the low degree of technology lag network, and weakness internal control. On this basis, the author summarize five aspects elaborated the clothing enterprise stock processing method, compare with them and Get two better choices for the dimension of inventory. Based on the above analysis, the general mode of the apparel industry to inventory is based on product life cycle and circulation of commodities efficiency. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
On the basis of the research and analysis, the study of paper get the following conclusion: enterprises have two dimensions of inventory. One is the profit maximization way, and the other one is the maximize brand. In the way to work in the inventory. Enterprises shuold pay attention to the product life cycle theory and circulation efficiency. The enterprises also should improve their own inventory management level and solve problems from the source.
Keyword inventory, inventory management, sales
目 录
目 录 II
摘 要 IV
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.1.1 选题背景 1
1.1.2 选题意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究 2
1.2.2国内研究 4
1.3 研究思路与方法 6
1.3.1 研究思路 6 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
1.3.2 研究方法 6
1.4 研究创新点 7
第二章 相关概念及理论介绍 9
2.1存货 9
2.1.1存货的概念 9
2.1.2存货产生的原因 9
2.1.3 存货水平过高的危害 11
2.2 库存管理 11
2.2.1 库存管理的概念 11
2.2.2 库存管理的目标 12
2.3 理论基础 13
2.3.1 产品生命周期理论 13
2.3.2 牛鞭效应 14
第三章 我国服装企业的现状分析 16
3.1 中国服装企业的现状 16
3.2 我国服装企业的特点 16
3.3 我国服装企业库存管理不当的原因 17
3.3.1 缺乏专业技术和管理人才 17
3.3.2 科技手段滞后网络化程度低 18
3.3.3 库存管理内部管理控制乏力 18
第四章 服装行业如何去库存 20
4.1 品牌公司直营折扣店 20
4.1.1 英国品牌女装OASIS直营折扣店 20
4.1.2 品牌直营折扣店 20
4.2 品牌入驻奥特莱斯代销 21
4.2.1 名品导购是如何与品牌方联营代销 21
4.2.2 品牌集合工厂店如何代销 21
4.3 电子商务成了最好的下水道 22
4.3.1 劲霸男装电商全渠道去库存 22
4.3.2 电子商务成了服装品牌的清货主渠道 22
4.4 卖断切货给第三方变现 23
4.4.1 上海丝绸集团Lily女装如何卖断库存 23
4.4.2 切货商微品仓是如何消化库存的 24
4.5 为什么要一把火烧掉库存 25
4.5.1 Adolf Dominguez一把火烧掉库存 25
4.5.2 更多的品牌选择了一把火烧掉库存 25
第五章 服装行业去库存的通行方式 27
5.1 品牌去库存的几种方式比较 27
5.1.1 直营折扣店与奥特莱斯 27
5.1.2 传统电子商务和微商模式 27
5.2 品牌如何选择合适的去库存方式 28
5.2.1 短期利润最大化的去库存选择 28
5.2.2 品牌维护最大化的去库存选择 28
5.3 品牌去库存的基本决策维度 29
5.4 服装行业去库存的通用方式 29
5.4.1 基于商品生命周期的去库存通用方式 29
5.4.2 基于商品流通效率的去库存通用方式 30
5.5 做好服装销售和库存管理 31
5.5.1 做好服装销售 31
第六章 结论与展望 35
6.1 研究结论 35
6.2 研究展望 35
参考文献 37
致 谢 39 [来源:http://Doc163.com]