
In the 13th Five-Year Plan of China, it is clearly proposed to expand the network economy space and support various types of innovations based on the Internet. The Internet industry has become a new driving force for enhancing economic development. As an emerging economic model, Internet trading not only provides powerful support for the development of the world economy, but also provides consumers with convenient, inexpensive commodity services and simple, fast and diverse search and social services as a new consumption model and the mainstream market model. At the same time, the rapid development of the Internet industry has also brought about violations of the unfair competition mechanism, such as the abuse of market dominance by Internet companies, and has gradually highlighted the abuse of Internet companies as an anti-monopoly regulation. Many famous Chinese and foreign cases involving abuse of Internet companies have caused widespread public debate and have gradually emerged as a clear theoretical issue in the reflection of many scholars: The basic theory and legislative practice of the existing anti-monopoly law cannot solve the Internet. The abuse of market dominance by enterprises provides a sufficient basis and basis. Therefore, in-depth study of the Internet companies' abuse of market dominance in the anti-monopoly law system, the construction of specific and targeted legal system, and then provide for the improvement of China's Internet companies to abuse the dominant market position in the anti-monopoly regulations system. The operational suggestions not only forcefully promote the judicial practice of China's anti-monopoly law, but also are important theoretical topics for the current theoretical study of anti-monopoly law. This article draws lessons from the anti-monopoly regulations of the Chinese and foreign Internet industry abuses, and then summarizes the difficulties in applying the unilateral market anti-monopoly thinking model to the Internet industry, and finds that the Internet industry abuses market dominance under the framework of the anti-monopoly law. Insufficient, and further proposed solutions to the path and future improvements. Through comparative research methods, case analysis methods, law and economic analysis methods and other theoretical research methods, it is concluded that anti-monopoly law enforcement in the Internet field should adopt the principle of rationality, and consumer welfare is the key to measuring the legality of corporate behaviors that are in a dominant market position. Standards, and focus on law enforcement to build an open and orderly and equal market, in order to establish an open competitive environment and competition policy, and improve the relevant intellectual property protection policies, encourage innovation, change the analytical model, and formulate a competitive demand in line with the Internet industry The conclusion of the anti-monopoly regulation means. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
KEYWORDS:Internet;Bilateral Market;Network Externality;Relevant Market;Abuse of Market Power;
摘要 ii
1 引言 1
2 中国互联网行业的发展及相关垄断问题的产生 6
2.1 我国互联网行业的发展及垄断的产生 6
2.2互联网行业反垄断典型案例回顾 7
3 从双边市场角度看互联网行业的特殊性 8
3.1 双边市场的经济学理论 8
3.2 双边市场引发的互联网行业的独特性 9
3.2.1 交叉网络外部性 9
3.2.2 平台企业的价格策略 10
3.2.3 互联网行业的兼容性和标准竞争引发的技术壁垒 11
4 单边市场逻辑在互联网行业中的不适应性 12
4.1互联网企业的相关市场界定难题 13
4.1.1 以价格为基础的需求替代型和SSNIP测试法在双边市场应用的难题 14
4.1.2 互联网的开放性与相关地域市场界定 15
4.1.3 互联网产品的多样性与相关产品市场界定 17
4.1.4互联网的创新性与相关时间市场的界定 17
4.2 互联网企业的市场支配地位的认定难题 18
4.2.1 市场结构标准在互联网行业的不适应性 19
4.2.2 双边市场条件下测定市场力量的困境 20
5 双边市场下互联网行业相关市场界定的实践 21
5.1 相关地域市场的界定 21
5.2 相关产品市场的界定 22
5.2.1互联网零售业务的相关市场界定 23
5.2.2搜索引擎业务的相关市场界定 24
5.2.3 社交网络业务的相关市场界定 27
6互联网企业市场支配地位分析模式的转变及法律规制 28
6.1 相关市场界定方面的转变 29
6.1.1适当弱化相关市场的必要程度 30
6.1.2利润来源法 31
6.1.3市场界定的替代性方法 32
6.2 支配地位认定方面的转变 32
6.2.1 高市场份额不代表垄断 33
6.2.2市场支配力的核心在于企业对价格的控制力 33
6.2.3理顺知识产权法与反垄断法之间的关系 33
6.3对具有市场支配地位企业的法律规制 35
6.3.1采用合理性原则审视企业垄断行为 35
6.3.2消费者福利是衡量处于市场支配地位企业行为合法性的关键标准 36
6.3.3将执法重心聚焦于构建开放、有序的平等竞争市场 36
7 结论 39
参考文献 40 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]