
关键字:风险管理 风险识别 风险评价
The real estate industry plays an important role in China's economic development, and regulates the management mechanism and process of the real estate industry, which is of great significance to the development of the real estate industry. At present, China's real estate industry is facing a greater adjustment, the relevant government departments have also launched a strong control measures. Risk management in China's construction has not yet formed a complete system of effective system, resulting in the construction process there is a lot of risk. Therefore, it is necessary to further study the risk management of real estate construction projects in depth. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Yan'an Metro project is the most important project in Yan'an. For the future economic development of Yan'an, the improvement of people's living standard is of great significance and has been paid by the governments at all levels and the general public. HY training center building project is Yan'an Metro project, in the quality, duration and other aspects have put forward higher requirements, however, due to the long project cycle, involving more personnel, long duration and other characteristics, therefore, HY training center building project is facing Numerous risks. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the project, durability is completed on time, it is necessary to carry out risk management throughout the project cycle.
Based on the project risk management theory and the actual situation of HY training center building project, this paper adopts the AH analysis training center building project as the research object, uses the AHP method and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to carry on the comprehensive evaluation to the project risk, provides the project risk response Basis, the protection of the project in accordance with the expected smooth. This paper mainly from the following aspects:
(1 Introduction. This paper mainly introduces the research background, research purpose and significance of HY training center building and the research status at home and abroad.
(2) the relevant theoretical basis. Mainly on the project risk classification, characteristics, risk management concepts and risk management of the whole process were described in detail for the subsequent research for theoretical support.
(3) risk identification. This paper introduces the basic situation of HY training center building, analyzes the current situation of project management, and draws out the risks that the project faces: environmental risk, management risk, economic risk, technical risk and construction risk.
(4) risk assessment. The risk of the risk of the criterion layer is obtained by using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and then the risk evaluation result of the HY training center building project is obtained. Finally, it is concluded that the highest risk is the technical risk , The lowest for environmental risks. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
(5) risk response. According to the previous analysis of the project risk and the results of the risk assessment, the risk management strategy and the specific method of the HY training center building project are formulated objectively.
(6) Conclusion and Prospect. Mainly elaborated the research conclusion, the insufficiency and the future research direction of the thesis.
Through the risk management of the HY training center building project, it is expected to apply the risk management theory to the project, reduce the losses caused by the project risk and improve the project risk management level.
Key words: risk management risk identification risk assessment
1、绪论 7
1.1研究背景 7
1.2 研究目的及意义 8
1.2.1研究目的 8
1.2.2研究意义 8
1.3国内外研究现状 9
1.3.1国外研究现状 9
1.3.2国内研究现状 10
1.3.3文献综述 12
1.4研究内容、技术路线 13
1.4.1研究内容 13
1.4.2 技术路线 15
1.4.3研究方法 16
1.5创新点 17
2 理论基础 18
2.1.项目管理相关理论 18
2.1.1项目管理概念及分类 18
2.1.2项目风险分类 18
2.1.3项目风险的特征 20
2.1.3项目风险管理的概念及内容 21
2.2项目风险管理的过程 21
2.2.1风险识别 21
2.2.2风险评估 23
2.2.3风险应对 25
3、HY培训中心大楼项目风险分析与识别 27
3.1 HY培训中心大楼建设项目简介 27
3.1.1项目所在区域位置 27
3.1.2项目所在区域情况 27
3.1.3项目简介 28
3.1.3项目风险管理现状 28
3.2HY培训中心大楼项目风险识别方法选取 30
3.2.1项目风险识别 30
3.2.2项目识别步骤 30
3.3HY培训中心大楼项目风险分析 31
3.3.1HY培训中心大楼项目环境风险分析 31
3.3.2HY培训中心大楼项目财务管理风险分析 31
3.3.3HY培训中心大楼项目管理风险分析 32
3.3.4HY培训中心大楼项目技术风险分析 32
3.3.5HY培训中心大楼项目建设风险分析 32
3.4 HY培训中心大楼项目风险识别结果 34
4 HY培训中心大楼项目风险评估 36
4.1 项目风险定性分析 36
4.2项目风险评价指标体系 37
4.2.1项目风险评价指标体系的建立 37
4.2.2确定各项评价指标的权重 38
4.3项目建设风险的模糊综合评价 44
5、HY培训中心大楼项目的风险应对措施 47
5.1HY培训中心大楼项目风险防范策略 47
5.1.1环境风险的防范策略 47
5.1.2经济风险的防范策略 47
5.1.3管理风险防范策略 48
5.1.4技术风险防范策略 48
5.1.5建设风险防范策略 49
5.1.6HY培训中心大楼项目风险应对策略 49
5.2 HY培训中心大楼项目风险具体应对方法 50
5.2.1建立完善的风险管理制度 50
5.2.2建立完善的风险管理组织机构 50
5.2.3加大风险管理培训力度 51
6 结论及展望 52
6.1结论 52
6.2局限性及展望 53
参考文献 54